24 Nov

Sailing ‘round the world of your dreams.
What portion of that sentence seems believable, so much so that we wouldn’t even question it?
How about the “’round the world” part?— as in knowing that the world is indeed a round thing that we could set sail on and be assured that the currents would eventually carry us back home.
Not so very long ago that was a heretical concept—
one that belonged to the dreamers and the crazies.
Based on what could actually be seen with the naked eye, the horizon did indeed seem to bare out the “facts”. Obviously, the world was flat and obviously, the ocean did just flow out and drop off the planet into space…I can see the t-shirts of the day now…
“Down with round
Flat’s where it’s at!”
When it comes to making choices about our dreams, it’s good to consider flat thinking vs round thinking.
Making choices by what we can “see”, by what the consensus of the majority might be at the moment— as opposed to taking risks, sailing into the unknown without so much as a map looks like—well, it makes flat thinking look pretty attractive.Except for one small thing…
Flat world thinking = fear based thinking. Flat telling us to stay where we are “cause you never know where those waters are going to carry you”—perhaps off into the deep, never to be heard from again places.
Believing in the possibility of the round means stepping from firm land onto a vessel that shifts, tilts and is never completely still. Leaving the familiar for the unknown. It calls for faith in the unseen.
Setting sail, leaving port means choosing one over the other–exchanging flat thinking for round thinking. Predictability for promise. The measurable known for the immeasurable unknown.
Both of these beliefs (the flat and the round) were fiercely held by two groups of people not so many years ago. Both beliefs had radically different outcomes. Those who ventured forth found new lands of inspiration, room to grow, and an expanded universe.
Those who chose the flat opted for status quo, support of the powers that be and limited vision.
The world did not flatten because there were those who didn’t believe in it’s roundness.
It stayed, fully shaped, waiting…..
To be believed in and “seen” by those with vision, with hope, with faith.
Sometimes the world we are in at the moment seems flat, the roundness perhaps not visible from where we are standing. We must remember— there is always more to it than what the natural eye can see.
Once we start to question whether it’s really flat or just appearing flat we have already started to change our thinking.
“Forget the Flat
Get Down with the Round!”
“We reward those who draw maps, not those who follow them”
~Seth Godin
“We reward those who draw maps, not those who follow them”
~Seth Godin
Pat Washington
Congratulations Pat! Click here to email me with your snail mail address:)
This has truly been a remarkable adventure. Approaching 4,000 comments of gratefulness so far—the JOY of reading over them is so grounding—reminding me of the things that matter most in life—our love of family, each other, peace, creativity, the abundance of simple pleasures, good health and so much more.
Hard to believe but we are nearing the end of this chapter (6 more days left in November)!!
You have been so wonderful to show up everyday to share yourselves—I figure it’s high time to spill the beans on the last two days of giveaways. Each one of you that has shared will have your names in the hat for these giveaways—each daily comment is equal to one name in hat (so those of you who have commented every day will have your name in 30 times for the last drawing and 29 for the next to the last drawing…follow me??)
The Gratitude Giveaway for November 29 is a Kindle Reader.
The Gratitude Giveaway for November 30 is a $450 Gift Certificate
(To be used on either one of my original paintings or one of my 2014 workshops in Kentucky)
The Gratitude Giveaway for Everyone is a FREE digital download of my newest book containing all the paintings and my writings for the Gratitude Adventure.
(Virtual Hug Included;)
and now…
My 2013 Calendar
I know. You want the calendar.
I figured it was worth a shot….
To get your name in the hat for this and for the big drawings at the end of this month, leave your comment and report back tomorrow to see A) if you’ve won and B) to leave another comment:)
Sharing is good….please share the Gratitude Adventure with one special person today:))
To do so, simply forward it and/or click the Facebook like button on my blog.
(To leave a comment , scroll to bottom of today’s post and click on COMMENTS.Please note, if you received this blog post in your inbox, click here to go to my blog, THEN scroll to bottom of today’s post and click on COMMENTS.
Need more help on how to comment? Click here:)
To Order My 2013 Calendar, Click Here:)
(Supply is limited—Just 2 Days left to order!)
