4 Jul

During the Creative Process
Le Jardin of Frayssinet and The Dilemma
You know how much I love the blue Ball jars. I have admitted openly to having a problem. Since there are no 12 step programs for blue jar addiction I have had to struggle along by myself, doing as best I can.
Which leads to my next France story. I swear it wasn’t planned. I’d actually been feeling that I might be getting the whole thing under control. I mean I’ve not seen even touched a blue jar in days now—let alone painted one.
Remember the outdoor market you wanted to visit?
The one with all the interesting stuff stacked everywhere?
and the cute chandeliers dangling from market umbrellas?
Yes—that one!
Well, I was doing fine, strolling along with umbrella in hand when I saw IT.
A perfect preserves jar in the color of blue. It was sitting all alone on a table that was hurriedly being cleared by a very sweet French lady trying to get her wares out of the impending rain.
What happened next is just a blur— onlookers said I began gesturing wildly, diving in my purse pulling out every euro I could find and was mumbling under my breath that tomorrow I would get a grip on my problem and that no one should judge me over this little piece of France tempting me to take it home.
After much thought, I’ve concluded this is all your fault.
You KNOW you can’t leave me by myself in such a place—that I cannot be trusted when it comes to blue things sitting in France that are small enough to carry home in my suitcase.
Now I’ve gone and embarrassed myself and artists everywhere
“Crazy American artist goes nuts at local market — film at 11”
According to Eddie the only possible way to redeem myself is to give the little jar away.
I hate it when Eddie is right…
So the dilemma has been resolved.
Here’s my sweet little French jar….
And I’m giving it away—a sweet little preserves jar straight from France to you—to get your name in the hat, just look below!
(Please note: The photos I share here, of our time in France, are to be used as reference for doing watercolors for journals or postcards only. I please ask that they are used solely for that purpose 🙂
“Le Jardin of Frayssinet”
9 x 12in oil on museum quality panel

Vintage English Jam crocks…..and and and…..so much to get excited over at the Outdoor Markets!
What a beauty!!! and with Oxalis in it too! Wow!
Dear Dreama,
I appreciate your dilemma, and promise that if I am lucky enough to win the lovely French preserve jar, I will share custody of it with you. If only we all had such dilemmas!
Pretty glass things…jars are a favorite!
Oh you keep your little blue treasure Dreama. I love the sweet picture of it with the rose too!
Beautiful paintings!
My favorite market find was antique silver tea spoons at Portobello Road in London.
Love flea market finds..
A little mustard color table that’s been inside and outside my house in 3 different states with a wide range of uses – plant stand, bedside table, curio stand, etc.
I could use a little jar to practice painting… and to hold a few garden posies as well! Happy painting.
My favorite outdoor market find was a box of tonkanese kittens, of which I bought 1 for $10 who lived to be 22 years old.
At least it is small…you should see what I drag home from French flea markets. 😉
I have a few blue jars myself. For me they brighten the rooms they are in.
Dreama – Such a cute find. I know it must be hard for you to give away something like this 🙂 Thanks for being so kind.
Love your wonderful art!
The Deauville chairs that I love.
It is lovely! A true treasure!
hahaha- oh Dreama…now you are an “enabler”…and the rest of us “blue glass addicts” are having a rough time of it….But go ahead…”it’s just this once”….Yeah, I’ve heard that before!! (heehee). Count me in…resistance is futile!!!
Chuckling at your story Dreama! I love these bottles. My fav find is bottles of varying sizes, colors and shapes that I can use in my still life or for fresh flowers.
I found a little oak bucket with brass bands in perfect, but very old, condition. It holds little more than a quart. I love it…I
fill it with water occasionally so it won’t get dry and fall apart…love it…and love blue jars!!!
Today’s market find was homemade peanut butter/nut butters by Sprelly at Fredericksburg, VA market,
Dreama, you can’t give that away! Carol Collier, we need to go to a market!!
Oh, how I love that little blue jar. I couldn’t have passed it up either!
Oh, how I love that little blue jar. I couldn’t have passed it up either!
chicken shaped wire egg baskets, frames for paintings or mirrors, books and vases
years ago we found a very old man who made bow knives so I got one for $8.00 with an oak handle that we have used it to slice our bread for over 20 years.
