13 Dec

Vibrant Expressions – Int'l Artist Magazine - Dreama Tolle Perry

Other Musings

Feeling at Home in International Artist Magazine!

Years back, long before the days of computers and easy access to art from around the world, there were these wonderful things called art magazines. They were like little treasures that came to my mailbox each month in rural Kentucky. A lifeline of sorts!

Those were the days when I was holed up in my studio painting…and writing things like this in my journal…

OH MAN!!!—I just went back and read a journal from my late 30’s. I will NOT be sharing any of that content here. (I may be crazy, but I’m not that crazy. Glad I’m not in my 30’s anymore—I was definitely a hot mess, tee hee!)

Where were we??
Oh yes, talking about art magazines.

Well, art magazines are even more gorgeous these days, and somehow I’ve managed to get myself and my paintings in one of the best—the International Artist Magazine. They contacted me a few months back, and here we are, spread out in the December/January issue.
As a Master Painter 😉

Vibrant Expressions International Art Magazine - Dreama Perry

Aside from my amazing self being in it (said with tongue firmly planted in cheek), it’s STUFFED with lots of gorgeous work by artists from around the world. I am so glad that the folks at International Artist keep making these beautiful publications for crazy, creative people like us. (Notice how sneakily I’ve lumped you in with my ‘crazy artist group of friends.’ You’re one of us now. It’s a very exclusive group!).

Anywho—I think you might need one to read/frame/snuggle with since we are, after all, BFF’s.

Love you to bits!

International Artist Magazine - Dreama Perry

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Dreama Tolle Perry Log
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  1. Joan Nichols

    Dear Dreama,
    I went out and purchased this magazine because you were featured. I love it and all you had to say. I am finding you as a source of inspiration, and hope. I am at a crossroads of sorts in my own life and am getting back into my art – however this is the first time I am painting (in the past I have done jewelry design, graphic design and collaging. I still am working in acrylics and am getting braver everyday and I know oil paints are in my near future. Thank you for showing me (us) the way. And I believe the biggest lesson I am learning as a 53 year old woman is that it is never to late to try something new!!!! Namaste,
    PSHere’s a little bit about myself:
    I am a Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher and Trainer working with high risk students in the inner cities of upstate NY and an Adjunct Professor at St. John fisher College. For years I was a stay at home mom and did artwork as a side business by the way of Graphic Design and Jewelry Design. I have studied yoga for over 26 years and even owned a studio for over 6 years. Now as I enter this new phase of middle life in conjunction with a New Year and Decade I am seeking to combine my love of Yoga and Art. Not sure where that will lead, but I feel my life has been preparing me for it, so I figured it is my next step.

  2. I have an oversized comfortable chair for my whole body in which to snuggle next to a big window where I can read to my hearts delight.

  3. Valerie Wylie

    I will read it in my living room, before bedtime, and at the beach!

  4. I am so grateful for your encouragement and inspiration Dreama. Thank you very much. Pam

  5. Cathe deets

    Wow, that is a great magazine, I hope I can find a copy. You really deserve your art to be there.

  6. Your colors make me feel warm inside, and you are inspiring me.

  7. Julie

    on my outside

  8. Julie

    on my deck

  9. Maria

    CONGRATULATIONS!! I can’t wait to hear more about in person workshops, I would LOVE to take an in person class with you!

  10. Barbara

    Congratulations Dreama! We are so proud of you our teacher.

  11. Would love to snuggle in my den chair to read the magazine!

  12. So excited for you. I have never seen this magazine. Hoping I will win it. Willeen


    It’s wonderful just receiving encouragement, an injection of positive thoughts anout my creative skills. The new year is creeping upon us, what a great time to get new ideas flowing for everyone. I’m going to try harder to give others more positive words, too, a kind of emotional ‘paying forward!

  14. Kathy Dolyniuk

    I will read this wonderful magazine in my cozy chsir in the living room, while sugglrd under my shawl and drinking a cup of hot tea. I will savor rvery eird and every photo, feeling extremely blessed.

  15. Is that Eddie I see that is now world famous too? Congrats to both of you!

  16. Jim Sarno

    Congratulations dear friend XXX

  17. Laine Discepoli

    I will snuggle up with my 3 pups (including my brand new Kentucky Girl, Harper, the yellow Labrador in my studio on a love seat built for 2 (somehow the 5 of us have to be smooshed together on this poor thing!). Harper is just 8 weeks old so might likely try to show her artistic enthusiasm by trying to eat the article (she LOVES paper) so I’ll be ready with squeaky toys and treats and wait till she falls asleep in my lap to indulge in the entire magazine!

  18. Beryl

    Couch, feet up with my felines (Katie, Naja & Syd).

  19. love your work and your colors, would love to have a copy of the International Artist Magazine

  20. renate keis

    It was in In Her Studio magazine that I first ‘met’ you, Dreama! So, let’s go for a second cute-meet, for now. & intend to do so from new own home I am in midst of ‘conjuring’ oxox
    Thanks for this opportunity & gotta mention here, you’re an awesome Creator in such clear & abundant ways. Such love & hugs always . . . oh, ya, I’m a great hugger, too!!!oxoxox R

  21. Marlene Hanson

    Winter holds my time to read, paint and journal with hot cups of coffee and a biscuit. Looking forward to reading the magazine article and much deserved
    congratulations. Your work is so beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for your
    generous spirit and inspiration for all of us out there who are struggling to
    make some since of our own painting styles.