To Subscribe to Dreama’s Art , Click Here:))
Art, Humor and Inspiration–In Your Inbox!
Dreama’s 2013 Workshop Dates Click to View
To reply to this post, email Dreama at:

I am grateful for having this month to reaffirm all the things I am grateful for as November is always my “gratitude” month! Thanks Dreama. Nancy Makar
I am grateful to be able to paint just for the joy of painting. My goal is to enjoy the journey, not the end project just to sell.
I am thankful for finding your artwork on the internet.
I would be extremely grateful for a very furry paper shredder, I’ve got one tubby white girl that needs to catch up on too much paper shredding, she would also be grateful for help, with the job. Teresa in San Diego.
I am grateful that our son and his girlfriend were able to spend 3 relaxed days with us at Thanksgiving – driving 8 hrs each way to be here. He recently decided to venture into work that he loves – a step into the unknown which I greatly admire. No flat world for him!
My heart bursts with gratitude for this glorious world and for the love available to us. I’m grateful that, even through tears of sorrow, we find meaning and love. Thank-you for the beautiful work you do and share.
WOW! Another amazing post, Dreama. Today, I am very grateful to make it home safely on very slippery roads.
I am grateful for those who suggested (and pushed) me to explore the whole round world, not just the same old familiar corner where I grew up. I have indeed found lots of things and experiences unknown to that old, intensely practical me; and the new discoveries have enriched my life immeasurably.
Karen Gifford
I was and am so filled with gratitude – We had 40 people at my Mother’s house for Thanksgiving! The tribe started with five, that added 10, and those 10 have added 7, two more on the way, plus aunts and uncles, a puppy, a paint ball battle, too much to eat, dish pan hands ~~ LIFE IS SO GOOD!! Terri Moore, Bluff Dale, Texas
I’m thankful for my family on this holiday weekend.
Jaquelin perry
I am grateful for me sweet cat Simon whose 5th Birthday was yesterday! We went for a nice walk in his stroller and he loved being outdoors! He provides me with hours of entertainment and love!
I am grateful today for the freedom to choose what I want to do, the courage to try new things, and the hope that my future will be bright. Your daily inspirations this month have shown me the way to follow my heart.
I am grateful for the two wonderful daughters I gained when my sons married.
Grandkids and seeing the world through “new” eyes.
I am so gratefulmthatbi can follow my dreams! It was a long path getting here but all worth it!
I’m grateful today for the beautiful days we
are having here in Folsom. The trees are all in
orange, red and Yellow. Beautiful!
Lori Anderson
Wonderful possibilities out there just waiting….I am grateful for that.
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Dreama, I am grateful for your beautiful daily paintings and inspirations. This month of gratitude has been a good reminder that we should be grateful every day, all year long. We have been blessed with so many things. Even if we have problems, it helps to think positively and ask God to give us strength and guidance to face new challenges. I would choose the cat (I’ve already ordered your calendar).
Judith B
I’m grateful that I have your May workshop to look forward to!
I forgot to add my name–so I will retype. I am so grateful for all my friends. I am especially grateful to have found some of my special ‘old’ friends through Facebook.
Carol Morris
I am so grateful for all my friends. I am especially grateful to have found some of special ‘old’ friends through Facebook.
I’m thankful that I could share a painting with my grandsons — a portrait of one’s first car and a portrait of the other’s rooster strutting thru the yard.
Really grateful for a painting session at sunrise on the river and spending time with my little grandson, a perfect day!Dianne Harrison
So grateful that my mother was not seriously injured when she fell yesterday. vicki morgan
I love your uplifting posts. Thank you! I am grateful for a belly full of homemade pizza that I shared with the family tonight!
I’d take the kitty! He’s so sweet~ I LOVE cats! (of course your calendar is beautiful, too!) I am so grateful for our fuzzy, warm-hearted, goofy friends and my sweet white cat of 21 years. (I love it when you paint them.) ~sue
So grateful for a beautiful day of spending time with my daughter. Next year she will be off to college and I will be longing for days like today.
