30 Dec

Other Musings
The Thought That Wouldn’t Leave Me Alone
I’ve been sure of one thing since my early days of writing and sharing with you. My mission was to create, each time, a special place. One that felt welcoming, supportive, and encouraging. Thoughts that hopefully made you laugh at times and helped you see things from the bigger picture. A ‘world’ you could count on. One that allowed you to be kinder to yourself and fall in love with the light and excellence that are you.
In short,
a soft place to land.
This driving thought is one I have held fast to since 2009. Its theme reflected in my courses, membership, and writings—in everything I do.
It’s the thought that wouldn’t leave me alone as I considered what I would write to you now. Here. At the end of 2022 and heading into 2023.
This humanity we wear, with its ups and downs, is stunningly remarkable. I know that most (if not all) of us do not feel or see this about ourselves.
We magnify our weaknesses and rarely accept credit for the light that we are. We need a soft place to land. From this place, our vision clears, our strength renews, and we see that there is work to do and that we are more than capable.
Perhaps this is why the drum beat has sounded in my ears for so many years. One of making sure, as best I can, that you feel better about your life when you read one of my letters. Because it matters so greatly that you SEE yourself in the light.
A ‘soft place to land’ thinking is my way of reflecting the beauty that exists in you so that you can know it. From that place of recognition, you can begin to gather yourself and do the work you are meant to do. (Gathering Light is something I wrote that adds more to this—you can read it here.)
As I thought about writing my end-of-the-year happy new year letter, the words that kept running through my mind were the very ones that have been with me all along on this journey. A soft place to land.
With all the wisdom, humor, and honesty this one gal can muster, I intend to keep true to my mission. I’ve prepared a little video for you that I hope becomes one more thing in your heart to pull out and use for more soft landings.
You deserve beauty, peace, and abundance in every portion of your life.
And perhaps my most important work while here is to remind you.
To the light in all of us…

Angels We Have Heard
6 x 8 Watercolor on Toned Paper from this month’s tutorial in my Flow Membership
P.S. Somehow, when I write, I always feel gratitude for you. For your attention, for you reading my stuff, for just being here. It means a lot! You can receive my letters straight to your inbox by subscribing here. (My letters are free, of course!)

I love the peace that comes out from your lovely letters. Thank you.
Dear Dreama,
Thank you so much for sharing that video today. I really needed to hear your inspired word and see your beautiful images.
Blessings to you!
Thanks for the best invitation to a new year vision.
Dreams, you have always inspired me. Love your beautiful art, meaningful ,light and creative!
Thank you for another year of inspiration, encouragement and love. Your good vibes resonate in all of us. Happy New Year to you, Ron and Desiree. God bless!♥️
Just wanted to say thank you for such a sweet note of encouragement for 2023.
Thank you for the much needed words of love, light and encouragement at this the start of a New Year.
You have so many leaving a message that I think one more little voice doesn’t matter.
But maybe it does.
Who knows which little voice is the tipping point.
So, thank you Dreama, Ron and your amazing team. For being there, and always lifting us up.
All the very best to you for 2023.
Thank you for your beautiful words and love you share. You are a bright spot in my world.
I wish you and your family a new year full of love, laughter and joy❤️
Dreama, you truly are a gift to this world and to me. I can’t ever remember when I’ve been happier or grateful to LIFE. Your words are in my heart and have made a difference. Thank you Dreama, I wish you and Ron and your families a Happy New Year!
Thank you, Dreama, for sharing your light! For choosing to uplift and encourage others. For the sweet joy that spills out from you and sincere hope you share. It’s infectious in the best way (:
Blessings to you and your family in 2023!!
Thank you for this beautiful post today. You know so well how to lift one’s spirits. Happy New Year and much love t you and your family! Thank you for sharing your exquisite art and for your incredible creativity.
Thank you, dear Dreama, for creating this beautiful message! It really made my heart sing! Your paintings, writings, videos and everything you share with us are so inspiring and uplifting! May 2023 be filled with joy, wonder, adventures & all that you & yours could hope for! Bless you! 💕💕💕
Dreama, when your emails pop up in my in-box, I can’t wait to read them! You are so gifted! I LOVE reading your writings as well as looking at your artwork! They are up-lifting to my weary soul! Thank you for all you do to bring light into this war-torn world! Blessings,,,
Thank you for this letter. I really do feel better after reading them. At age 81, I sometimes find myself sitting on the pity pot…dealing with aging and the aging of my husband – age 93. Then last night I talked to my cousin who is my age and doing the heart wrenching job of taking care of his wife with fairly advanced Alzheimers…..I am truly blessed. We are old, but we are still fairly healthy and able to get around and paint and enjoy our family.. Thank you for the reminder.
Thank you a million times Dreama. I needed this message today and will hold it in my heart. My wishes back to you for a creative and healthy year ahead. Linda in Tucson
I have been following the light of my soul for over 40 years now. Always, without fail, that light of love shines from within.
This is my favorite of your letters this year. Thank you for your writings and paintings.
Dreama – your Joy video is heartwarming & helpful to me – my Mother who was always artistically talented, inspired me to learn to paint watercolors of birds & flowers; & in her twilight years I encouraged her for us to paint together on her porch as the birds tweeted in our midst . She sadly passed away on her 99 birthday this year. I will forever treasure our moments & her beautiful works of art. Thank you for your continuing warm words & amazing art that you generously share! Hugs , Dia
Your sincerity, positive energy and enthusiasm inspires me always…thank you for your “soft place to land”.
Thank you for your heartfelt mission. Thank you for the beauty of your work given to us and the music it dances with; while it shows your message.
Light, love and peace to you as well.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.