23 Nov

During the Creative Process
I think you know the answer.
What do you plan to do about it?
Where your talents and the needs of the world cross lies our calling”
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because the world needs people who have come alive.

Here’s tomorrow’s Gratitude Giveaway:))
To get your name in the hat for this and for the big drawings at the end of this month, leave your comment and report back tomorrow to see A) if you’ve won and B) to leave another comment:)
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Thank you for taking time to do this.
Sorry, to be alittle late I wss quite busy cooking. My very favorite color is french blue if I had to pick one color I mean. Today I’ thankful for God and all good things in my life. My husband , family, and all my artist friends due to Dreama linking us together . Dreama beautiful paintings, words of wisdom and inspiration. God Bless You this thanksgiving. Nancy Piros
I tried and tried to post this yesterday from my phone since I was out of town…but no luck! Yesterday was my birthday and I was (and am) grateful for another one!
Today I’m grateful for a nice warm kitty on the lap. What a glorious feeling. No wonder old single ladies become cat people.
I have so many things for which to be thankful, it is difficult to choose among them. You Dreama, make me realize how special our World and the people in it is. Thank you.
Pat Steedle
I want to say a special thanks to you for sharing your work. I love it all. Your colors are awesome. I paint in that other media (watercolors) but I so enjoy your oils. Hope we meet someday 🙂
I’m grateful for a wonderful day at the movies and a little shopping too!
Thankful for modern conveniences. I was telling my grandkids how it used to be — just like my grandmother did. It was so good to have them spend the night. And honestly, I’m glad I found the recipe online for Carnival Cruises Warm Chocolate Melting Cake. I love that stuff with ice cream.
Today I’m very thankful for online shopping!!! Thanks, Monica Avila 😉
I am grateful that the dishes are done and most of the leftovers are gone.
Today I am so thankful for friends…to laugh with, cry with, create together and who inspire me!! God love those women!!
I am grateful for a sunny day, being able to paint today – no crazy black Friday shopping for me. I woke up thinking about my painting – I like to take a few moments before getting up to think about plans for the day – often about painting. Life is good!
Judith B
I am thankful my little dog that keeps me company and loves me.
I am thankful for our pastors.
One thing….love! Love of creating, family and friends.
Thankful for a lovely day to spend with my husband.
Wow…what makes me come alive…the images in my head and the stories that need to get out. I’m so grateful I have them…they fuel my painting passion!
I am grateful that my parents raised me with standards of decorum, morality, and education. They have served me well over the years. Veronica Carey
Today I am thankful for a day with my sisters.
I am grateful for a day of sunshine and lots of laughter with family. And the comment “Look at that sunset Mom ” from one child and “You should paint that” from the other. Linda Will
Thankful for shopping and lunch with my girls.
vicki morgan
I am grateful for the return of good health.
Pat Kreppert
I’m thankful for Dreama’s blog encouraging me to have a grateful heart..
Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings-
William Arthur Ward
I am grateful today for Dreama’s blog this month because it keeps me thinking about all the good things in my life.
I am grateful to have discovered God who is Love in my life. I am full of gratitude for His love each day for me and every person on earth
Dreama, thank you for all your talent and inspiration. That is what I am thankful for,this connection with you.
I am grateful to be part of a thriving art community in the beautiful Creston Valley, BC!!
I am thankful for God’s enduring love, turkey leftovers and a toasty fire on this blustery evening.
Charlotte Stewart
I’m grateful for family and friends during this holiday season.
I am grateful for today spent with my husband and his sister and the joy we brought her with our visit.
Marilyn Troutman
I am thankful for a crisp, clear, fall day and good friends to share it with.
I am grateful my husband and brother just went to the market and my sister in law and I get to stay home and relax!
Thankful for a weekend of plans with friends and family. A joyful day with my daughter and her new puppy.
Grateful for your inspiration Dreama. Feeling under it all today…
I am so grateful for quiet time in my living room this morning while the sun shone in. I sat like a cat and soaked in the sun’s warmth and cheerfulness! Eddie would have loved it. 😉 Thanks for your thoughtful post Dreama. 😀
I am grateful for today, a day to chill out and refresh.
Grateful for a lazy morning making pancakes for my grandkids who slept over last night. Love those lazy mornings.
Myra Patin
Colorado Springs, CO
Grateful for another beautiful sunny day and
opportunity to spend the day with family all
Monica Dahl
Today I am grateful for a lovely Thanksgiving with family (at least some of them) and for the fact that my husband encourages/tolerates my creative bursts of energy, whether from paint or charcoal or assemblages of all sorts. I am also grateful that I get to close the door on my “studio” and leave the mess in place for each new adventure/expedition.
