5 Nov

If I offered you a brownie with the words, “It has just a wee bit of poo in it, but only a little”, would you still eat it? Or would you hold out for a better batch?
What about a piece of cake with a couple of dead flies in one portion of the bite. You know, you could pinch those little guys out and consume the rest—would you still want it? (We could consider this a compromise–I’ll eat the cake but not the dead flies…even though we know flies are pretty unsavory little characters;).
I think most of us have a pretty clear understanding on the food choice thing.
We are fairly certain
a little of something can contaminate the whole of everything.
How about a little fear?
A little doubt?
A smidge of worry?
A pinch of insecurity?
Maybe a 1/4 tsp of self-loathing?
Just a pinch, added to this moment, to this day can, well….need I bring up the little bit of poo in the brownie again??
When faced with the choice, no matter whether it is a self-service “eatery” or being served up by any number of situations in life—
Write it in your heart, you have a choice.
Choose the good thing.
Sheri Freshour
Congratulations Sheri! Click here to email me with your snail mail address:)
Here’s tomorrow’s Gratitude Giveaway:))
Yep, one of my 2013 Calendars!
…so to get your name in the hat for this and for the big drawing November 30, leave your comment and report back tomorrow to see A) if you’ve won and B) to leave another comment (see how this is all starting to make sense…:))!
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And for those of you who may have just started, here are the details for The Great Gratitude Adventure!
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Art, Humor and Inspiration–In Your Inbox!
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Hi Dreama,
Thank you for your daily musings which are always inspirational.I am grateful for many things – among them, the gift of music. Like painting, the hours spent practising still fill my soul with joy. How lucky we are when our creativity can transport us to a higher plane!
Dearest Dreama,
I am so thankful for your reaching out to share your thoughts, paintings and inspiratios.
This Thanksgiving season has been so enriched for me and my family by your daily gratitude listings…..thank you!.
GreatfulL for all thE Colors & the Songs!!
Karen Jean
I am grateful for Dreama, she brightens my day with her colorful paintings.
Karen Chamblin
Today I get to plant pansies. I spent many hours with my grandmother in the garden and these flowers give me a special connection to her. I am grateful for the pansies and the connection.
I am grateful for the love and support my
husband gives to me on good days & crummy ones. He is consistent and always good to me and our whole family. What a blessing he brings!
I’m thankful that I’m finally home from work, thankful that I was able to sit at the hairdressers after work and relax while once again loosing that grey look, thankful that my husband had supper ready for me when I got home, and thankful for warm, comfy pj’s to relax in while typing this.
I am grateful for my grandchildren who bring nothing but joy to my life.
Missed commenting because I was taking a 30 hour flight, however I don’t want to miss the gratitude. I’m supremely grateful to the Delta check in girl who smiled sweetly and didn’t say a word as I put my extra canvas loaded cases on the scale. (I’m pretty sure they were overweight).
Right now i’m grateful that I have this morning, the sun, the chill in the air and friends that care about me!!!
Such an exciting, interesting day ahead. Gayle Nunn
I am Grateful that i am getting better at telling the difference and not accepting it when it is handed out. i am thankful for my personal growth, though my head is still pretty hard. But I am gatefully getting there. Teresa in San Diego.
I am grateful that I found your beautiful Artwork today! Love your Cupcake!
I am grateful for a warm bed and clean water.
I am grateful knowing that I have a choice in how to respond to tough times. I can become bitter or better. And some times, if I’m tired, I can just BE.
I am thankful for the bright spark of humour, colour and fun you bring to so many people’s lives Dreama, including mine! : D
As we arrived at drawing class today, there was a lovely marmalade cat who greeted each of us. He had been “dropped off”. He was so glad to find us. I am so thankful that my artist friend’s brother wanted this cat and will give him an excellent home worthy of a marmalade cat.
I am thankful for the support I receive from my family for my artistic endeavors. My husband always encourages me and my son and sister hang my paintings in their houses. Friends ask for paintings. Love doesn’t see the mistakes or play the critic.
I am extremely grateful for the Gratitude exercise you started — I have never kept a gratitude journal, but I have begun one, thanks to you. So, in addition to my gratitude for your posts, I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine today and new friends I am making in our new apartment complex.
