1 Nov

Before the Creative Process
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From the seemingly tiniest of things (the last few of my roses, parked in a water glass right where I am currently sitting to write) to the really big things like….I got up feeling great this morning…my body responded with ease, my ears could delightfully take in my favorite music–my hands cooperated in fixing me a delicious cup of coffee with fresh cream—well, you get the picture.
Before my feet even touched the floor, there was a long list of things on the gratitude side of life.
Allowing ourselves to “see” what is around us literally, also opens our eyes to “see” what we normally can’t see.
A twinkle of a thought, a glimmer of an idea. Sharp eyes, a mind focused on the good things–opens our vision to see that which we long for.
True inspiration.
It’s like our radar gets a tune-up each and every time we count up the good stuff. We find ourselves scoping the horizon, looking for the good:)) We see things with new eyes. Something small that perhaps would have been buried under a cloud filled mind, suddenly sparkles in the sun like a small chard of glass on the beach.
The aha moments are always there. Changing your focus through gratitude is what gives us the 20/20 vision to SEE them!
Same it goes for the evening. Ending a day with recounting all the goodness that spilled out onto your path in a thousand ways is a good note to end on. It sets the mind for dreaming and visioning all the inspirations our hearts can hold. Make it a game if you like. Try not to repeat the same things. Exercise your mind in noticing the gifts that were unique to that particular day that is now closing.
It is one day of your life, filled with gifts that boggle the mind, if we just take time to slow down and count ‘em.

“Pink Moon, Big Magic”
Here’s tomorrow’s Gratitude Giveaway:))
What are you grateful for today??
Remember to share this adventure with someone you love.
To reply to this post, email Dreama at:

I am grateful to be a creative soul who can think divergently and act often, with a sense of humor. Sometimes, I can see hope in every pothole, by adjusting my thinking 7 seeing a little differently.
Change that pothole!
Drop letters p o t.
Place e into place behind the p.
That is how hope comes out of every pothole,it
helps in sm moments of stress, helps switch focus and often brings a smile .Madeline
I have forgotten to add my name to my last two posts so here it is first and foremost! Nancy Makar I am!!!
My gratitude spreads far and wide today as I was able to come home early from work and am headed to watch the sunset on the gulf and take a few photos! Grateful for work and grateful for play.
Grateful for witnessing democracy at work, with the people’s vote overpowering big corporate donations in an effort to control government.
I am grateful for our fireplace. On a cold fall evening, my husband and I have our best talks around the fire.
Grateful for my own tolerance that has been strengthened thru this trying election season.
Not too grateful for anYthing after last nite, except sound discussion.
Karen JeaN
I am grateful for this beautiful Fall weather.
I am grateful for the fresh insights you give us such as celebrating our “quirks”. I still have the same long straight hair I had in school, which drives my mother crazy. And yet, my hairdresser says I have the healthiest, shiniest hair of any of her clients! Thank you Dreama for reaffirming the uniqueness in each of us! God Bless.
Grateful that so many people went out and exercised their right to vote.
Today would have been my mother’s birthday – I am grateful for the years that we had together and the fact that she is watching over my family from heaven.
I am grateful for our democratic society and that we can VOTE. I am also eternally grateful that this election is OVER! tired of the ads.
Nancy Toth
I am thankful for my family and friends.
Karen Chamblin
I am thankful for color, especially in paints, but also in fabrics, and yarn, and everything else we can find to create with.
Being able to watch, listen to and smell the beautiful ocean as it rolls and crashes ; watching the color changes of the sky and water; feeling the tingle of inspiration all this brings WOW! How blessed I am!
Gloria Benedetto
Today I am thankful for three beautifully grown children and their spouses.
Today, I must admit, I am grateful for my two dogs, who love me and my husband as if we were the center of the universe. Canine companionship cannot be over-rated!
I am thankful for my son’s safe trip home to spend the weekend with his new wife. I’m also thankful for her support in his year of graduate school and being away for this year.
Becky Frame
I am inspired by seeing how one petite artist can touch so many lives….very special Dreama!
I am grateful the hot weather has eased off. and it has cooled down in San Diego. Teresa Ross.
I am grateful for the warm puppies curled up beside me each night.
I am grateful for my dear young grandson who is loving and kind to spiders and frogs and everything living.
