21 Sep

During the Creative Process
Another DLP winner and a Thank YOU Giveaway!
Gratitude has been on my mind so heavily. I awake at night and it crowds itself in, in such a gentle way. Nudging me to remember, to take notice, to give thanks.
To maybe look in wonder at the sky.
To pause when I get out of my car in the evening and simply look up.
The majesty and wonder of things enough to take the breath away.
They are with us every day.
All that is needed from us is the simple act of looking up.
(When something is on my mind so intensely, I think it may be that you need it as much as I do!)
Gratitude—it refreshes in ways that nothing else does.
It’s such a small thing that gives so much pleasure–to pause at this moment and give a quiet thanks.
Somehow I feel the sky knows when we give really see it….and give thanks 🙂
What are 3 things are you thankful for at this moment??
P.S. We have another winner for the September group of the Dream.Love.Paint signature course. Congratulations goes to Kim G.–you are the second of the two winning names drawn for this session of Dream.Love.Paint!! – we sent you an email from us with all the details. Looking forward to having you join us in this adventure!!
IN OTHER NEWS…. Thank you for hanging in with me while the Dream.Love.Paint course was being opened again for a new group of artists (and if you joined in with us in the September group…welcome and can’t wait for you to see Week One which opens this Saturday, bright and early 😉 )
I know you received more emails from me than my usual 1 per week.
I appreciate you being so patient, understanding and even sharing those emails with others.
I decided as a way of saying thanks that I’d do a giveaway of something special.
All you need do is put your name in the hat below.
It’s something for you to get creative with.
A $100 gift certificate to do some shopping at my favorite online art store…
DickBlick 🙂
I’m giving away two of these 🙂 !
Yes, I know. You will be like a kid turned loose in the candy store…..!!!!!
Hope you feel especially loved today because…
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am thankful to have just spent a wonderful birthday weekend with such loving parents and a loving husband. I am thankful for the love letter he wrote to me with 50 words (it’s the big 50) highlighted that he used to describe me. I am thankful for the gift of painting and to be a child of God.
I would also be thankful if I won the GC as you can never have too much luscious color!!!! ;o)))
Thank you Dreama for all the joy you bring to us all!
I am thankful for a new day and a clean slate, for my family because they do their best to understand me and keep my spirits lifted when the load feels heavy, and for my faith because without it, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Thank you for being a breath of fresh air, for helping us remember how beautiful our world really is, for helping us remember to be grateful!
I’m thankful for just enough…
I am Thankful for good health, my family & and the tranquility I have while making art. Thanks for offering this giveaway. Blessings to you.
I am so thankful I have the opportunity to take this course to help me find my creative self!
The vibrant colors in your paintings are uplifting to the spirit!
I am grateful for Jesus and for my family.
I am grateful for the talent I have been given.
I am grateful for the chance to win a gift card from Dick Blick.
I am the happiest person in the whole world to have the opportunity to be part of the September group . Dreams i cannot get enough of your inspirations and positive teaching as I really need it. I am great full for the blessings our Heavenly Father scattered over my life. I cannot wait to start and learn as much as possible from you. God Bless you!!
Thankyou! Can’t wait to start your course!
Thankful for all God’s gifts…
Wowza, what a great group of ladies! So grateful for all the new online friendships! I’ve waited a long time to let the creative juices flow again and so looking forward to this course! I love learning something new especially when it feeds my soul! Bless you Dreama for the opportunity to win some neat supplies!
Look at all the people your kindness and creativity is touching and inspiring! It is a wonderful thing :)… and I am thankful for people like you in the world!
I’m grateful for your generosity!
Thank you for the opportunity to win the Dick Blick gift certificate. I continue to love and appreciate your painting.
I’m very thankful for letting me enter your world of colors and bold strokes. Your input has diametrically changed my idea about color and painting. I won’t ever have enough to shay thank you Dreama!
Boy I sure could need some new paints and brushes, good luck everybody.
So excited and a little scared to start your course! I’m sure it will be very rewarding! Thank you for doing this!
Thank you for the JOY that you bring to my inbox! You are so inspiring, Dreama.
So much looking forward to the bright colors and making some new paintings for my mother.
Love Dick Blick and Dreama….Season 1 alumni!
Your paintings are so beautiful and I plan to do this soon.
You are such a lovely person to be painting with. I know it will be fun.