Karen Gifford
I am so grateful for the warm sunshine we are having. Love the cupcake, the calendar is so beautiful
I am so grateful for friendships and sharing of our art world. I wrote you about my friend who lives in another state who facetimes me once a week to paint for an hour with me. She gets me started and we talk and laugh while we paint in our own houses. It’s like being there with her. I am blessed. Phyllis Elliott
I love that your painting today is a cupcake. I just finished making some for a coworker to celebrate her birthday tomorrow! I am grateful for celebrations!
Wow! Love that cupcake painting! I am very grateful for the Lord’s calming grace in the midst of an extremely busy day.
Brenda Gibbs -trying again-should be his instead of hie
I am grateful for the generosity and caring that we as a country have for those in need whether victims of Sandy, Katrina, or foreign countries ravished by famine, sickness or typhoons.
Chris Bart
Brenda Gibbs – having trouble with this comment thing. That should be his instead of hie
I am grateful for this day. Got to visit with my aunt ,uncle and cousin. Got some stuff done and spent good time with my brother and hie wife. Good, good day.
I am grateful for grand children…. just waiting by the phone to hear that grand baby #5 has arrived!
I am grateful for technology that allows Dreama to send out all this fabulous inspiration and her beautiful paintings each day. Just imagine what the future holds!
You are such a talented lady. I enjoy reading your newsletter each day as much as I like seeing your paintings. Sherry Crouse
I am very grateful to live in a free country where I can go to the polls and vote.
My childhood friend’s Dad sent me a card in the mail today. He is feeling better and is hoping to play golf, after his recent bypass surgery at 85 years young! lOVE HIS OPTIMISM.
I saw Pinkie and Blue Boy at the Huntington Library and gardens!!! It was also 90 degrees! So much to be grateful for today!
Gloria Benedetto
I am grateful for returning home safely after a trip back east. Glad I got to spend time with wonderful friends!
I am grateful for the post from you, bringing me the sunshine in your painting and today a chocolate cupcake!
I am grateful for good friends!
I am grateful for entertainment. A well-written book or a compelling movie are the perfect vehicles to whisk yourself away from life for an interlude of peace. I am enjoying ‘Gone Girl’ and Season 2 of Downton Abbey currently.
Grateful that I got to comment on this blog today – and take the moment to think about other things for which I’m grateful.
I am thankful for the laughter at reading your post today! How true, stop to make the right, or the best, choice, and life may just reward you at bit. Thanks Dreama!
I am grateful for my sight. Since July I have been trying to get properly fitted for gas perm bifocal contacts. Finally, today, some real progress!! It is nice to be able to clearly see all the beauty around me. Capturing it is another matter!
JJ Hoffman
Today I am grateful that I have time during my “real” job to look and read about art I love as well as promote my own art endeavors! 🙂
I especially liked your commentary today… and a friend of mine in ESTONIA (!!) especially liked your comment from yesterday. We both enjoy your bright colors and light-filled art work.
I am grateful for the fantastic day I had … sketching while sitting outside our favourite restaurant and listening to great music … and then tonight made the first painting ever from a sketch. 🙂
hi < love your idea about gratitude. and of course I love love your cupcake. I'm thankful for painting and hubby. love,Diana
I’m thankful for the beautiful state park on Lake Erie and the opportunity to visit it today. It was radiant all decked out in grey with hardly noticeable tiny white specks of snow falling around in swirls. Not predicted, but a nice surprise.
I’m thankful I’m finally making progress on my health issues, it feels wonderful.
I am thankful for my lovely husband – the love of my life xx
frances, france
My, my what a DELICIOUS looking painting. Who knew that cupcakes were such a big hit today! I JUST bought a cupcake ornament and made a handknit cupcake hat for my little 3 year old granddaughter. I feel so blessed to have her in my life! Yay, for cupcakes!
I am thankful for having notes from a wonderful workshop by Kevin Menck to read over before I did this morning’s painting.
I’m thankful for a beautiful sunny morning, a fresh cup of coffee, and time to paint today!
Mu husband just celebrated his 61st birthday Sat. I am 4 years older than him. I am thankful for our continued good health and our lifestyle in our country home.
Good anology today Dreama! No poo for me!
I’m grateful for my daughters. They are pursuing life to the fullest, are kind, thoughtful, and have brought much joy to my heart!
Today I am grateful for my mother. She just learned she has a cancerous spot in the breast. I am taking her to the doctor today to discuss what happens next.
I am thankful for my husband who supports me in all things, especially my painting.
