25 Feb

Before the Creative Process
Backyard France
Coming or going, front door or back, the landscape of France is full of delicate beauty. Low stone walls providing good seats for flower pots to sit themselves on, meandering paths, and storybook shaped roofs invite some serious daydreaming time 🙂
Enjoy your day — make some time for you—and your dreams….
In Other News: Workshops are in progress 🙂 My first one here in Carmel ended yesterday and my second one starts tomorrow. There were 2 sets of mother and daughter’s, 3 sets of sisters, 1 husband and wife team, a 5 pack from Holland, MI and by the end of 3 days we were all friends. We had a blast! Photos to follow soon:))
I chilled out today and went to see the movie the Life of Pi, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It piqued my interest when I saw clips of it on the Oscars (Ang Lee won Best Director for it)— probably because of the bengal tiger name Richard Parker that played a starring role in it:)) Missing the Eddies (mums the word–Eddie Bill will never let me live it down) so going to see a big cat on the big screen helped:))

Hello! Is there a canvas print of “Backyard France” available in other sizes than 12×12? Specifically, I would love a 30×30 or similar. Thank you for any information!
Hi Mary–thanks for your interest. This image was never put into print so there is nothing available, so sorry!
ok, that was different….
not your art…the sign in thing….
Love the backyard in France. dabs of lovely color. Wish I could be there in Carmel. Hope you have a class in Albuquerque area one of these days. Santa Fe would work…LOL…I hate to travel and I live in little area called Placitas just north of Albuquerque and south of Santa Fe. It would be wonderful to take classes with you. maybe someday when I retire and have more time for galivanting about.
Thanks Lavon–you do live in a beautiful part of the world for sure:)) You never know where I might turn up to teach!
Your art and writings makes us all happy.
That backyard looks like a little bit of heaven to me. Along with some serious daydreaming time, there’d be a sketchbook and a journal nearby, and of course, either a coffee or a glass of wine. I’m getting warmer just by looking at it…feeling the sunshine doing its glorious thing.
Glad you’re having a great time in Carmel. I’ve friends in Indiana – very happy and proud to be Indianians (emmmmm…is that a word?). That’s what happens at a Dreama workshop, it seems to me – friends, fun and…don’t forget the food!
Awwww…don’t worry – your secret’s safe with me, as far as not letting Eddie Bill know you’re missing him. He’s got little Ed and Phyllis and Maggie to keep him company until you return home, though. But yeah, I know what it’s like to miss our furry friends when we’re away.
I’ve not yet seen ‘The Life of Pi,’ but it’s at the top of my list. The book was/is brilliant.
Enjoy the rest of your Carmel adventures – looking forward to seeing the photos, as always.
June–always love hearing your view of things:))) I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the movie:))
I know you’ve heard this many times but want you to know how much joy you bring into people’s lives with your beautiful and humorous words and lovely paintings.
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