And a learning experience . Keep doing what you are doing it is a good thing . Thanks for emails. I enjoy getting them.
I love reading about the gratitude you feel. It comes thru in your work.
I am blessed to do something I love every day and share it with family.
Hi Dreama! Your post reminds me of the James Taylor song “Look Up From Your Life”! What a great reminder! Hope you are well and ready for phase 2 of the Uber Fantastic DLP course! I’ve been so blessed by it and am really enJOYing painting so much! I’m not afraid any more! Woo Hoo! Hugs to you and Ron! Oh, and 3 things I’m thankful for… Today is my anniversary so I’m thankful for being loved by Ken and getting to love him! I’m thankful for Parker my sweet grandson who is such a JOY! And I’m thankful for my family! I have the most wonderful daughter and son who I’m blessed to have living in the same town. Miss you Dreama! Can’t wait for France! Xoxo
so inspirational–you are like the head cheerleader.
I’m thankful that God’s grace is enough. ❤️
Excitedly awaiting the start of the course!
I have been following your blog for years. Thanks for your art inspiration.
I’m thankful for my husband, my dog, my home and the freedom to travel extensively around this gorgeous country of our.
Love your fresh wisdom.
Thank you Dreama! I’m looking forward to your lessons!
Can’t wait to get started! Happy painting, everyone!
Thank you for the sunny e-mail to start off a dreary day.
I am thankful to be alive and safe and able to take this class. I have been an avid follower for years, Dreama. Painting flowers is what I love as I used to have a beautiful garden and loved my walks. But now I just paint. Looking forward to your course. Thank you offering it.
I never want to stop learning! After 77 years I still do not think I have learned enough. Creating is my passion and painting my life time love.
I was encouraged to do your class by my husband–he said I needed and outlet! Never done an art class in my life!! what a challenge this has been–a very good one I must say. We are the caregivers to our mothers–his mom is 103!! (not a misprint!) my mother is 91! Demainding is not the word for our world at this time. I needed this outlet — you bet. It has helped me dig deep and cry out! Smile and in some cases do a happy dance!! My grandchildren (5) have even encouraged me to keep on. I shall…
Thanks Dreama.
I am most grateful for God’s presence and guidance in my life. Awhile ago, I asked God to help me grow as an artist. Now there are things happening inside me that are hard to explain. It feels like I’m being rearranged brick by brick. Dreama’s course comes at the perfect time. I’m also grateful for my amazing husband and darling daughter and the peace and joy we gave in our relationships. I’m grateful for nature. I love trees and clouds and flowers and water and dirt and rain and vines and trees. Did I mention trees?! 🙂 Yay!!!
Gratitude. So very much to be thankful for. A year ago my Mother inspired me to paint, and here I am.
Oh my! I am so Thankful I found you Dreama and had the courage to yes “YES” to your upcoming online course! I am both nervous and excited as I step out on this journey! “The teacher will appear when the student is ready.” I’m Ready!
I’m thankful for my husband who is always there for me, my art, and the family and friends that make my life special.
Can’t wait. Heard such great things from Joy in the UK.
I am so thankful for each day that I wake up to share time with my wonderful husband, children, and friends. I’m thankful for good health, the joy of grandchildren, and Jesus Christ who makes all this possible.
Thanks and God bless!
Art supplies….did someone say art supplies? WOW! Count me in!
thank you for being so generous and creative…hugs from Florida
Lucky day!
You are so thoughtful to do this giveaway!
Eager for the adventure to begin
My comment is above
I try to live in gratitude! I wasn’t able to take this course with you, but I’m going to try to take the next one! I love your uplifting messages and your beautiful paintings,
I have painted for over 20 years, yet your wisdom always gives me new inspiration. Not only your brush and colors but your words of wisdom. Thank you.
Loved taking your course in Indian Rocks. (I painted the stone entrance to my friend’s village in France) I know everyone loved the Dream Love Paint on line course because I’ve read all the wonderful comments. I’m waiting to sign up for the next roll out with paintings from your trip to France; I know it will be just as fabulous!!
Grateful for people like you who inspire me.
Another birthday in the books that was full of shared laughter and love among good friends. It was a great day and I’m grateful for all that joy in my life.
Thanks for all of your inspiration!
I love your work!
I am thankful for the arrival of fall and the changing colors! Can’t wait to paint!
Love the colors!
I am thankful love covers all.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.