Lorraine Kendel
I am grateful to have learned how to P O S T
a comment and try my luck at winning -esp. this gorgeous calendar…!!!
Happy Election Eve!
Monica Dahl
I am thankful to be so busy I am never bored!
I am thankful to be so busy I am never bored!
Dreama, I am grateful for your beautiful cupcake painting . . . and with a purple pansy to boot. It’s my favorite color, you know. It reminds me that I have a lot of cupcakes in my life now, that support my artistic endeavors — it wasn’t always so.
I am grateful for a large enough house to be able to have my studio in it!
I am grateful for a warm house and my computer that connects me with so many wonderful artists and bloggers.
Judith B
I am grateful that the election is almost here and we will be able to turn on the TV or radio without all the ugly ads. Then we can think about painting again.
Ann Greely
Your art in itself brings me joy, and your email/blog gives inspiration every day. Your life is a gift to so many.
Sarah Wood
I am thankful for my parents. The way my siblings and I were raised ant the faith they instilled in us. The encouragement they gave each of us to fulfill our dreams (I.e my love of painting).
I am grateful to live in a country where we have freedom to choose what we want to do, want to say, who we mary etc.. Not all parts of the world enjoy these freedoms. And freedom to vote for whoever you choose- tomorrow!
I am grateful for my family.
Nancy T
I am grateful that my Husband is home again, even if it is only for 4 days. He has had to be away so much this last year, it was getting lonely. So we have 4 days to cherish!! Yvonne Ankerman ,
Your post from today is very inspirational and makes so much sense! I had not thought of fear, doubt and insecurity in that way before. I am grateful that today is going to be sunny and above zero degrees so our snow will be melting!
I am grateful that I can find something sweet in every day and that there is always something to smile about.
LOL! Thanks for the chuckle! But a reminder too. I am grateful for my patience….
I am grateful I have the “real” cupcake to remind me to only look for what is good. Thanks Dreama.
Annette P
I am thankful for the little boy who will make my a grandparent in March! And I second Lorri above me for the same thing! :). I just had one of those real jobs for 10 months and I am thankful for the money I saved…so many things to be thankful for.
Shawna Lampi-Legaree
Today I am grateful for the art patrons that bought my paintings this past weekend at my art show. Without them I would have to get a “real job”.
Loving your little cupcake and the thought to carry through the day…just a pinch of negativity can change everything….I am going to paint myself a cupcake for a reminder……thanKs for being out there!
Cathy Joerger
Countdown to Italy – I’m starting to pack the suitcase in great anticipation. I am a lucky and grateful girl!
Love your post today! It’s a reminder to think in those terms! Today I am grateful for the YMCA pool and the water I glided into at 7:30 this morning. Exercise to start the day and keep “oldness” at bay…so energizing. And this morning I made some new friends.
Wow, you really got me thinking today. That’s for this great blog.
I am very grateeful for this reminder today that FEAR is soemthing other artist also confront and that it is really an obstacle to growth and JOY. Thank you Dreama for reminding me to be Fearless today!
Dianne Harrison
I am thankful for your words of inspiration today. How true they are. I have a tendancy to worry about things, most of which never happen. So, I am trying to focus on the here and now and not let those pesky thoughts enter my mind or worry me. Thank you Dreama.
Today I am thankful for my beautiful daughters who dance with their mom at weddings, laugh until our tummies hurt and talk the night away about everything. Still crazy after all these years….ha ha.
So grateful today for abundant sunshine!
Thank you Dreama for your words of wisdom this morning. I am grateful that I received them in my inbox today. Barb Krell
Today I am thankful for getting together with my fellow painters to paint. I am also thankful for your inspiring words today. You always seem to make my day!
Again today your blog post hits home! Today is my 63rd birthday and there is so much to be grateful for! The ground was lightly covered with our 1st snow, but the storm clouds lifted, followed by beautiful blue sky. I am so grateful that after more than two sad years of grieving the loss of our middle daughter, I can finally feel and enjoy the SON shine and the blessings in my life!
Cyndy Allen
Again today your blog post hits home! Today is my 63rd birthday and there is so much to be grateful for! The ground was lightly covered with our 1st snow, but the storm clouds lifted, followed by beautiful blue sky. I am so grateful that after more than two sad years of grieving the loss of our middle daughter, I can finally feel and enjoy the SON shine and the blessings in my life!
Cyndy Allen
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I’m grateful for all of my senses. How wonderful it is to be able to fully experience this beautiful world!
