4 Jul

During the Creative Process

Le Jardin of Frayssinet and The Dilemma

You know how much I love the blue Ball jars. I have admitted openly to having a problem. Since there are no 12 step programs for blue jar addiction I have had to struggle along by myself, doing as best I can.

Which leads to my next France story.  
I swear it wasn’t planned. I’d actually been feeling that I might be getting the whole thing under control. I mean I’ve not seen even touched a blue jar in days now—let alone painted one.

Remember the outdoor market you wanted to visit?


The one with all the interesting stuff stacked everywhere?



and the cute chandeliers dangling from market umbrellas?


Yes—that one!
Well, I was doing fine, strolling along with umbrella in hand when I saw IT.
A perfect preserves jar in the color of blue. It was sitting all alone on a table that was hurriedly being cleared by a very sweet French lady trying to get her wares out of the impending rain.
What happened next is just a blur— onlookers said I began gesturing wildly, diving in my purse pulling out every euro I could find and was mumbling under my breath that tomorrow I would get a grip on my problem and that no one should judge me over this little piece of France tempting me to take it home.
After much thought, I’ve concluded this is all your fault.
You KNOW you can’t leave me by myself in such a place—that I cannot be trusted when it comes to blue things sitting in France that are small enough to carry home in my suitcase.

Now I’ve gone and embarrassed myself and artists everywhere

 “Crazy American artist goes nuts at local market — film at 11”

According to Eddie the only possible way to redeem myself is to give the little jar away.
I hate it  when Eddie is right…

So the dilemma has been resolved.
Here’s my sweet little French jar….
And I’m giving it away—a sweet little preserves jar straight from France to you—to get your name in the hat, just look below!
(Please note: The photos I share here, of our time in France, are to be used as reference for doing watercolors for journals or postcards only. I please ask that they are used solely for that purpose 🙂

Le Jardin of Frayssinet Dreama Tolle Perryv3

“Le Jardin of Frayssinet”
9 x 12in oil on museum quality panel

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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