Good Night Dreama!!! I am grateful for a
warm house and the peaceful quiet surrounding
me…with the occasional dog sneeze and cat
galloping by, of course…but still peaceful.
All is calm, that’s a lot to be grateful for!
Monica Dahl
I am grateful to be healthy enough to take a trip to St. Louis Mo. to celebrate my 72nd Birthday
Pat Kreppert
Karen Gifford I am grateful today for the lovely Texas autumn, the super hot days are gone, but all the lovely flowers are still blooming, hibiscus, petunias, geraniums and roses — all within a short walk. Makes me realize just how fortunate I am.
I am grateful my mother is still healthy and I will be driving to see her next week.
Vicki Morgan November 2, 2012
So thankful to be safe and sound in Kentucky, but pray for hope for those who feel so hopeless on the east coast.
I finally had to click on the little “comments” word at the end of your posts today, which immediately follows your Gratitude Adventure section. Once I clicked on “comments” I scrolled down past the posted comments & found the comment box where I could post mine. Yesterday, Nov.1st, I had no problems & posted in the comment box on your blog just fine. So I don’t know why it was missing today.
Grateful for food, shelter, clothing, & family. Praying for those surviving the NE storm disaster.
I am grateful that I spent a beautiful day listening to a lecture on John Singer Sargent and watched a portrait demonstration in a beautiful garden. Yeah!!
Hi, today I am grateful for a husband that likes my art and encourages my artistic endeavors.
After watching the news I must say that I’m thankful for what we consider the basics — food, clothing and shelter. When we see disasters it not only calls us to action but reminds us of how much we have in America.
I am grateful for my unfettered assistant, my cat, Beatrice. She has a rejoinder to anything I say to her.
Today I am grateful for my husband. When I’m ‘up’, he flies with me, and when things get scary he holds me tight and tells me everything will be all right. Just what I need…. and more.
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It was a wonderful start to my morning. Walking the beach at 6am and seeing the moon shining down on the water, sparkling like little diamonds.
The soft lapping sound of the water as it washed up on the beach. Life is wonderful!!
Debbie Shrader
Today, I am grateful to have a reliable vehicle to drive.
I am thankful I have food on the table, a dry place to live and a family that loves me.
Marilyn Troutman
I am grateful that my daughter and only child is coming home to visit this weekend.
I am very grateful for my warm cozy home and good health. I am grateful that I got in your July 2013 workshop, too
I am very grateful for my warm cozy home and good health. I am grateful that I got in your July 2013 workshop.
I forgot to add my name above.
Karen Chamblin
I’m so grateful that I was able to go to my son’s house today and help my daughter-in-law paint our FIRST grandchild’s nursery! But I’m not grateful that I had to cancel out on Dreama’s workshop in Carmel, Indiana, the last week in February, but I’m VERY GRATEFUL that is the week our little granddaughter is due! Sorry Dreama, but looking forward to your 2014 workshop list.
I am grateful for my pastor and his wife. On an unusually busy and crazy Friday, they stopped in to drop off something unexpected and oohed and ahhhed over my paintings. Just the affirmation I needed to lift my spirits this afternoon.
Myra Patin
Colorado Springs, CO
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I’m grateful we didn’t have any damage or lose power from the hurricane.
Today I am grateful for the increasing abundance of gluten free and dairy free foods now available a mere 30 minutes away. Makes my poor stomach so happy and pink not mad and red!
You are an inspiration!! And your work is wonderful. I am thankful for artists like you.
Laura Batzli
Today I’m thankful for my good health and all the simple everyday things that money can’t buy!
Day 2 brings appreciation for the beautiful sunny blue sky after a week of grey, grey, grey. It makes you want to get your paint brush wet to capture the beauty….true inspiration!
Jo Ann Simon
Sorry for earlier, it posted 3 times, I posted from my Mobile phone, and it posted more than once, sorry about that
I am grateful that I get to see my aunt Ellen and her husband. all the rest of my relatives tomorrow for a belated memorial for my uncle Steve. Sad but it will be nice to see everyone and break bread tomorrow night.
I absolutely love looking at your paintings!! I see so much emotion in them!!! TODAY, I’m grateful for my wonderful husband and best friend. We’ve been married 32 years, and have fought through the ups and downs to stay committed to each other and the promise we made so many years ago. I love him more each day.