I am grateful that business has picked up on our street and nice people are buying our art. We hope to make up the losses of last year. We are all being more positive and connecting well with customers. Many become friends. Most are lots of fun. Thanks for your uplifting posts and beautiful art, Dreama.
Mary Moran
I just love your paintings Dreama! I’d love to take a workshop– do you ever come to the east coast– Philadelphia area? Lancaster PA to be specific!
I’m thankful for the sunshine that’s reflecting off the white blanket of snow….
Etta Hermann
Grateful for family, and turkey :)!
Today I am grateful for feeling productive, cleaning and refreshing my studio and having some time to relax as well. Grateful for fresh perspectives. Thanks Dreama–hope your day went well too. 😀
Jean arrived safely from CA. for an East coast visit. She really brightens up our days. We wish she could live closer. Right now we will be grateful for the time we have with her today.
Today, I am grateful for time to myself. I just need days like this every so often.
I am grateful for APPLE CARE you have no idea how many times they have come to my rescue. Excellent service
I am grateful for friends. Lorraine Kendel
Grateful for flexibility and understanding in love.
I am thankful for today, the sun is out and the birds are happily feeding at the feeder outside my window.
Wow Dreama -I would chose Eddie, hands down! (now will that entice you to chose my name??)
Today I am grateful for safe travels, and sunshine after the storms of life.
I am grateful for safe travels and the path ahead!
I feel so grateful to have a supportive husband who is always on my side!
Jan Clemens
I am truly grateful for the growing number of gentle spirits that are stepping up to be true stewards to our struggling planet. We are all in this boat together, and it sure helps when we can pick up an oar and assist in the process of navigation.
I somehow didn’t complete my name in the comment section above…. I’m Holly Rose, and don’t recall ever being called Ho.
I’m thankful for a fun Thanksgiving with my family!
I am grateful for our shelter – when many around us are facing flood damage
Dreama, Dreama, Dreama… you are the absolute wonder … just love to follow your thinking around … it always finds an inspirational spot in my heart and makes me feel hopeful and happy. Thank you for sharing. EQ
I am so happy to have spent a beautiful day yesterday celebrating my mother’s 75th birthday!
#24…small hands that tie apron strings (and hearts) together
faye christian phillips
Two days of Thanksgiving with neighbors and friends. What a delight. Gayle
Today I am grateful for the sunshine that has been hidden for about two weeks and now is shining over Vancouver. And I am about to take the usual circular route of dog walking through my neighborhood with Maggie my little white fluff ball dog. No umbrella today. Yeay! Thanks Dreama.
I am grateful to you, Dreama, for so generously sharing not only the product of your wonderful artistic talent (which is such a delight for the eyes and the soul), but also your engaging writing and inspiring thoughts (which resoundingly strike deep-seated chords within me with each blog posting you create). Thank you!
I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine, blue skies and fresh air on this lovely fall day! Jeanne
I’m grateful for my brisk morning walk at a local park with friends. I’m also grateful to have more free time in the winter months to paint.
Charlotte Stewart
I am SO grateful that God created me as I am, that we are creative beings, the best of His Creation. I love to create with a brush, knife, pencils and paint. Celebrate you.
I am grateful for all the friends I made at one of your workshops.
I am grateful for music – all kinds – but today listening to “Annie Get Your Gun”‘ soundtrack and just loving how uplifting and fun this music is . . .
Cathy J
In years past, I have often resented the holiday season – the hustle, bustle, craziness, wasteful spending, etc. In more recent years, I have paused to appreciate, with tremendous gratitude, the fact that I HAVE a family and people I love around me all the time, and HAVE the good health to be alive to enjoy them and HAVE energy to participate in all the holiday madness. I’m the luckiest person I know. Fran C.
I am grateful to purchase a lovely new camera for my daughter on black friday
Grateful for my mom whose birthday it would have been today – she is gone, but her memory is still strongly in my soul.
Your thought touched me, Pattie, as my mother, has been gone for 8 years and just like you said, she is still strongly in my soul. Thanks for reminding me.
I am grateful for turkey leftovers and some free
time so I can get back to painting!!!