PS really liked your painting today – loved the brick work!
well the blue jar is special for sure, BUT I also wanted the chandelier! how fun :0)
That would look so lovely in my night garden… ! A little bit of France on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
welll, of course you had to have it lol.
How beautiful–love the jar! Love when I see white milk glass.
Miss Dreama I am ready for my french Blue Jar. I do not judge you Dreama, I am addicted to Cat figurines its more feasible than adding a 5th cat to the Feline Pride at home. And you were being very selective, how could you pass up a blue jar in France, it was a once in a lifetime opportuniy, I would keep it, or at least make it your main subject in several gorgeous paintings, the memories are sometimes better than the actual item. Now hand it over. as your friend I am willing to sacrifice myself .
Vintage lace and crochet things, buttons, chandeliers, and glass jars so old they have a cloudy, shimmery patina! Hugs to the mad artist in France! ; ) Paint wildly and often!!!
My favorite and most used find is a bright blue and yellow outdoor umbrella to go with my outdoor table. I sit their in the morning by the lake and sketch what is happening around me. Fantastic! That blue jar with flowers would be ‘sweet’ the sketch under my umbrella. Hint, hint. : )
I love to find jars and interesting things to put flowers in, for still life painting, or for storing brushes in the studio. I love to look at old jewelry and hats too. Sounds like you are having a great time!
A collector and painter I chose to be,
You, Dreama, have helped me immensely.
Aqua blue jars with lids and bail, I covet
All the way from France, I would love to own it.
Love little blue jars too!!!!! The color reminds me of the beach!
An antique candy dish my daughter found for me when she was a little girl
Little antique store in Paris, Ky (stay out, too many “blue jars”)
My favorite French market find is a RED trivet – one euro!!! It makes me smile every time I use it!
I love those markets! I can never resist stopping and I ALWAYS find a treasure I cannot live without. Love the little blue jar!
I have lots of beautiful violets to put in a perfect, little, blue jar from France! Oh, happy day. Thanks,Dreama.
Proof that small is beautiful!
Oh my word, Dreama! It’s a perfect little blue jar. I’d love it filled with raspberry preserves.
That perfect little blue jar you found at the local French flea market! Yummy!
I’ve been such a good girl! Please…??
I love cobalt blue and white plates. I love looking for old ones at the markets. I am pretty sure I have problem with them that you have with your jars.:)
I love it!
Oui, oui, this beautiful little jar is meant for me! Now all you have to do Dreama is, deliver it to me personally, well a girl can DREAMA!
Hilarious! I can just imagine the French onlookers rolling their eyes at yet another American with questionable manners! Blame it on the time change!!!! That’s what I do. I usually have one meltdown per trip!
I CANNOT believe that you, Dreama, are willing to give up this sweet jam jar!! You definitely are making progress! Congrats!!
Back in the late 80’s I found a vintage Mickey Mouse cake pan that I had wanted for a long time!
I love how you SEE the world!
Light. Color. Beauty. Humor.
You are an inspiration to many.
What a lovely, gentle way to find inspiration for creating on any day for the rest of your life!
A silver-plated toast rack at Portobello market in London. Now a lovely “paper sorter” on my desk, still reminds me of our trip to the Chelsea Flower Show.
Thought it would make a nice idea for the french country brides that live in the USA. Pinned on my wedding ideas board.
So happy you are having fun in Paris. See you in Jan.
AMy favorite flea market find is a anything that is for the garden….galvanized metal containers, pots, plant stands, wooden spindles and more.
This summer in Paris we were strolling by a street market and a woman had a summer linen dress by Eva Tralala for 3E. I had to stop myself from squealing! Somehow so much more fun than if I’d box bought it at the store.
Traveled to KY last month bought two blue ball jars. Now have caught your addiction.
Used to be baskets, but now it’s jars – pretty, colored ones. Perfect giveaway.
Hilarious post! Hope you get some HELP soon!!!!!
I love anything French especially from the markets. thank you for letting me travel with you and for sharing all your adventures!