I am so grateful that my elderly parents now living in New Jersey didn’t have to deal once again with the total destruction of their house. Grateful that all family in the northeast are safe.
I’m happy I spoke to my daughter in New Zealand and she is well. Frances Small
I’m grateful for having a sweet and loving husband who knows how to laugh with me.
Today I am am grateful for the nurses who helped me through my surgical tests yesterday. They knew I was afraid and they knew how to help. All test came back with good news and I am more than thankful for that. What a wonderful day it is.
I’m grateful for all the beautiful things had happened in my life. Anita Estrada Zorrilla
I woke up this morning and saw 3 sun flowers had opened up! I planted them pretty late, but never thought that I would have them blooming in November. I am grateful. I can feel their sunshine in between the rain drops.
Two. I am grateful to have a show coming up for which I will deliver lots of paintings next week! Actually, I am grateful for all opportunities to show my work. Very.
Grateful for the changing of the seasons!
I am grateful today that the North Carolina mountains are full of sunshine and the cold, dreary snap of weather has passed and it’s a warm 60 degrees out today.
Kay Rose Sloat
I am thankful for a living Savior Jesus who guides me everyday.
I am thankful for a living Savior Jesus who guides me everyday.
I am thankful for a living Savior Jesus who guides me everyday.
I am thankful for a living Savior Jesus who guides me everyday.
I am grateful for the change of season appearing right before my very eyes. The golden leaves which now adorn my driveway, the crisp blue sky and mostly, being able to see and experience these changes.
Grateful for people like you. 😉
I am grateful that I was able to retire early and spend my days with my husband.
I am grateful for being able to look out at a beautiful forest with sturdy trees, bright golden leaves, with misty fog weaving all through. 🙂
I am grateful for the wonderful, inspiring people in my life. I have so many! Thank you <3
Sheri Freshour
I am grateful that Max came into my life and we had 6 wonderful years before he crossed the rainbow bridge. He was the most amazing dog.
I am grateful for a leisurely morning–only the deadlines that I choose.
I am grateful for all the passion people have for the elections and that they fight for their voices, even when I don’t agree with them.
grateful for the people who keep me lifted up, the ones that encourage and have a kind word during a time of change or new direction–they are priceless and a balm to the spirit.
Dreama, I am thankful for a plentiful supply of fresh, pure and safe water today. I have just finished the book entitled, “Your Bodies many Cries for Water”, by F. Batmanghelidj and was reading this book about water when the Storm Sandy hit the east coast. I am so grateful for my water today and pray that everyone on the east coast can acquire a safe supply of water after this storm.
I am grateful for my life, the trial and even the ups and the downs. they all make for an interesting and full life.
Grateful for the opportunity to fly to Grande Prairie in northern Alberta today to teach “Fluid Acrylics as Watercolour” weekend workshop to an eager bunch of folks. Please send up good wishes for me?
I am grateful for my sweet and loving husband who is always supportive, generous and caring for his family in every way! Linda
Thank you so very much Dreama! I am ECSTATIC that I won!!! 🙂 I will have a big smile on my face all day. :))))
I’ve also started taking a photo of the thing I am thankful for every day and then when the month is over I plan to put the photos along with my thoughts of what I was thankful for into a book to look back on and remind myself and my kids of how blessed we are.
Today I am thankful for Children’s Motrin (or Tylenol I guess), which lowered my son’s fever in the night and soothed my mind until I could take him to the doctor this morning. 🙂
I am Grateful for my two Adult Children, their Significant Others and the two Grandaughters my Son and his wife have added to my Life. I feel really fortunate.
Mary Ann
I am grateful for the flexibility I have at work. Without it I would have been considered late this morning when I was stuck in traffic.
I am grateful for my loving husband, my 4 dogs and a roof over my head!
I am grateful for a warm bed and a hot cup of coffee. For so many on the east coast those are luxuries that may be many days away. God Bless!
Hi Dreams – Yesterday I took the time to share my home-grown quince with a fabulous bakery artist who runs a lovely tea shop. In return, she presented me with cardamom green tea. I am grateful for these moments of spontaneous friendship!
I live on the east coast and my dear friend lives on the west coast. I am so grateful to be visiting her right now!
Gloria Benedetto
I am greatful for all my blessings; why? Because recognizing that I have blessings shows me that I have God’s favor and protection.