Today I am grateful that this is Monday morning and I have a whole week ahead of me filled with opportunities and possibilities!
I like your cupcake painting…adorable!
So grateful for daughters, sons, daughter-in-laws and 2 son-in-laws to-be! Fun family times and the love that surrounds! Linda, Gardnerville, Nevada
I am grateful for a still quiet house in the early morning, a hot cup of coffee, my favourite chair and reading God’s word. It’s a great start to my day!
Debbie Spivak
I am grateful for the group of friends I’ve made through painting workshops and blogging.
I am grateful I can read. The world of knowledge is mine. I own it…
I am grateful for this daily pause to reflect on the good things in life. I am beginning to be more aware of everyday wonders that I have been taking for granted.
Drat! My dishwasher broke. Hooray! I have a great handyman, Walter. Today goes out to you. I am ever so grateful for the many times you have bailed me out of my household troubles.
I am greatful for my friends, old and new, and having people to share my love of painting or the encouragement and appreciation I get from the ones who don’t paint. I love them all.
Lori Anderson, Folsom, CA
I am grateful that we could share a pleasant evening around our firepit with our neighbors eating pizza from our woodfired oven & drinking their superb hand crafted wine. Living in the country is sublime.
I’m thankful that we can vote tomorrow, and then get on with our lives.
Today, deep thanks for my son, who spent part of his birthday making sure the electrician came to fix some stuff in his Mom’s apartment.
How kind is that!? And Dreama, how good of you to help us expand our gratitude sensors! Thanks!
Grateful for those so willing to share their Art-Spirit. You are a hero at that.
Thankful for a revived morning
Today I am thankful for Deepak Chopra’s 21 Day Meditation Challenge. Looking at nature to be thankful; beautiful flowers still blooming!
I’m grateful for my interest in art. Drawing and painting keep me interested and involved in life. It is such a wonderful gift.
Jan C.
Thankful for studio time today!
So thankful today for a life full of family who care for me, friends who support me, and my art friends who encourage me! What more do I need! I have it all!
lol…my husband and I are really laughing about your post today. It’s so true and just so funny.
So, I woke up at 3:30 this morning and the first thought I had was…”hey! I get to write a gratitude comment again today on Dreama’s site:) Yay! I’m so glad for that.”
We have so much stress and challenge going on right now in our lives that this has been just the right thing at the right time for me. Thank you. I’m so grateful for this new routine in my life.
Grateful for all the artist friends in my life 🙂
I am grateful that we GET to choose how we feel today. That we are free to do what we will with our lives. 🙂
I am so thankful for my lovely house and shelter. After these horrible storms on the east coast, one is certainly reminded of the “don’t sweat the small stuff” saying.
Thinking of all those brownies with poo in them, that I have eaten in my day. But hey, I am still here and it didn’t change my tastebuds.
Today I am thankful for the many agencies helping the storm victims in the eastern U.S.
Monday morning…get up and go to work. I am thankful not only that I have a job, but that I have a job that I love!
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I am grateful for the nice warm oatmeal with raisins and nuts and only a little sugar and milk that I had for breakfast. Here is wishing those affected by Sandy some good things to appreciate today.
Today, I am so grateful for ENERGY!… the energy I have to get things done, the energy in my home that powers the lights and computer, the energy in my car that allows me to go places. Thanks Dreama for bringing this gratitude exercise to me and to all of us!
I am so grateful for your words of inspiration and the glimmers I will take the time to notice today!! Look forward to your post each day as it always leaves me smiling!
Very insightfull post. Too often I eat the piece of life with the poo and give the best piece away thinking that it is the right thing to do. Next time I’ll stop and remember that I deserve a piece of that wonderful untainted slice of life too.
Thanks! 🙂
I am thankful for Ashley and her loving support and encouragement.
Dana Burton
Today I am grateful for my critique group that will meet later today and for all the comments and encouragement they give to all.
Lovely idea Dreama! I’m grateful for a chance to win a calendar…and I’m also grateful for 14 wonderful students and a successful pastel workshop this weekend in Rising Sun, IN.
Today I am grateful for a roaring fire in my wood stove. It is warming my house with its penetrating warmth while the temperatures plummet and the winds howl outside.
So grateful to be able to choose what I want to read and surround myself with…Your writings inspire and make me think about things that are good for my soul:) And…they make me smile!