My kitchen table. Arrived at the flea market at 6:30 am and market was to begin at 7:00. Vendors were allowing patrons to wander the isles before. I snapped it up first thing while I heard others actually sigh. It’s beautiful!
I, too, love blue jars and have them around the house, mostly filled with shells collected from travels to beaches. This one would be a great addition and it would help you with your addiction 🙂 hee hee I’m SO enjoying your travel blog and photos.
Love blue jars, and your posts from France. Thanks!
A diamond ring in a platinum setting. Found in England when I was a teen for 10 pounds. It’s not the ring really, it’s who I was with at the time that was really special. A perfect day 🙂
Hello lovely lady, I too just love markets and all things blue and my latest treasure was a lovely warm rug. It’s got a blue background and makes my lounge seem cosy with the floral design. Your very generous giving away such a beautiful glass jar and I know just where it would go if it came in my direction. Love your blog,
Almost ANYTHING French!! As one other ‘fan’ mentioned, I really, really love any unique jar or vase to use in my studio. Having my brushes standing tall in a gently ‘used’ vessel (especially French!!) makes me feel all that more painterly!!! Love that!
Adorable – continue having a great time!
Love the blue jar and the exquisite painting!! Wish it would become mine!!
French poodles
I have the same addiction to blue pottery and glass . Your little jar would be very happy in my home .
Loving your beautiful painting and you are inspiring me to paint more myself ! Thank you
I love finds! Dishes that I collect, teatowels, stuff I “need” LOL
The markets in France are best.
I LOVE the jar and what a funny post! I admire your resolve to relinquish this gem!
Please come to Durango, CO and paint with me. You are an inspiration!
I love to find unusual bits of beautiful pottery!
A Rowe Pottery Works mini butter churn. Totally intact. Only $2!!! What a find! ….love the delightful post and adorable jar! ;0)
A new in box little travel watercolor set!
Feel like I’m in France! Jewelry are my flea market treasures!
This is the funniest post. I am rolling all over the floor over this dilemma that I unwittingly created. I reread this post out loud with a hill-billy accent, to be sure I truly understand how awful blue jar addictions can be. Have you tried seeing a psychiatrist?
I love how you are sharing! What beautiful items I don’t think I could have walked by it either.
vintage glass: any
I found a really pretty ironstone platter. My favorite.
Old bottles or vases that can hold art supplies.
Wow! I would like that one…I began to collect small little glass bottles long time ago…My collection of every color, trône dans ma cuisinette ,au dessus des armoires…J’aime quand la lumière filtre à travers…Merci Dreama for sharing this!
Love french goodies
I found a small vinegar jug at the Frayssinet market June 2013 .Carried it home in my purse. I love small jugs and use them for my blue balloon flowers and pansies.
Sewing machines!
….fabrics, buttons and trims for my pet harnesses.
So charming and so Dreama!
I love seeking china teapots,usually English bone china, my addiction has even known me to pay full retail price for a blue Chintz Royal Winton tea set which is so beautiful I don’t believe it has held a full pot of tea more than once, so far!
Cooking tools!
I love all white pitchers and cobalt blue glass of anything! Love your jar!
Me encantan sus pinturas, las guardo con respeto y pienso imprimir alguna en tamaño bonito para ponerle marco y lucirla en mi casa. Saludos y Gracias.
Irma, disculpa, si,las pinturas son muy bellas, pero nesecitas su permiso para imprimirlas. Sino vas contra las leyes de copyright, que son los derechos del artista.
Found some homemade pineapple butter one Saturday morning 🙂
At the annual War Eagle Mill Arts & Crafts Fair, Arkansas, Peach Jam & Copper Kettle Popcorn. Yep, I’m hungry! ;D
How sweet!
Anything Blue or Lavendar
An antique frame made into a display box suitable for my collection of European pitchers. I painted the inside to match our wall color and voilà—quell jolie!
Just love your website!!
An antique dish I love!
My favorite outdoor market find was a handknit wool sweater I found near the Russian River in California. I wore it through our backpacking trip on the John Muir Trail and loved that sweater! My husband later felted it when he washed it! It’s long gone now but I still remember that sweater!
I love to find art and photography supplies, especially if they are really old.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.