Karen Gifford
I am grateful for friendships, and those times we can help each other with something!
I’m thankful for a great movie yesterday. The Life of Pi had beautiful scenes and was a great story. And someone else was home cooking my dinner while enjoyed the movie!
I am grateful to God for my sight, that I can see all the beauty of those around me, and the faces of loved ones.
I am grateful that my daughter is finally of the age where we can talk together and do things together with no more teenage
mother/daughter syndrome to get in the way.
It’s a joy to have a new friend.
I’m grateful that my husband is finally getting over that terrible cold he’s had the past three weeks. I’m not grateful that I’m getting one.
THanksgiving and Gratitude go hand n hand. Around the dinner table each of our family members expressed their gratitude for something they appreciated. The best thing was that everyone appreciated our family and we all love each other. I feel our Thanksgivings are always the best day of the year due to our appreciation to each other and ability to express it. It brought tears to my eyes.
Merry Lund
That one thing is the love…the unshakeable, unbreakable loving bond between my beloved husband and myself. Come what may, we are there for one another. In the brightest of sunny days, and in the most formidable of storms that come our way, we are there for one another, holding on to that love, that bond, moment to moment, day to day, year to year.
I hope everyone that celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday had a wonderful holiday, and had the chance to spend time with family members, loved ones and friends.
I’m grateful for the much-needed mini day break and long, beautiful and scenic off-the-beaten-path drive we took today, which led us to the beauty that is the Glencar waterfall and the majestic and mesmerizing Ben Bulben. I’m grateful that Ireland has adopted me, and has been so welcoming.
I am grateful that every day I am given the privilege of living in a great nation that allows freedom for all, and especially for those who serve in our military to ensure that freedom. My oldest son is serving in the US Navy and will be deploying in a few days. I pray for his and all service men and women’s safety as they do their job. THANKS!
Grateful for the quiet in our lives that somehow manages to override the commercialism of our days
I am grateful for my family and friends and the inspiration I receive on a daily basis.
Carol Argue
Today I am thankful for knowing better than to go out there and deal with the maddening crowds in the stores! I have enough and that is wonderful.
I am grateful for internet access to SO MANY beautiful images and ideas . . . inspiration and motivation for a “happy” day!
Cathy J
I am grateful for laughter shared with friends, especially the kind where you can’t even look at each other without losing it.
Barb Krell
I’m grateful for family food football and fun times! Loved having everyone gathered in one place for the day…Linda, nevada
I’ll try again. I’m thankful for my family and thankful for all the animals and pets we have in our lives.
Brenda Gibbs
I’m thankful for my family. And thankful for al the animals and pets we have n our lives.
I’m thankful for this day.
I am grateful for our family traditions which have been handed down from past generations. It’s fun to watch our daughters cook family recipes, which connects them with their ancestors. Knee deep in flour or stirring the gravy, they have joined the thread which binds us together.
I am grateful that I was able to connect with both siblings yesterday and they are having quality time with their kids this Thanksgiving. Cindy K
I’m grateful for having my sister and her husband visiting from Tahoe. I’m also grateful for our Thanksgiving dinner last night.
Loud and noisy and fun. 28 people and 10 kids from 4 to 22. Wish I could stop time for a few years.. Lori Anderson, Folsom, CA
I am grateful for the wind-chimes that are ringing outside my window on this cold winter day.
I am grateful to have a warm home on a cool, windy day.
Arlene M., Ontario
I am grateful for a perfect day to go hiking.
I am thankful for friends and family and cozy cabins to snuggle up in and bright sunny mornings
I am so grateful for the Thanksgiving feast we shared yesterday with friends and family that traveled long distances to be here.
Today I am thankful for all the people who have to work on holidays to keep our world turning, Policemen,firemen,waitress’,cooks. hope all of them had a safe day.
I am grateful to have a loving husband who is scrubbing those pots I dirtied yesterday.
I am thankful for today.
Annette Proimos
I am grateful today for the vet who makes house calls so my cat won’t have to freak out going to the office.
I am thankful for our new home in the country.
I am thankful I live in America. Still want to visit the rest of the planet.
I am grateful for the artistic talent God has given me.
Carol Morris
Today I get to take my nieces and brothers for a picnic in Yosemite National Park. I am so thankful to live near the park and always enjoy sharing its magnificence.
M.B. Harrison
I am grateful that my friend shared your blog with me. It makes me happy to see your paintings and words.