Today I am grateful for autumn, the smell of my hot tea, and my time to contemplate your beatiful reminder to “choose the good”, before I head off to work!
Mary Beth Harrison
So grateful there is only one sleep to go before my darling boys get home! And for the beautiful day I am enjoying in solitude today. Have a wonderful day everyone!
I am so greatful for your blog post today Dreama. Your description of just a pinch of fear and worry contaminating the whole day is just perfect.
You blend your sense of humor into a great lesson for the all our days. I swear I will never look at a brownie again in the same way!
And I your sweet voice telling me to Make a Choice.
I am thankful for my loving husband who married me 48 years ago.
Thankful that I get to babysit my new grandson today.
I’m grateful I’m able to get out of bed this morning & enjoy this beautiful day.
I am grateful for eyes to see the world in a creative way and being able to express that in paintings!
I am grateful sitting in the warm sunshine this morning and reading your post 🙂
I am thankful for the holiday season we are about to enter and the privilege of gathering with family and friends.
Hi! It’s grand to have everyone in one piece, after all of the devastation of the Northeast. Makes you appreciative of your bed and your warm, comfortable space.
I am thankful for your words of wisdom! I so often let that little piece of “poo” spoil my day. I have to constantly remember that I have a choice in the matter, and I am thankful for that also 🙂
I am grateful for the faithfulness of my woman’s prayer group.
I am grateful to be back home after spending three wonderful days in Lexington painting with you. Thank you for sharing your techniques with us. Your open hearted teaching is wonderful.
I thank God daily for our many blessings. I pray for the spiritual renewal of America. May all Americans make their choices known tomorrow.
I am so grateful for the beautiful day we had yesterday! I got to work in my winter herb garden, plant pansies, then go for a long walk on the beach! I give thanks for all I have!
Oops! Sorry! I forgot to mention how much I love the cupcake painting!! How wonderfully colorful and fun! Another great job Dreama.
I am grateful today for my beautiful funny little white cat Lily
I too, have to agree with others about listening to that special Inner Voice especially after reading Bruce’s comment! Wow. I’m glad you listened Bruce. I’m positive we’ve all had messages from our I.V.. Sometimes we listen, sometimes we don’t and I don’t know about you, but the times when I DON’T listen never seem to work out too well!! My personal belief is that that I.V., our intuition or whatever we choose to call it, is a message straight from God TELLING ME what to do!! How presumptuous of me to think I know better!
So I am grateful to be able to have choices. To be able to choose what I want or want to do. It’s such a privilege. Which brings me to tomorrow…..PLEASE VOTE…..that too is our privilege. OK, end of sermon!!!
Bonjour Dreama and Eddie ~
Minny (my cat who looks just like Eddie!) and I want to wish you a beautiful week. We LOVE everything about your paintings and your writings… so inspirational…
All the best, Julie Reagan and Minny
One of the things I am the most grateful for today and every day is my husband, he is the best!
PS. Seeing Dreama’s paintings also brighten my day. I love the beautiful colors in them.
I have enjoyed “lurking” and rarely comment on many blogs that I enjoy. Your calendar inspired me … along with what you said about “fear.” I try not to let any fear I have influence what I am about to do. Just jump in and “crash and burn” if that is what it takes! Love your paintings.
How wonderful to have that extra hour of sleep this morning. Gayle Nunn
I am grateful for MDAnderson Cancer Hospital and it’s excellent staff for giving our family encouragement and hope for a cure!
Becky Frame
I am grateful for a friend to walk and exercise with!
Carol Hickerson
I am grateful for the talents of others that make this world a better place on a daily basis. Those who share them challenge and encourage all of us. Cindy K
I moved to a small community about five years ago. I became active in a lot of events and activities going on around town. I’m grateful that I’ve been embraced by my new friends and community and I feel so “at home” here.
Love love love reading your comments–what a great way to start the week!
Today I am grateful for new painting friends and patient, inspiring teachers!
Today I am grateful for a beautiful, clear, crisp autumn day because I am driving to the mountains to deliver work for a show. Man, I LOVE my job!
I am so grateful that I am able to drop my daughter off at school every day as well as pick her up. Those big hugs good bye and that glowing smile when I walk in to pick her up. <3 Thanks, Monica Avila
Today I am grateful to be going painting with wonderful friends, grateful for my husband who is watching our grandkids so I can go and grateful for our three amazing kids!
