13 May

During the Creative Process
Spring Gathering
These “girls” are the kind who only get together once a year —so when they do, they make a really big deal of it!
Scented lilacs, classy dogwoods and boisterous tulips meet up at their favorite local basket, picking up where they last left off.
In Other News:
My adventures in Whidbey Island, WA are well underway! Lots of artists soaking up springtime on the island and painting the day away! Your roving reporter (that would be me;) will be sharing the scoop in my next post 🙂
If you’d like to come paint with me, my 2013 workshops are full, however my 2014 schedule is now up for your perusal 🙂 Just click here to view!

Love your work!
Dreany paintings!
If I “finish” an oil painting I will send you a picture!
Loved being in your workshop again! (I was one of you repeat offenders!) Loved the workshop, hope to see you again one day. We are planning my husbands retirement in Nov 2014. “YAY!” And will be getting our home ready for sale at that time and getting for our
move to Goodyear, AZ, hopefully, after the sale! Those baby bunnies on Whidbey Island were the cutest I have seen….it also proved that bunnies “really do multiply” fast! Have fun in France……will be looking forward to your postings from “across the pond”! Your friend, Barb McClure 🙂
Hi Dreama, I really enjoyed your class again, its always an inspiration to be around someone that likes color and shows you how to use it to make the most beautiful paintings. I would love to be going on the trip to France, so, put me on the list for next year, once you work out any kinks. Thanks
Beautiful, Dreama. These are my kinda springtime gals.
Have a great time in Whidby Island. Looking forward to all the photos and shiny happy faces of all the artists and their shiny happy colourful creations.
sent it off to several friends…thanks for your “gift” to them!
Beautiful painting with bright and live colors.
Beautiful painting Dreama! I really enjoy your style and colors!
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.