A N D I am grateful for a few more chances
at winning something yet!!!
Monica Dahl
Thanks for the reminder that if I can just persevere a little longer in my ‘flat’ job I will be able to sail out onto the horizon of the ’round’ world! I am grateful for having had the fortitude to be at this job for 24 years and grateful for my health and plans for a more interesting life soon to come.
I am grateful for NPR which has such great programs!
HEAR HEAR to that!
I am thankful for the cooler weather that feels more like Fall.
We all deal with fear. Thanks for putting it in perspective. You are such an inspiring person and I’m grateful for that!
Susan Johnson
I’m going to have a tee-shirt made up that reads: “Forget the Flat! Get Down with the Round!” And maybe some coffee mugs, too. And, if I could squeeze all that lettering onto a plaque, I’d paint it on there, too.
Today’s post is, just as every post has been these past 24 days, inspiring, motivating, uplifting, encouraging and supportive, filled with so much love, and so much joy, and so much of your generous spirit and heart, Dreama. Thank you – not just for these past 24 days, but for your blog posts each time, your thoughts exprssed so beautifully into words on each post, and of course, all the beautiful paintings you share with us.
I am so very grateful to you, Dreama. Grateful for having ‘found’ you in this world wide blogosophere. Your blog, your inspiring thoughts, your beautiful art, your sense of humour and natural wit – all come together one one amazing canvas that is you, and I will be forever grateful for that – for you.
I am grateful for All the FRENCH BLUE in the world! Love, love, love your French Blue painting, Dreama! and I’m a fool for french blue! Especially french blue shutters, and french blue doors and french blue window boxes and FRENCH BLUE CATS! No! wait! now, I’m getting carried away! lol I draw the line at french blue cats!
Linda Perrin
Today I’m grateful for a warm coat and good comfortable boots. I know I’ve been grateful to them before but it would be impossible to be in Paris without them. Yesterday I spent a soggy day walking around the gardens of Versailles. My back hurt so much by the end even with my good boots and orthotics that I spent most of the day in bed recovering. Oh yeah grateful for a warm bed and roof over my head, I’d hate to be sleeping out on the streets. Sea Dean
I am grateful for learning about some healthy food combinations that are also satisfying.
Dana Burton
Today I’m thankful for a warm house as snowflakes blow around outside, and 2 of my 4 grandchildren coming to hang out with grandma. My house will be a happy, busy place.
Lin Haaksma
Today I am grateful for nursig home facilities and those dedicated persons who take care of family for us! Sherry Crouse
Nice post! I am grateful for embracing the roundness of the world and accepting the flatness that can occur!
Today I’m grateful that the sun is out and the wind had died down. Was really cold yesterday!
I am grateful for my husband who got the saw out and cut up MDF board so I have a new supply of painting supports. One big one in the bunch – can’t wait to set sail on the round.
Barb Krell
I’m grateful for leftovers and the down time we are enjoying with the rest of our Thanksgiving weekend! Love having the ‘kids’ all home and in one place! Linda, Nevada
I am grateful for YOU Dreama… you inspire and bring beauty into the world. Thank you for doing what you do.
PS Where are Eddie Bill’s And Eddie Pierre”s gratitude comments… will they be in a future book? Just askin’
Give Thanks Giving. It’s this month’s wooden sign hanging at my front porch. I am so thankful for the loving giving caregivers where I had to place my mother at the first of the month. I’m grateful for my sister and my artist friends for their support, and for finding you, your wonderful Eddies, your color palette and thought provoking essays this month. Life is good and I am blessed.
Placing a mother in a nursing home is a very difficult task…I had to do it recently, too. I am thankful for the support of my family, as well. Sherry Crouse
I am grateful for my husband, children, and friends. And I’m grateful for my brother. He doesn’t realize how much it means to me to be able to share memories of the past with him. We had some tough times growing up but I still feel that in many ways I had a wonderful childhood. I am truly grateful that I am an optimist. Hey, I guess that’s two things I’m grateful for today. Linda Will
I am grateful for my sister. My best friend. 🙂
I am thankful for “modern” conveniences like furnaces that warm the home at the click of a button, cookstoves, hot & cold running water, and automobiles. It is humbling to think of the millions and millions of people on the planet who have none of these comforts.
