29 Oct

Other Musings
I’m preparing to head to California to live for a few months and work on some things. I’ve been painting, packing, dreaming and thinking.
Always reading
And thinking.
So I’m just gonna leave this thought here with you.
If we want more wildness in our lives, we have to be willing to let go of some control.
~ Ingrid Fetelle Lee, from her book ‘Joyful’

Peace in Every Step, Oil – 16 x 20, oil on canvas
P.S. Just between you and me — I kind of think Monet possessed a wild streak or two—how else would he have ended up with a pink house and a triptych of waterlilies measuring 42 feet in length?
I guess what I’m saying is that I’m not done learning, growing and desiring more wildness. There is more to paint and more to write and I am willing to let go of some control.
What say you on this subject? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Simply: You Go Girl!
I am more and more attracted to the loose abstract paintings, which is a near miracle for someone with a realism and decorative painting background.
I love hearing about your adventures. I am experimenting with Golden Open, so much fun. Loving those bright colors.
Creatively yours,
Welcome to California! I live in Southern California near the beach. If I can help, let me know!
Dearest Dreama, I am a huge Big fan of yours. Love your colors !!! They are like sunshine to me. Please let me know when you will come to California. My dream is to attend one of your classes in person. I live in San Diego. Please please let me know of your classes or workshop near me .
Love 💗 always
Neena Rahman
I have to admit I could use some adventure in my life. It would be fun to have a painting get together at some location. I am a single, and I have to admit that there are times I’m lonesome. (Trying not to whine). I could use some inspiration. I’m glad I’m a part of Flow and Dreama is just delightful. 💜
Hi Dreama! ❣️
Wow! 3-months! I’m sure those three months will include more hugs and snuggles and ice cream and romps with a lucky little boy!!
I moved to Sonoma for four+ months to work in hospitality while the company waited for their permanent person. It was exciting and scary and full of unknowns… but it was a really lovely time of more stillness and intention for me!
Soak up every adventure and I can’t wait to see how the creativity FLOWS! 😘
…so true! My personal goal is to talk less, listen more and really learn to love.
Dear Dreama, first of all I want to tel you that I become happy when I see your paintings.
And I have 2 questions for you: – Do you also make portraits?
and I was wondering how are you getting through this difficult time?
greetings from the heart, Gea from Holland
I think of wild as what we sometimes felt when we were in our teens. Now that we are more experienced and wiser I’m not sure that’s my word for this. This wild feels like it needs another term. Free is too overused, so that won’t do. It needs to be a word that conveys all the feelings. The power of it all, like a roaring River, the ocean during a storm. That exhilaration. At the same time, the peace of letting go of judgement, the fear of rejection, failure, humiliation, not living up to expectations. That joy. Like taking your first big breath in a long, long time. The expectation of what can be, what you can do, what you can experience. The sense of accomplishment or satisfaction you felt learning to ride a bike, drive, do long division, kiss a boy. Finding out it’s all not so hard after all. So much is wrapped up in this that I’m not sure there is a word for it. Maybe we should make up a new one.
Dreama, I know you’ll enjoy this new adventure! Looking forward to seeing how this experience effects your paintings! Sometimes we just need to “see” new stuff! I’m sure you will and Ron will have a great time!
The justaposition of “peace in every step” with the search for more wildness is so perfect! Finding calm while painting with more freedom!!! A happy place! Enjoy your time in California. I’m going just for the weekend to see my precious Jax (3) and Zoe (8 months),my happy place. I have learned so much from you Dreama and I am profoundly thankful for you!! I’ve illustrated a book for my sister. Watercolors of women in the Bible. The show goes up this weekend. You are a gift!!!
Beautiful wild painting! So happy for you getting to live your dreams. I look forward to seeing what all you share from your new place.
I have to admit Dreama, it startled me to realize how invested I actually am in FLOW and the more than little twinge I felt when reading your announcement of change. Leaving your studio is familiar ground where all our communication, lessons and live videos have originated from. It has become home base for many of us where we identify with and feel a part of your studio. I am a firm believer that great leaders know when it is time that in order to bring those that follow, they must leave where they are and go higher themselves. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are truly such a leader and we are so grateful that in turn we can look forward to “learning, growing and experiencing more wildness too”!!! Know Dreama, we are cheering you on in your new adventure and wish you a wonderful time with loved ones!
Yes! I agree, I am ready for some wildness in my life. That is what led my husband & I, mostly I, to sell our home & move off Long Island, NY to Westchester County, NY. We are moving into a townhome condo. I will have a more spacious studio & I will be minutes away from some of the loveliest nature in New York State.
Control: lack of control can cause fear. How do you overcome this?
Go For It!!
That is why you are such a success. You never stop learning and then you share all
your knowledge with others. What a gift you have!!
God is smiling on the talent he gave you. You spread the gift.
I so agree with this. I’m trying to do just that, however difficult. Enjoy California.
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