I am grateful that my daughter has come back to me, and that my husband loves her as his own.
My Mother and the life she’s given me. She was placed into a memory care unit just this week. The staff says she’s adapting well, but this transition period will be a trial, for her and the new unknown, and for me, watching her slip away. Love is the best.
Susan Smith
I am grateful for the opportunity to win something wonderful today!
I live on the Jersey shore. I am very thankful to live in America where I know there is hope to overcome the destruction from Sandy.
I am very thankful that my husband and myself have been married for coming up 47 years now. I was still in my teens and he was only 4 years older when we married. It’s rare these days to have a long marriage like that and I’m so grateful for it.
This morning as I watch the news I am so heartbroken about the devastation in the northeast but I’m grateful for a loving God that hears all prayers and I am praying that He gives strength to those in need.
gratitude for . . .a possible job ($) on the horizon . . .
gratitude for . . .a possible job ($) on the horizon . . .
I am so grateful to be spending the weekend in a log cabin in the mountains with my husband. I can’t wait to absorb all of nature’s beauty!
I am so, so thankful today for my awesome Graphic Design professor, Crispin Prebys, at Wittenberg University. He is so helpful and also a great designer himself!
I’m grateful for electricity and heat and the fact that my life was only minimally disrupted by Hurricane Sandy.
I’m thankful that God gave me an artist’s eye -able to see more color, pattern, texture than the average person. An art student recently said that he didn’t realize there was so much color in the world until he took an art class. It just gives us more to appreciate!
The artist’s eye comment is from S. Simpson…sorry I forgot to add name!
This morning I am grateful that it is not raining so I can go on my morning walk with my friend without an umbrella! 🙂
I am grateful that I have a wonderful doctor and chronic care nurse that encourage and help me to be as healthy as I can be.
I am truly grateful I wore sensible shoes as I ended up standing in line for almost 4 hours at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach yesterday to see First Lady Michelle Obama.
Ever since yesterday’s gratitude opportunity my brain has been spinning with so much to be grateful for that I just have to breathe deeply to try and get a moment of quiet in:) …and then I feel grateful for the ability to breathe deeply!
If I had to pick one thing right now to be grateful for it would be old friends. Friends who have been in my life for years and years and who give me a sense of being loved even though we don’t get to see one another very often.
Thankful that my husband has been so caring of me while I am in and out of convalescence, surgeries with with a terrible broken ankle this past year.
Today I embrace the sunshine and moderate temperature of 50 degrees…pretty warm for November in Wisconsin!
I am new to the painting world and fresh with enthusiasm for the adventure of painting, the creamy quality of paint,and the bouquet of brushes. Dana Burton
Good Morning Dreama! I am so thankful for the SUN!!!! My body seems to require the sunshine, especially as I continue to get older 🙁 I thank GOD for the wonderful sunshine today!
I am grateful for my daughter with her many talents, intelligence, and beauty.
I am thankful for good friends to serve alongside at church. They inspire me with the love they show to all.
I am grateful to have received a call from my gallery yesterday with a message of “Your painting SOLD”!
Always grateful that!
I’m grateful that I know to Whom to direct my gratitude – my savior Jesus whom I met forty years ago today.
Sue Lepsch
Hi Dreama, I’m grateful today for the cool interior of my house. It’s 34 degrees C outside with hazy cloud. In here it is gentler on the skin and eyes and I get to sketch the dogs, who are passed out on the tiled floor.
I am thankful for my 13 year old daughter, who loves the Lord and loves others. She reaches out to kids who are hurting and is such an inspiration to me.
I am thankful for my children and my health…
While I know there is a difference between looking and really seeing for a painter, I am grateful to doctors who have allowed me to continue doing both. After having detached retinas in each of my eyes over five years, I am grateful for the great medical care that has allowed me to keep seeing this big beautiful world and the people I love.
Hello Dreama, I am grateful for a little break in a heavy work schedule…I am fortunate to be spending a few days “at the beach”! One of my favorite things to do is go for a long walk and feel/see/smell/hear/touch the beach.
I am so grateful we sold an artwork last night. In these trying times everytime you sell a piece you are really so grateful. As a professional artist my partner has struggled this year like no other and I am so pleased for him when a sale is made. He feels validated. And for that I am ever so thankful.
