9 Mar

Before the Creative Process
Feeling Your Way to Creativity
Feel what is within you!
When you look at a rose and think to paint it, might it first make sense to leave behind the mechanics of painting and instead, look within your heart about how the presence of the rose makes you feel?
The emotions that you possess about what it is that you are experiencing—this is the gold we mine when we create.
For the heart is where all that is beautiful flows from! Without the awareness you bring to the rose, it is simply petals and color that will bloom and then fall to the ground. The rose is made real by your experience of it. Keeping in touch with that as you paint––this is where real connections are made!
If we think of painting a subject as akin to meeting someone it will change how we go about it. If when we met someone, we only studied their shape and their color and their value, but never made eye contact, never listened to what they had to say or appreciated their wise silence––one might conclude that perhaps we had missed the real magic and the real essence of this soul altogether 😉
The same can be said for painting the things that we are drawn to—whether it be a rose, a cat, or a blue garden door in Provence. We must become intimate with these things by becoming aware of the feelings they evoke within us. By being in awe of their rugged feel, their velvety softness, or incredibly delicate ways we allow for their essence to become realized.
We must allow the heart to get involved first. We can then let it lead the way in expressing on canvas our emotional response to the world around us!
Mechanics, as applied to creativity, are simply…mechanics. We may do piano drills over and over. We may study composition and do thumbnail sketches to improve. We may exercise and stretch our muscles so that we may do a perfect pirouette but here’s the deal. After all of that, or perhaps before all of that, we must first feel the music, feel the rose, feel the dance. When we respond to what we feel and make it visible on the canvas, on the dance floor, and on the piano— we touch the face of god!
Note: The painting shown here was a doorway in a small village in Provence. It was a door that entered into a garden. It beckoned all sorts of magical, secret garden whisperings in my heart. It was elegant with age (something I want to be!) It was a doorway that held promise. I painted this many months after ‘our’ encounter. It was like recalling a magical cafe interlude with a stranger. It’s what makes painting so much more than a mechanical adventure 😉

‘Come Into the Garden’, 9 x 12 Oil on Panel, Available as a Fine Art Print in Dreama’s Shop
P.S. My heart was so touched by the comments left on my last post. I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people (like you!) in my life. Seriously. Love is real and good words are like a lavender breeze on a sunny afternoon …in Provence 😉
P.S.S. So happy to say that Janie H is our winner for our 10th Anniversary Giveaway!! Congratulations! And thanks to each of you for joining in on the celebratory fun 🙂

Your beautiful words touch my heart somewhere deep within me. Thank you Dreama You are a beautiful soul Carolyn J
Thank you, Dreama, for your beautiful thoughts, words and creativity! I am Blessed to be “in touch” with you. Thank you, God❣️
Hi, Dreama!
Just wanted to THANK YOU for your beautiful inspiring thoughts in email messages. Your artistic gifts and talents are WONDERFUL. You’re absolutely ‘tapped in and turned on.’ And certainly includes today’s message about ‘feeling’ things, life, etc.which, as you know, is everything.
This is a constant ‘call’ to me to keep practicing my feelings, in order to experience the life changes-intentions I want.
Thank you for the phenomenal beauty of your Self & your gifts you flow so powerfully! You’re such an uplifting influence!! oxox R
I pour over all your posts, Dreama, and always find wisdom and inspiration. Your thoughts help me to think about my own art differently, more creatively, less digitally. Though I am becoming visually more handicapped, all the time, when I look at the things I am painting now, giving thought and application to what I glean from you, I am thrilled by the sheer happiness that shows up, in my joyful paintings! It catches me by surprise! I’ve won many blue ribbons for much of my past work, but my daughter said, recently, as she viewed several paintings I had done, influenced by you, “Mom, I love everything you’ve done, but this is a complete change, and some of your best work”! Thank you, dear Dreama, for sharing your thoughts and talents, so generously and graciously!!
To me, this is THE BEST words from you I have ever read!!! I drank this in down to my toes! It means more to me than words can express. Thank you!!!
Thank you Dreama, you always know the right things to make us better artists. It is always so special to see one of your new works. I am trying to let all you have taught us to sink in. Your classes are so great. I have learned so much about color and composition. Your words always make me feel so good. I can’t wait to paint in my new book, thank you and for making our Dreamette pins!
Thank you Dreama. This is a beautiful post, and I needed it somehow, even though I’m doing more reading than painting these days. Thank you for your insight & have a wonderful week. –xoAmy
Dreama, what a beautiful painting! And inspiring blog entry! Your art continues to set my heart on fire! xoxo, Patty Pastor
Your words are as pretty and colorful as your paintings. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
I appreciate your thoughts. Hopefully it puts me back in touch with my artwork. Thanks so much!
You are loved!
It always amazes me when you know something but, suddenly, at the exact right moment, someone else says it, and you really understand it! Your words today were exactly the right ones for me as I have been searching for a bigger meaning to what I do with my art. Thank you for lighting my path this beautiful morning! ❤️
Thank you Dreama. This made me reflect on my thoughts about what I paint and why I am drawn to what I paint. I live in Arizona. I paint a lot of cactus. But my favorite subjects are old adobe buildings. When I paint old buildings I always think of the people who built them. What were their lives like? I can add a hundred such questions here. But I think I have subordinated these thoughts to thoughts of the
I love your writing and art. So free flowing.
God has given the words I needed through you. I have created a special project for show with 15 artists at Association for Visual Arts Chattnooga.
It’s painting a specific feeling in our core onto paper/canvas. I want to quote you on some of the feeling sentences above. May I quote you Dreama?
I would love for you to Lynn!😊❤️
Dreama this is so lovely! It really brings tears to my eyes even though I didn’t take the Provence class 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
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