1 Aug

During the Creative Process

French Spoken Here

There’s always one.

2014FranceJulyTheresAlwaysOne Dreama Tolle Perry

You know the type I’m talking about.
They like to kick up their heels and party

2014JulyFrancePartyTiltheCows Dreama Tolle Perry

‘Til the cows come home 🙂

Can’t say that I blame them.
Sometime said cows don’t even want to come home, especially when they’re in France.
(Not that I know anyone who feels this way…)

I mean, I’m certainly no angel

2014JulyFranceImNoAngel Dreama Tolle Perry

 I’ve been known to do my share of cattin’ around 😉

2014JulyFranceCattinAround Dreama Tolle Perry

That’s why I’ve decided to let you hang out in France just a few more days.
Yes you.
I don’t need any trouble when it comes to the FAA and trying to get you  on the plane coming home.

So here are few more more pics to paint, a couple of video strolls and a giveaway.

Please try, try, TRY  to behave yourself… 😉

2014JulyFranceStairway Dreama Tolle Perry2014JulyFranceBicycle Dreama Tolle Perry

Today’s giveaway is just like the watercolor kits that all the gals I took with me to France are using 🙂

"French Spoken Here" 9 x 12in oil on museum quality panel SOLD

“French Spoken Here”
9 x 12in oil on museum quality panel

P.S.  If you have a friend who needs some JOY in their life, share this post and encourage them to have some fun playing in the water (colors) and traveling along to France—everybody needs a holiday in France once in awhile:-)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Painter || Writer || Creativity Coach