Today I am grateful for being born in this wonderful country where dreams do come true.
I am grateful for my husband, daughter, son-in-law and grandson again today…they are all taking time out of their lives to come with me to my outdoor art festival this weekend and help me set up before dawn(!)and break down Sunday evening and with everything else in between. Now that’s a blessing!
There are so many things to be thankful for but today I am grateful for the beautiful sunset last night and the sunrise today. God blesses us with awesome beauty all around us. We need to stop and look and appreciate.
I’m thankful for the practice of making appreciation/gratitude lists. I’ve been doing it regularly, and it is changing the way I think. It makes me appreciate what I have, and it makes me a kinder person.
After having spent a couple of days off work with a cold, I’m grateful to be feeling sooo much better today. I can breathe through my nose; I can smell and taste my food; my head is clear and I feel lighter and skippy! I sooo appreciate this feeling 🙂 🙂
Mandy Parrett
Thank goodness the two deer that crossed in front of my car on the road this morning and my car are both OK and only waved to each other. We all are grateful for the opportunity to see another sunrise.
Joan Terrell
I am so thankful for a peaceful heart and an attitude of gratitude!!! I love reading your blog posts, too. 🙂
Leslie Brasher
Hi Dreama,
I’m glad to be reminded to take a look around once again and vocalize what I appreciate. What a wonderful way to begin the day.
Gayle Nunn
Wow, hard to pick just one thing! I often think of how fortunate I am to be alive at this time in history when we have the ability to engage the world in ways never before possible (like this blog, for instance!:)) So, today, I am thankful for the internet!
Today I am grateful for my good health and the ability to get up and go each morning. People complain about getting up for work, but when health problems keep one in bed, work seems much more appealing! I am grateful for my job!
Mary Beth Harrison
Being grateful never seems to be enough… For those who can’t seem to find anything to do, give me two more lifetimes and I might not even get it all in then! Each day brings us moments and opportunities to make someone else’s life better. The real gift in life is giving it away. We may not share the same riches or lifestyle but we all share the ability to make someone else’s day better. Just think what a world like that might be?
I am grateful for each moment and each opportunity.
I am grateful for good friends… I had planned an outing with my two friends and had to cancel because I came down with a bad chest cold and my friends called to say that they were bringing a big pot of “Kick a Cold Chicken Soup” over for my lunch! I’m thankful for the moments that remind just how blessed I really am through them!
♥ Catharine Fairchild
I am grateful that, at this stage of our lives, my husband and I still have each other, and are able to continue making memories together.
I am grateful for my supportive family as I deal with this injury. xoxo
I am grateful for my painting pals-a group of seven painters who get together every week in one of our homes to paint and share. God put our diverse group together out of another painting class. It’s such a supportive and learning experience for me.
Patty Haynes
Today, I am grateful for the magical gift of sight. I never take for granted the dazzling colors, movement of objects through space, the people I know and love, and all the world around me. Art has taught me to see all over again, both inside and out.
This morning, I am grateful for sinus medicine and hot coffee. Sigh….
I feel grateful for my toaster and refrigerator. Talking about taking something for granted! There are people in the NEast who are not taking anything for granted. Just to pop my 2 blueberry kashi waffles in there and pour the syrup over them and pour a cold glass of milk is a simple joy in the morning. I wish everyone a simple joy today!
I am grateful for wonderful artist friends who winter in Yuma, Arizona every year and gather to share all the lovely things they’ve learned over the summer
I’m grateful for fresh, new eyes. Painting came to me pretty late in life and it has not only changed my life, it’s changed the way I SEE things! Through some amazing instruction and some fabulous workshops I have learned to see even more beauty in beauty that is God’s work.
I am grateful that a missionary to Africa named Andrew Murray (1828 – 1917) wrote so devotedly and so well about prayer.
Robin McEwan
I am thankful for my fingers and hands, my sense of touch, ability to feel, to grasp small items, to stroke furry friends, and to hold loved ones hands.
c.paints [at] yahoo [dot] com
My life is peaceful. I’m grateful.
I’m grateful to be an artist. There’s so much to see & do & think about everywhere. I will never be bored.
I am grateful today for my daughter and son and for the wonderful parents they’ve become to my 5 grandchildren.
