2 May

During the Creative Process

You’re the Reason

You’re the reason the sun came up today.

I have a mug given to me by a dear friend that has these words on it.  In my absent minded, rushing head long through the day’s moments, it often brings a smile to my face and a calmness to my being.

We forget. I forget, you forget that we are loved.
We forget that life and love are hidden, in plain sight, in the smallest of moments.
The gesture, the word, the look that quietly, sometimes silently, reminds us of our place, our pricelessness.
We each hold a significant, irreplaceable place in the universe.
How do we know this?  By looking outside ourselves–it doesn’t take a nano second to name several people we know who are absolutely irreplaceable.
I and you—WE— are that kind of irreplaceable to someone too–probably to many more hearts than we realize.
The precision of the universe that we inhabit is an ever present keeper of this truth.  As the moon moves round our planet, while we traverse the earth that in turn moves around our sun—we are in fact part of a  much larger perfection known as the Milky Way. ( The Keplar NASA spacecraft, is, at this moment, 75 million miles away from here and heading towards the middle of the Milky Way to see what no human eye has yet seen.  On its way there it has discovered 5, 000 other planets!)
Lest we forget,in our distractive lives, just how finely tuned everything is, let this celestial odyssey serve as our reminder.  We are part of a magnificent plan, one where things are interconnected beyond any way that our minds can even think.
Other universes, 5,000 new planets, you and me.
Perfectly irreplaceable.
So it IS VERY LIKELY that…
We are the reason the sun came up today 🙂
Perfection everywhere we cast our eyes and that perfection recognizes Itself from within us.  Big thoughts from a big Universe.
Yeah baby!!

Heads Up!:  Did you miss getting into the DreamLovePaint online workshop when it opened in January?  Or did you take it and now realize what a good thing it would be for another creative heart that you know?
Plans are to open up the course again for new enrollment September 6th!!  If you want to make sure you get the details on what/where/how etc just click here and sign up for the updates.
P.S. And while you’re there, you can have a read of some of the comments left by those who are in up to their eyeballs in the course as we speak (you may not have time to read them all –over  100 + have left some pretty awesome words about their experience!!

Dreama Tolle Perry Log
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