11 Oct

Other Musings
The Real Truth About Waiting
It’s time to stop waiting.
Time to maybe ask ourselves why we’re waiting.
And maybe get precise on what it is that we are waiting on.
Time to ask the question of how we want to live our lives.
To seek what it is that we desire to live into.
To wonder why we aren’t doing so, why we’re waiting.
I know some of what I was waiting on ten years ago.
I was waiting until my paintings got better.
I was waiting to get accepted into a prestigious gallery or win an award in a major art competition.
Waiting to be discovered by those in the know.
Waiting until I felt good enough.
Waiting until the stars had aligned, and good outcomes were guaranteed.
Do you know where all that waiting got me?
Twenty years older and twenty years down the road with not much to show for in terms of my dreams.
It kept me discouraged and feeling less than.
It made my dreams of the life I desired feel further and further away.
So many years wasted in waiting and then one day I decided…
I wasn’t going to wait anymore (you can hear a bit of my personal story just recorded at the podcast link below).
The thing to know about not waiting is this.
It doesn’t require that we begin doing everything at once, trying to make up for lost years.
We just have to stop waiting.
I looked up the opposite of waiting.
Here’s what I found: advancing, beginning, doing, forging, forwarding, going, moving, carrying on, going ahead, taking off.
Words that denote action, movement, doing something.
Notice it doesn’t involve what the size of the action is.
It merely shows that waiting has been replaced with doing.
Author of On Being Human, Jen Pasitloff (more about her in my next writing) summed it up so beautifully when she said this:
I’m tired, folks.
I can’t wait anymore.
Because ultimately, I woke up & finally asked WHAT AM I WAITING FOR? and it was nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, that wasn’t already inside of me.
We already have everything we need. It’s time to stop waiting.
Special Note: I was honored to do a fantastic podcast with someone who’s work I greatly admire. Her name is Mary Rogers, and she is the smooth voice and great questions behind the Experience 50 podcast. I think you will enjoy it (and many more of her other audios–be sure and subscribe to her podcasts!) You can listen to it by clicking here!

I listened to the podcast a few weeks ago and found personal growth from it. I was waiting for exactly the same things you were waiting for, Dreama. As with everyone, my goals and decisions were very different. What I decided was I wasn’t going to chase art success and personal success in any way. It was time for me to close the door on art in every area except personal enjoyment. I shuttered my art business, withdrew from all art organizations, competitions, shows and galleries. On Christmas Day my website will shut down. I now paint only for me and only for personal joy. Success and money don’t bring happiness as I never found it though I seriously chased it for twenty years . For me happiness is accepting myself, like when you picked you.
Dear Beloved Dreama, I feel I’ve been waiting to be born forever. Waiting for approval (mostly self), waiting for clarity, waiting for direct guidance or a divine intervention.(I think I got one !) Swimming in a sea of uncertainty and self doubt. Never feeling quite good enough to even really begin. I am now 56 and if not now… when ? Each time I engage with you via the internet I sob. I feel restored and full of life ! Exciting ideas fill my world ! I have not even began the Postcards yet since I decided last minute. You see, I could not sleep for your divine invitation lured me like a hungry grouper. How can you see me? How can you know me so at depth? It must be thing called genius … the place of namaste… the place of oneness. With you I feel hopeful and like it’s not too late for me. To heal, to create, to be joyful, to fill of purpose and to share with others ! It has been hell these last five years going through the sudden and tragic death of my son. I have been very physically ill as a result. I am finally starting to think I might make it ! I might live ! I am beyond grateful ! I love and appreciate you. You are a DREAM come true ! Love, Julie
Julie–dear one–I feel the hope and the coming alive in your words. What a journey you’ve been on. And what an immense loss you have endured. Sending you much love and joy for the present and for times to come. You are so loved!
Not that I have been waiting, so many people need me right now that art gets put aside, it is such a disappoint to me to keep shoving it aside. Art is very important to me. Today is is cooking stuffed peppers and a fancy cake, but my paints are crying ‘stove forgetting about us!’
Oh Dreama, this is so timely! I’m not sure what I’m waiting for but at my age I’m running out of time to be waiting for anything. I mean seriously, when will be the right time! Thank you.
The waiting game doesn’t make sense for any of us Colleen– and it is a sneaky little thing–I’ll just wait until…what?!?
Hi Dreama. Your post today was perfect. Not just for me… I was literally writing a letter to my friend in Paris (France) who is trying to decide whether to make a break from the city to the South of France. I was telling him exactly what you are talking about. I sent him your post. I particularly liked Jen’s quote, that I have everything already inside of me that I need. That will be a watch-word (phrase) for me as I continue to move forward myself. Thank you Dear One. Blessings be yours…. AnnieKate
You’re so welcome Annie! The wisdom from Jen is still unfolding for me–I love her and her book! Waiting is overrated ;-)!!
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