As I watch the beautiful sun rise this morning, I am grateful for another day– fresh coffee made by my husband, and sweet kisses from my little Bichon. A great way to start the day!!!
I am grateful for evening walks with my hubby and my goofy but happy dog 🙂
I am so grateful that you started this November journey. I have been struggling with a lot of change and challenges in my life as the primary caregiver for my son and husband. This is the first thing that I have read the past two mornings and it has been a tremendous help to stop and reflect before the day begins and moves so swiftly.
I am grateful I found a job I love and am making new friends. Is that two?
I am grateful that I got to take a workshop with you this year 🙂
I am grateful that my children are healthy.
I am grateful for my Son. He is a blessing to me and my family and quietly inspires me daily. He is strong, faithful, delightfully fun, and a rock in my life.
I too have a vase of “last roses”. So far it’s been filled 3x As I don’t paint I photo them & post to FB!!
Today I am thankful for your encouragement to be grateful for everyday “good” things!
Clear blue air races through a cloudless sky
Wind driven waves send salty splashes to tangle my hair
A sun drenched kiss dampens my cheeks
With a promise of endless summer.
God it’s good to be alive!
I am grateful for color. Isn’t’ it great that we don’t live in a black and white world?
You are so right, Ruth.
I am grateful for my husband this morning. He keeps things going around here. I’m also grateful for my cat-she keeps things stirred up.
Brenda Gibbs
I am grateful for the reminders and the inspiration in your blog this a.m.!
I am grateful for these few moments of early morning quiet, calm, and privacy after the dogs are fed. I’m also grateful for you, Dreama, for inspiring everyone to live in gratitude this month. Thank you….
I’m so grateful and so very blessed by having my wonderful husband in my life for these past 27 years.
He is my best and dearest friend, my kindred spirit. He enriches my life in so many amazing ways. He encourages me, he inspires me, he is kind, patient, caring, a great chef, a gifted artist and musician, who laughs with me, cries with me, lifts me up when I’m down…
He brings me joy. He gives me so much love. So much laughter. He is always there for me, as I am and always will be there for him, through thick and thin, through the best of times and through the not-so-best of times.
For all he does and all he is, I am so very grateful for him entering my life and sharing our lives together all these years.
Thank you so much, Dreama, for this. It is truly inspiring and uplifting. Have a beautiful day yourself today. You are so right – there are thousands upon thousands of ‘things’ – especially the so-called ‘little’ things – that make life so beautiful, so special, so sacred – it’s all there for us to see, to take in, to experience – we need only look, and there they will be.
This morning getting ready for work I feel grateful for my wonderful co-workers. We laugh and have fun while doing a great job. They are friends that have become my family.
There is a moment every morning after I have gotten my first cup of coffee and gone back to bed with it, and relaxed against the pillows, when I tip my head back and close my eyes and am filled with a sense of peace and contentment. I treasure that moment.
I am so grateful for my studio space.It embraces me, challenges me, comforts me and keeps me grateful. Each morning when I turn on the lights I feel blessed. Dianne Harrison
this morning I am grateful for the soft carpet and the heat that keeps my family warms.
Kathy Bunn
I’m grateful for the food on my table & fresh drinking water; there are so many people & animals in our world today that do not have enough of either.
Hi Dreama! I am grateful that I can gaze at your beautiful paintings, and be uplifted and delighted! I am grateful for the reminder that I have so much to be grateful for – that every moment deserves gratitude – so thank you, too.xx
Alma Marshall
I am grateful for the guidance of God in my life.
I am grateful for my wonderful loving husband who is very supportive of all my efforts and ventures.
I am grateful for my wonderful loving husband who is very supportive of all my efforts and ventures.
I am grateful for my wonderful loving husband who is very supportive of all my efforts and ventures.
I am grateful for the perfect weather where I live, Port Townsend, Washington, between the ancient forest and the edge of the sea.
I’m grateful that at this point in my life I’m able to foster little kittens who otherwise may not have survived long enough to make it to a new home. I have a wonderful group of 7 right now and my daughter and I have fostered a total of 34 in the last year. Giving back when you can and however much you can will always make you feel great inside. No matter how small something like this may seem to some, try to remember the impact it DID have on the one you DID help. <3 thank you, Monica Avila
I’m grateful that I was finally able to purchase one of your beautiful paintings!!
Gina Morris
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.