  22. susan Siemer

    Dreama, how exciting but not unsurprising that you have this beautiful spread in the magazine! So fun!

  23. I’ll read this magazine stretched out on a beach chair on beautiful Sanibel Island, Florida!

  24. No surprise Dreama to see you are in International Artists magazine. So proud of you for being brave enough to put yourself out there and an inspiration to other artists.

  25. Love this magazine, glad you are in, I certainly will not consider skipping this issue.

  26. Marguerite

    Would love to read this article and the entire magazine curled up on the sofa with a cafe au lait and chocolate!

  27. Ingrid Huebner

    I’m going to curl up on my favorite big chair with a cup of my favorite coffee by my favorite window overlooking the pines (snow-filled right now!) in the yard to read an inspiring art magazine featuring Dreama’s amazing work!!!! (Fingers crossed!)

  28. My husband gave me a wonderful gift of a painting class online with Dreama for Christmas, and although I’m not supposed to access it until it’s officially Christmas Day, I have been sneaking peaks and am soooooo excited!!!!!! Thanks Dreama for all your inspiration and generosity in sharing your gifts with others. I can’t wait to start creating art 🙂

  29. Kitty


  30. I’d so appreciate being a possible candidate to receive one of your copies of the International Artists Magazine, Dreama! It’s high time the global world gets to be introduced to the inspiration you are to so many!

  31. Lois Keffer

    Because I live at elevation in Colorado, smack in front of my fireplace. I’ll be wearing my furriest slippers, with cats Maverick or Goose or both tucked into my side. The Christmas lights will still be glowing from the lovely swag and white lanterns on my mantel. For as long as I can get away with it! And when our three grands arrive after school, we’ll smoosh into a warm ball and look at it together!

  32. Art magazines are a vital source of inspiration and instruction. They draw you in, give you hope and allow your to become a ‘dreamer’. Who knows where that will end – maybe a painter/artist. Wow!

  33. Wanda

    I hope I win because I don’t have any art magazines and I really need some inspiration.

  34. Cindy oneal

    Would love to see you again, the magazine would be second best!!

  35. Love your colors and paintings, Dreama!

  36. Thanks for the loving inspiration. Thanks for sharing your life with us, not only artistically but spiritually.

  37. Gayle

    I like to read on my sunporch, snuggled up in a soft, warm blanket on cold days. Headed there now.

  38. Theresa Pennell

    I would really like a copy of the magazine, I live in a small town and they do not have a book store.

  39. I am a huge fan of art magazines as while I don’t consider myself an artist, I do have a creative streak that I manifest through appreciation of others’ talents.

  40. Cathy H.

    I would leisurely read this beautiful art magazine, lingering over a cup of jasmine tea, on the patio outside (live in FL). 🙂

  41. Shannnon Shreeve

    Good Morning Dreama,
    Congrats on being included in the most recent issue of International Artist Magazine!!! I tried to comment above in the entry but there didn’t seem to be a text area for that – so just let me share here that I’m THRILLED for you!!!!! It’s added so much JOY to my life to start painting again (once upon a time…) and your courses along with your enthusiasm for art and enjoying life outside of your art has inspired me to see how I can do more to live a joy filled life as well.

    You asked above where would I snuggle and read the giveaway “treasure” – and because I live in an apartment complex you’d find me sitting on my sofa which views my outside deck. On my deck I’ve created a bird sanctuary (the only one in entire complex that has bird friends) – where I used planter stands to place platters of bird seed so the birds will come and visit me. In the Spring/Summer I have feeders hanging to attract more bird friends as the warmer weather brings them back to me. This is where I’ve set-up a small table for my watercolor supplies – and where I sit painting while the birds flutter past the window.

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!
    Shannon Shreeve

  42. karen jackson

    This crazy artist LOVES your work!

  43. Leslie Swain Wolfe

    I would read International Artist Magazine ~Here~(in my cozy home, which I am grateful to own), ~There ~(on the plane to Dreama’s March Event) and ~Everywhere~ (anytime I want to feel surrounded by kindness ). Congratulations to Dreama .

  44. Congratulations, Dreama! International Artist – the big guns:) So happy for you!
    The answer to the question is in my small home studio with a lovely cup of tea.
    Thank you.

  45. Julie Diehl

    Enter me please for the magazine. Congrats on your article!!

  46. Kimberly Gruver

    I want to paint the world with your favorite color …. JOY!!!!!!!

  47. Elaine wilkinson

    Congratulations I love my magazines art and garden I get pleinair it’s my favorite i paint mostly landscapes love your posts

  48. Linda Borch

    I will read it in my comfortable chair by the fire in our log home… hopefully watching the snow softly falling outside our great room windows:)

  49. Maria

    Congratulations, Dreama! I’m so happy for you!

  50. Edy

    Exciting news on the magazine. Enjoy.

  51. Always love real magazines! Happy Holidays!

  52. If I win a copy of the magazine with the most Uber cool Dreama in it, I will read it in my new studio in Hawaii! Yay! If I don’t win it, I will most definitely buy a copy 🙂

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