29 Jul

During the Creative Process
Ahem….WHO’S TO BLAME?? (Shady Business in France)
It has been said the best defense is no defense at all (that’s an Eddie quote). Since my last posting from France was…ahem….a couple of hours a few days several days (okay, okay…weeks ago!)
I am not sure if I need a defense or not but just in case:
Blame it on slow internet (one 3 minute video took 5 days to load to the internet….the price for being out in the country….worth every minute 😉
Blame it on enlarged eyeballs STRAINED from looking at so much beauty 😉
Blame it on whip creme eating Loki cats.
Blame it the 20 loaves of french bread and 8 pounds of butter I consumed.
Blame it on the laundry.

Yes, the big girl panties did indeed travel to France and were duly washed and hung out to dry….;-)
(Please Note: the posting of big panties after I mentioned eating 20 loaves of bread and 8 pounds of butter are totally UNRELATED.)
Blame it on the crepes.
Blame it on the cats Eddie sent to spy on me.
Blame it on the sunflowers.
Blame it on the watercolors.
Blame it on the oils.
(See “Shady Business in France”)
Blame it on “Olé” and “I Don’t Speak English” (direct quotes overheard from conversations my second group of artists inflicted had with local villagers in France—-see what I was working against???)
I would take the title from the old song…Blame It on My Youth—but that would not hold up well since I also managed to have a birthday in the middle of all this mayhem.
All I’m saying is we can pick up the pieces from here if you agree to not bring it up. I’ll be back next post with a few more videos for you and a few things to giveaway 🙂
Thanks for loving me and keeping the reprimands to a minimum 🙂
“Shady Business in France”
9 x 12in oil on museum quality panel

Reason for coming home from France is so you can turn around and go back!
I want a crepe!!!!
Happy birthday, Dreama! What a perfect and wonderful (and delicious) way to spend and enjoy that special day.
As for where to place the blame? It’s hard to place blame anywhere when you’re in France, soaking up all that beauty. It’s a legitimate reason (and no reprimanding whatsoever!) to have a little break from blogging.
But…if we were going to have to place the blame somewhere? Hmmmm…how ’bout this, then? (and dance while we’re doing the ‘blaming’!):
To paint, to photograph, to take part in all things France.
Happy birthday! May you continue to bring warmth and goodness into many peoples homes and hearts for a long time!
Happy Birthday Dreama. What a way to celebrate!!!!
Ahh, glad you are having a wonderful time! Your notes and photos are wonderful. Enjoy . It’s the next best thing to being there!
I think I’ll blame it on the Internet (I know how it is “out there.”) And I’ll also have to blame it on the fromage and vin, if you partake of either of these. I was wondering where you went, glad to see you back.
Just saw a play with a line that will apply…BUTTER, just looking for a place to happen.
Dreama, there is only so much one person can do! I feel strongly that next trip I should accompany you as your assistant!
No excuses needed. International travel really takes it out of you. And, boy, do I love you!
It’s actually rather comforting to me to know that you were too busy to post. When I traveled and sketched in Italy last year, I only managed one Facebook post the entire two weeks, and never got around to visiting my blog even once. I was too busy having fun! I’ve always wondered and marveled at the fact that you communicate so much when you’re away. I’m glad to know now that you’re just human like the rest of us. 🙂
Umm who could possible blame you for enjoying and loosing yourself in France painting away in bliss! It looks like it was an amazing trip. I am Dreaming of taking a class in Italy with you sometime ???
Blame it on anything you want. I’m just happy to have you and your beautiful blog back! (And I always blame things on my cats–they seem pleased to take the credit!)
Perfect complements Art, Cats, and Whip Cream not necessarily in that order. Ejoy them to the fullest.
Glad you are back Dreama! Seriously, I was starting to wonder if Lokie might be holding you hostage for more whipped cream. (I give it to my German Shepherd dog, and she loves it!) I guess now the Eds will be asking for whipped cream.I love the photos you share!
So glad to see you back!
Glad to know I hadn’t missed any posts after all. You did! But I look forward to reading about this time in France in your next blogposts.
I finally ordered a watercolor journal and can’t wait to try it. Enjoying your blues Dreama and lavenders, pinks, burgundy etc. etc.
Good for the soul and no explanations needed…so happy that France agrees with you in every way shape and color:) Cannot wait until I get to go…..
Thought perhaps you became lost in the lavender fields!
I just blamed it on my computer, Dreama. You got off easy!
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