Veronica Carey
Grateful for the amazing art you make!
I’m thankful I can wake up every morning knowing it’s my choice how I handle the day and what it brings me. It’s always our choice on how we decide to react to every situation ….I feel very sad for those who forget that and feel they have lost that control. Wake up every day with a smile and control your own happiness!!! Thank you, Monica Avila
Another amazing sunrise over the mountains this morning, tea pot making noises, dogs snoring nearby, and Dreama’s most excellent words to ponder! Who could ask for more? Thank you.
M.B. Harrison
I am grateful for the reminder that “going over the edge” is an adventure. Thank you
Grateful to have so many people that care for me! Life is GOOD!!!
I won! I won I won I won!! I had just been thinking recently, “I never win anything…” and then I came here, started reading, saw my name, put down my laptop, went to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee, came back to the screen and looked again. 🙂
Today I am grateful for the internet, which has allowed me to learn about cool artists like you. 🙂
I won earlier in the month, and your comments reflect just how I felt at the time. I was ecstatic to have won, and it was only 5:30 in the morning so I had to cheer very quietly so not to wake my husband!
🙂 It was fun, wasn’t it, Holly?
I am thankful for the reminder that my flat world of late is still round. I just need to remember to tiptoe to the edge and look over more often. 😉
I am grateful that my husbands health is improving.
For my grandchildren, I’m grateful.
Today I am greatful for my 11 year old grandson who still loves to come out and stay overnight with us. Last night he told me he felt comfortable here. We enjoy him so much!
A strong woman in our community passed yesterday after fighting 9 months with Pancreatic cancer. Reflecting today on her life and her impact on the students she loved. Thankful to have called her my friend.
I am thankful for the differences we share.
Thank you for being such an inspiration! I’m grateful that over a decade ago I thought “round” enough to finally quit my real job to sail off on an art career even though I was in fear of falling off the edge! As I’ve said many times, my wallet is a little flatter but my heart is a lot fuller. Life is good. 🙂
I am grateful for FAITH in God and His promises.
Carol Hickerson
I am grateful today that my sister and brother are still happy and healthy
I am grateful for a husband and son who generally keep me laughing! A sense of humor is a wonderful thing. 🙂
I am grateful that my parents left their country, leaving all they had behind to give my sister and I the freedoms we enjoy in these United States of America.
Sometimes it is hard to choose between what we know and what lies ahead. Those who choose to stay and hold on to their homes and wealth lost it all to a horrible dictator and communism. Those that chose the unknown when America opened her arms to us at first encountered struggles but it was so well worth it to have the one thing that a human being cannot live without. Freedom of choice. Thank you Dreama for helping me remember during these days of Thanksgiving with my family.
I’m grateful for number 24, our family’s lucky number – the date of my birthday, our anniversary, and my niece’s birthday (today) – and today’s post. Thank-you, Dreama!
I am so grateful for the sense of peace I have had this Thanksgiving season. My daughters, now out on their own, are showing wonderful signs of independence and growth. But for this holiday season, I had them both (one with her husband and my 3 year old granddaughter)over for the holidays. My parents are alive and well as well as my sister-in-law and her husband (all came over to celebrate the feast as well). I feel at peace and so very blessed in this present moment……
As I sit here in my comfy chair, I look around me and see my 2 dogs Tipper and Charlie asleep on their beds. Over on the couch is another dog named Scruffy. There is my 3 legged cat Max on the love seat and little Rachel in the recliner. I’m surrounded by pets and love each one. I am grateful that I have been able to give them a happy home to live in and grateful for the love they give me in return.
I am grateful for a husband who supports and encourages me in my artistic endeavors!
I am grateful for all the girl friends I have met throughout my life. They sustain me.
