8 Dec

During the Creative Process
What’s on Your Slate?
A blank slate prepared each day and I the writer, script the day. What will it be? Smiles, laughter–perhaps JOY?
List of to-do’s, selected by me, have oft appeared and directed my life in joyless fashion. What abundance awaits me in this day? What moments of delight might I seek out when I take down the barriers that I myself have put in place?
A little laughter, a small dalliance, belly laughter? A new moon shining like harvest gold? Perhaps a shooting star spending its last moments in joyful brightness and I, the only one to see?
Sweet joys peppered throughout my day because I the writer, chose to erase those never ending to-do lists.
I chose to write that today, this day, will be my best day ever. Might we see our life as a slate that can be written, erased, replaced. To arrive, one line at a time, into the ecstasy that is Life.
There are gifts of priceless worth awaiting the one who is present.
Worth noting…I am presently putting the finishing touches on what I can only say is my life’s work at this moment. Holding space for you in the heart and soul of Italy–Timeless Tuscany is waiting for you. Stay up to date as we begin releasing the details on my newest online painting course.
And get your name in the hat for a course giveaway. Just click here!

doctors should prescribe your paintings to treat depression
So vibrant colors, each stroke is like a gem
I am learning to oil paint
How I wish to paint like you
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.