I am grateful for the loving, fun-filled forty years of my son Andy’s life and for the things that I have learned about life since then. I love you, Andy, and will always miss you.
Mary Moran
Thankful for the ability to shop online, with special prices already started yesterday. All holiday shopping is done, with free shipping! Yea!
Giving thanks for opportunities to connect with family and friends yesterday – as always a wonderful celebration of thanks.
I am thankful that my daughter was accepted into the college of her choice!
Every day, including this one,I am thankful for the contentment I find in the process of painting, whether or not the outcome is a keeper.The “wipers” and “start-overs” are failures; they’re lessons of value. Sheri
I am grateful for the morning, the start of a new day of being alive to play with paint!
Today I am grateful for the drive within me to keep pushing for my “one thing” . Although it waxes and wanes at times, somehow it keeps holding steady keeping me on the path. Thanks for another great post Dreama!
Grateful for the peace that has enveloped me as I’ve walked this thankfulness journey this month.
I am grateful for so many things. Today I am thankful for my husband’s brother and his wife for hosting a beautiful Thanksgiving feast. They are fantastic.
Thank you so much for your inspiring words of wisdom daily! Your writings made each of us think of our role in life and how we can better our lives! Sherry Crouse
I am thankful for the beautiful day to come…
Thank you that I don’t need a thing. I can sit and relish the wonder of the day.
Grateful for the change of seasons.
I am grateful I can spend my day peacefully painting instead of being mauled at the mall.
I am thankful for my wonderful family, including in-laws. I love them all.
I am grateful for 2 things that call to me everyday many times a day in fact. Frequently I Am sad to say that I let the other stuff interfere and harden my hearing. But I begin each day in the morning all over again determined to follow the calls to Faith and Art…2 things that bring me joy when all else fails.
grateful for my in-laws
Gee, Dreama, I think I missed a day or two because I was busy giving thanks with and for family, and all that that implies. I am still full from yesterday, I think.
I am grateful for the feast we had yesterday, and my beautiful daughter’s help. And I am grateful for all the leftovers, which means I don’t have to cook anything for a few more days!
Grateful for the time today to work on a term paper.
I am thankful for daily bread(in all its forms).
Dana Burton
I am thankful for watercolor.
Thankful to have time to read this blog daily! A great start to another day!!!
I am free to paint on a beautiful day. What’s not the be thankful for!
Vicki Brevell
I am THANKFUL for another day with family, great food, and rest.
Carol Hickerson
I am thankful for your profound words which always make me stop and think about what is REALLY important in our lives. You are such a wonderful blessing!
The “one thing” that has woven itself through my entire life has been making art in one form or another. Most often I was too busy doing a “real” job or raising children to give it much attention. I’m thankful that now I semi-retired and can devote more time to painting.
I am so thankful that I don’t need or want anything badly enough to face the Black Friday crowds!
I am called by, and grateful for, occasional silence. The opportunity to listen to silence.
Another Thanksgiving with friends today. What could be better than that?! Gayle
I’m so grateful that I don’t have to go anywhere near a mall today.
The one thing that always calls to me is the ocean. Born in an island country within it’s embrace, wherever I live, I try to be close to it. It inspires me and always makes me feel at peace. Today I am thankful to be looking out on it’s beauty as I have my morning coffee.
Grateful today NOT to be standing in line and fighting crowds to do Black Friday shopping! So thankful for online shopping!
Today I’m grateful for joys and memories that were shared during a great Thanksgiving dinner.
I am thankful for a wonderful nights sleep. I feel refreshed! Sleep nourishes your soul, helps you to see the day with new “eyes”. Colors more vibrant and love molecules keep multiplying…..
patty o
Today I am grateful for being home with the kiddos!
Today I am grateful for the one thing that nourishes my life, love……love for God, family, friends, art. Love drives all and nurtures all.
Opportunities and friends to share them with.
In this year my family has added a new son in law and three (my first) grandchildren.
Today I am thankful for my furnace.
Today I am grateful for turkey noodle soup.
#23…stepping into new shoes of joy
faye christian phillips
Today I am grateful for new friends and new family. They add a new splash of color to my palette of special people in my life.
I am grateful for life and health today, for God’s loving care, and for a warm, cozy day off to paint.
Arleen Turzo
I am grateful that I know who I really am and that we are all one and we are all love. Love is all there is and that keeps me excited, and smiling and looking forward!
Alma Marshall
The one thing for me is faith – a magical, pure, warm strength to keep on facing and managing all that life sends me, and courage i to keep giving all i can of myself, to encourage and support other people
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