10 Mar

During the Creative Process
Random Blog Post No. 546
Warning: This is a post of random things. The title is not misleading. Which, unfortunately, is a fair representation of my life.
Those times when you don’t hear from me and you may wonder…”what’s Dreama up to?” Let it be known that….
1. I arrived home from Florida JUST IN TIME FOR 18 INCHES OF SNOW. And yes, I know the photo is sideways—sort of like me since I returned home to the frozen tundra.
2. This is technically blog post number 759. Seriously. I’ve been posting on my blog since February 28, 2009. I know you may have missed reading a few. It’s okay, I forgive you.
3. This is how Eddie looks with no make-up—annoyingly cute.
4. Ron bought a giraffe while we were in Florida. Here’s Ron and Wendall sharing a moment at the beach:
5. I am guest hosting the Artists Helping Artists blog radio show this month. I co-hosted the show with Leslie Saeta from 2010-2012, close to 100 shows. You may have missed a few episodes. I forgive you.
6. I have not been out of my pajamas today. Or the day before that.
7. I am now officially addicted to listening to books on Audible.com. Sometimes my eyes are too tired at the end of the day to read. Does this mean I am getting old?
8. Thanks to a new phone app called Diana, I’ve been getting into my paintings:
9. Eddie has been asked by artist Debra Kierce to do a guest post on her blog. Keep in mind I have never been asked to do a guest post on anyone’s blog. It’s okay. I forgive them.
10. Even though I was in warm weathered Florida for 2 months I still managed to add some “winter coat” lbs. I’m not alone. Eddie Pierre has informed me his cat door shrunk:
11. I am now officially addicted to Dr. Teal’s Eucalyptus Bath Salts. And Dr. Teal’s Eucalyptus and Spearmint Foaming Bath. Does this mean I am getting old?
12. Tomorrow is a new day. I plan on wearing my pajama jeans. One can’t go from pajamas to regular clothes all at once—these drastic changes must be eased into. I intend to have a fling with fashion….ahem, don’t judge me/ I forgive you.
All in all,
I am very inspired these days. Coming to some strong realizations of what’s next.
Randomness and inspiration seem to hang out together at my house…how about yours?
P.S. A couple of spots have opened up in my April workshops—if you’d like to paint with me, just give my hubby Ron a call at (859) 699-4908 and he can fill you in on the details 🙂

Yikes! Too many typos in my comment just now.
I meant to type: And no, it definitely does NOT mean you (or I) are getting older if we find ourselves listening to audiobooks.
It might make just a bit more sense now, typos corrected. 🙂
ps – Loving that meditation CD sample track. I think I’m going to have to treat myself to buying a copy. Thanks for that, Dreama.
Thanks for the smiles and the giggles and even some genuine laugh-out-louds (the video with Eddie Pierre not being able to fit through his cat flap – because, of course, it shrunk – reminds me so much of my Benny…all 19.5 pounds of my gentle giant.
Where can I get me some of those pajama jeans? I’ve been having quite a few of those types of days, where only pajama jeans will do.
And it’s wonderful that you’re back on Artists Helping Artists with Leslie. Yes, i hold my hands up, guilty as charged, for having missed a few shows when you were regularly co-hosting those shows/podcasts with Leslie….thanks for forgiving me. 🙂
And no, it definitely does NOT you (ore I) are getting older if we find ourselves listening to audiobooks. I pop them into the car stereo all the time. Like yourself, at the end of the day, my eyes are not only tired, but too heavy-lidded at that point to open a book and read – even though my first preference and first choice would always be a book (I can’t quite make myself do the Kindle thing…).
Thanks for all these random musings and meanderings, Dreama. And hopefully, by the time you read this, all 18 inches of that snow will have melted into nothing more than sunny puddles of springtime.
Dreama, consider that “are” an”is”, am I getting old?
I am new to your blog which are delightfully addictive! I thank my friend, Kay, for also guiding me to you!
Sometimes, Dreama, you are too real to be real! These random thoughts are marvelous. Chuckle, chuckle. I hope Eddie has a good agent, you seem to be disparaging him a lot here.
you brightened my day!
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