26 Jun

During the Creative Process
Stillness and Creativity: You Need the One to Get to the Other
“Creativity flourishes in solitude. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, you can focus.” ~Leo Babauta
Stillness and creativity are partners in our creative process.
The one definitely leading to the other.
Problem is, there’s this crazy little thing called time…
and we tell ourselves that with all the stuff we HAVE to do, there simply isn’t time.
Hear me now—the “not enough time part” is a lie!
Here’s what really takes precious time that you don’t have:
- stressing to meet deadlines only to realize later, it didn’t really matter
- delaying making choices because of indecision, not knowing
- running in circles
- wondering about your self-worth
- feeling creatively blocked
Making/taking time for stillness, even 10 minutes a day, tends to:
- clear the thinking mind
- set our priorities in order
- open doors of creativity and peace
In stillness, we find ourselves beginning to listen.
And as Eckart Tolle so eloquently put it, stillness speaks.
It speaks of truth. It speaks of things the chaotic mind has no awareness of. Out of that stillness comes your clarity, your knowing, and your inspiration.
Clarity which beams the light of wisdom onto what our life is about.
The knowing of which road to take, what truly needs us and what truly will never matter.
And ahh…that breath of inspiration! For those of us so desirous of plunging into deep waters of creation, it becomes a surety that this is our calling. The words to write, the thing to paint, the song to sing.
Stillness and your creativity are fellow sojourners. Introduce them to each other once again and take delight in what appears!
“Let stillness direct your words and actions.” ~ Eckart Tolle

Love in All the Right Spaces

Timely =)
Stillness is crucial to me. This is the first summer I refuse to have something on my calendar each day. I have learned to say “no” to many requests that sabotage any possibility of silence. That is no longer acceptable. For the first time I feel alive.
Your words hit home to me this morning, Dreama…thanx for the precise, clear thoughts on how important stillness is…I loose track of it more than I care to admit. Your a blessing in our lives, for sure.
This really spoke to me. Many years ago I made one of a kind art dolls and fiber chess sets. Unfortunately, circumstances made getting a job necessary. Shortly after getting back into the corporate world, my ability to focus on creating the dolls and chess sets went out the window. I could quilt, knit and do any number of other “creative” endeavors, but the truly creative part of me disappeared under the weight of “no time”. Perhaps it’s now time to take the time to be still, slow down and breathe. Thank you for the timely reminder.
I put my painting on hold for 2 years because of other things. I have just begun the journey back. This is what I needed to hear. Thank you.
In God’s perfect timing , this is exactly what I needed to read this morning . Thank you so much for sharing .
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