O but I want the tuxedo!!! My Fav cats!! Down to 2 cats now – old Siamese & a marmalade both males who hate each other so they live in separate parts of house! Lost 17+ yr old female this summer & gave away another female that killed my birds if she got outside. Have had numerous God sent pets(strays) in my 70 yrs. Guess we’re downsizing now. Foxy (Chorgi) Chow/ Corgi mix rounds out current stock.
Have had up to 5cats & 3 dogs at one time! Absorbing daughters extras at times!! But I’m THANKFUL for all!!!
I’m grateful for my feet and all my toes that keep me balanced and ready to go.
I am grateful for my cyber friends who continue to support my blogging and art attempts. xoxo
I am grateful to have sold a painting this week. It brings such joy to me that someone likes my art enough to buy it. It really makes me happy that they will enjoy my art for years to come and I am happy I will be leaving some of my passion and feelings behind in my paintings when I am gone.
Marilyn Troutman
I am grateful for…
having friends that are positive thinkers and share joy in their lives. I hope that I can be an uplifting spirit to others as well.
Today I am thankful for my cat, Shanookum.
I am grateful for awakening to the power that I have within. Thank you.
Merci Dreama pour l’inspiration ,le courage, la joie que vos écrits suscitent chaque matin. Je sais que vous aimez le français,vos voyages en France ou sont nos origines ,nous, canadiens français , le prouvent…C’est pourquoi j’ ai pris l’initiative de vous faire travailler un peu pour la traduction…Merci Dreama
I am grateful for the people that enjoy the artwork that I do. Making art is enjoyable, sharing art feeds my soul.
love your “round & flat” post. we live in a world full of so many possibilities. i’m thankful for that.
I am grateful for my friend Rocky.
Brenda Gibbs
I am so grateful for the art world and the internet today so I can give,receive and explore this round world!
Grateful for having a wonderful supportive family in both my round and flat ventures.
Thank you for your thought provoking post this morning. I am ready to risk it on the “round”.
Today I am grateful for a balance of “flat” and “round” in my life. I am fearless (round) when it comes to painting, yet grounded (flat) in my goals, slow as that progress is. 🙂
Grateful for the many joys this art world has brought into my life. One of the best is “seeing” the world in such a clearer more colorful way and having faith to go after that! Thanks Dreama!
I’m so grateful for Dreama’s initiation of this gratitude journey because I’m more than ever aware of the countless reasons to BE grateful! And her every day’s written expression has had something to say to me personally. Sheri
I’m grateful to be going to Hilton Head for a week and spending time with friends and painting.
I’m grateful for my granddaughter, Charley. And to be blessed with good health and the time to paint with friends.
The dark of night can be restful as I snuggle down with my loving husband in our comforting bed. But like the birds in the morning, I am so grateful for the rising sun that breaks the dark with spreading light. I am eternally thankful for the Son.
I am grateful for life and health today as everyday, as well as my friend Joanne whose birthday we will celebrate together tonight. (And my wonderful niece, Mary, in Seattle whose birthday it also is today!)
Arleen Turzo
When you look ’round’ it’s amazing what you discover. It’s really more like uncover than discover. You uncover and recognize something that’s really been there all along, just waiting for you. That’s what I’m grateful for, the support that’s always there even when we don’t ‘see’ it.
Today I am grateful for hope. It is what keeps me moving forward on the most difficult days.
I’m grateful that Eddie lives clear over on the other side of the country. 😉 And for finding Artists Helping Artists to provide inspiration and motivation.
I have so enjoyed each day’s participation in your wonderful Gratitude Adventure – thank you for reminding us to be grateful every day – even every moment! I am grateful for the joy of the rain pouring down to cool the air from the heatwave we were having! I am grateful for the aromatic cup of coffee I have just drunk and the anticipation of starting a new painting! Thank you, Dreama, for sharing your life with us.
Alma Marshall
I’m feeling grateful that I found you & your uplifting art, Dreama, and glad that I chose to take part in The Great Gratitude Adventure; it has really helped to keep the positive energy flowing through my life each day & my focus on what I’m grateful for everyday ~ Having my name drawn for Thanksgiving Days give-away was an added bonus ~ Thank you. Sweet Movie Dreams ~
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.