7 Feb

During the Creative Process
A Life of Their Own
These little girls were imported to Kentucky from who knows where—there surely aren’t any tulips poking their heads out around here 😉
I photographed them and then painted them while I was in Florida.
Now here they are with “eyes” from around the world having a look at them.
Wouldn’t their Momma be proud?
P.S. They also made an appearance at my Marco III workshop where they were painted by a whole bunch of peeps—including gals from Mexico City, Mexico and Ireland! They really do have a life of their own 😉
Now, it would be remiss of me if I didn’t bring you up to speed…..
Yes, I did have to be dragged off the beach. Kind of embarrassing for those folks who happened to be in the vicinity—there was lots of blubbering and thrashing going on. (That guy who served the drinks was so sad to see me leave 😉
It was a looong trip back to Kentucky.
Know what these are?
Angry Feet.
Very Angry Feet.
Not to be confused with Happy Feet.
So I am back in the Arctic Tundra…..freezing along with the rest of you devils 😉
Just gonna leave you with a couple of pics to dream on tonight when your all wrapped up in your snuggie sipping your four thousandth cup of hot chocolate for the season…..
In other parts of the world…
It’s balmy and breezy and sunny.
And there are colorful drinks to cool you off 🙂
And places to do nothing but daydream.
Feel free to pull out your watercolor journal and dream away. Put on some ocean sounds, throw down a beach towel and crank up the heat.
Only about 40 days
’til spring 😉

“A Life of Their Own”
12 x 12in oil on museum quality panel
P.S. You know I love you. I only torment the ones I love 🙂 !!
P.P.S. Eddie is sporting a new purple collar on my return—-I have no idea what that’s about but I’ve caught him admiring himself in the mirror more than usual—I have a feeling he picked it up in Key West….

You are so funny. I laughed so hard when I saw the traces in the sand of you..having to be dragged from the beach. I am right there with you girl. I couldn’t agree more with wanting to be right there in that sunshine. I was in Marco Island last year but guess what, the temps were in the 50’s. OMG. You have such a great way with words and making people feel good. I would love to meet you one day. You spread wonderful, good, happy love which this world needs more than anything.
I really hope I can get to one of your shops. I would so love to see how you create your gorgeously colored paintings.
Thank you for being you.
Pingback: Dreama Tolle Perry » Artist and Writer » Sunny Day in Burano and Marco Island…Did Someone Say Sunshine??
Dreama – Thanks for warming me up with a laugh that went right down to my toes 🙂
Oh, yes. They’d have to drag me off the beach in the exact same way, believe me.
We just have to keep focused on the fact that spring time is on her way…looking at the warmth and the colours of those gorgeous tulips you’ve painted (I love this painting!) take all thoughts of frozen toes and cold angry feet that I also am experiencing (though thankfully, we only had a little snow, and it didn’t last more than a day) far, far away. 🙂
That, and also taking your advice on board by getting out my watercolour pad (it felt so good to do that after so long being away from it), put on some music (Chris Rea’s ‘On the Beach’ and Weekend Players’ ‘Walking into the Sun’) and just painted all the warmth in, and – voila! – the cold just magically vanished. 🙂
We were lucky to spend Christmas in NYC with family. The snow combined with airports kept us there a bit longer than planned. Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow!!! But luckily I love to paint it.
Good Morning Dreama! So glad to hear from you. “A life of their own.” Came out so beautiful, with a promise of hope for spring so full of warm sunny colors. I know that had to have lifted all of up up . So, sorry you had to be dragged home. You are so funny! I’m sure everyone at home was very happy to see you. 😉 Hugs, Hugs, Hugs , Me
Love your tulips! Love your brush strokes! Shivered at the sight of your toes in the snow! Thanks for taking us along on your journey!
Ouch! Poor feet! I love the painting and are we seeing a new orange color? Caribbean Orange?
super post. I’m seldom leaving my domicile for anything.
Fantastic post. What size gang did it take to accomplish the drag ?