I am grateful that my dear friends allow me into their lives.
Robin McEwan
Your words were meant for me to hear this am. A little bit of reservation can contaminate everything. To be 100% dedicated is my goal. Love your funny and inspiring words!! Who is not afraid to say, “poo” in their blog?!
It is a choice, isn’t it? Today I am grateful to HAVE a choice to have a thankful heart! May I remember to make that choice every day. Thank you for your blog posts!
Today I am grateful for a free day in my studio. It’s going to bee a fun day. Thank you Lord
Today I am grateful for the chance I had to first see your blog on someone else page, and the desire to see your beautiful art. I found so much more, I so enjoy your thoughts and your art, you are an inspiration. Thank you
I am grateful for you, Dreama. You take the time to lead and inspire us all, Thank you so much for what you do. We appreciate your kind, graceful , and generous spirit!
Great post, Dreama and I love the cupcake painting…made me smile 🙂
Today I am grateful that I have a job that provides me the ability to do the things I love.
I am grateful for my Dad, who left the city behind to build a house in the country where I enjoyed a happy and healthy childhood. I can still see his kind blue eyes.
I’m very grateful for no poo in my life today
I am grateful for this day to create art.
Marilyn Troutman
I would be very grateful for one of your pretty calendars! Thank you for your generosity for all these nice gifts (even if I don’t win, you’re inspiring).
I am grateful for my husband who is a saint for putting up with me for 26 years!
I’m grateful for still having my Dad who is 94.
Since this is my first post, I’ll start with my biggie. I am grateful for my gracious and forgiving Lord! He is our creator and my true inspiration. Look around at all the beautiful colors and things he gave us to paint!
I am grateful for your message today (very deep and profound actually). It makes me realize how a little worry, etc. can affect the whole part of me!
grateful to waking to the first hint of light – the dawn of a new day.
I am grateful for the beautiful cupcake painting first thing in the morning! Not so much for the thoughts of poo… 😉
I’m grateful for the comment posted by Bruce…the reminder of the wisdom of listening to our intuition.
Today I have a cold. The first time I’ve had one in two years. I am grateful for my good health. One small cold is not a bad price to pay for many many days of feeling good.
Today I am grateful for the small things in my life, Sophie the dog that wont sit in my lap but sit next to me all day!
Well I choose the good food – the very tastiest morsel I can get my hands on in that moment in time (I certainly wouldn’t compromise by eating poo – however small an amount…even though I’m pretty sure that seal poo is a delicacy in the Arctic areas!! ;))
Today, therefore, I am very grateful for my delicious Rocky Road that I made last week and have brought to work today. I’m looking forward to savouring it’s smooth, sweet, crunchy, chewy deliciousness with my coffee at some point today – CAN’T WAIT!! 🙂 🙂
Mandy Parrett
I am grateful for the smell of scented candles lit early in the morning, providing the only real light to welcome the new day that lies ahead.
I’m grateful for my husband and two children. They have totally enriched my life.
Linda Hall
Fredericksburg, Texas
I thank the great spirit mother for the abundance of good things in my life! Painting, good friends, family, and a special person like you! Thanks Dreama!
Dreama, your thoughts and words today resonate very deeply with me, as I’m sure it does or has done in the past for so many if not most of us.
Yes, there have been times – too many times in the past, and as recently as three weeks ago – where the choices before me and the one I made should have been clear from the start, but wasn’t – much to my not-so-pleasant surprise. I didn’t go with my instincts, I didn’t go with what my heart told me. I took too big a bite of that brownie with just that little bit of poo on it, and gave into that little bit negativity, the little bit of self-doubt, the self-loathing, the fear, the worry, the anxiety. All adding up into one big something that was not at all pleasant.
Although I paid a price for this poor choice, in keeping with gratitude as the theme, I’m grateful and yes, thankful too, for what it has taught me, nonetheless.
I’ve learned, or have been taught through this, to trust my instincts, and listen to them and listen to my heart and inner guide, when they are all trying to tell me and to lead me to what is the right choice, the positive choice, the most healing choice.
Thankfully, I was able to put things right, and go back and re-think my options and go back for that second choice (which should’ve been the first choice) which was the right choice all along. This new slice of cake tastes delicious, with none of that nasty stuff on top of inside.
Thank you for this, Dreama – it truly is a wonderful and inspiring way to start my day each morning – by reading your thoughts for the day, as well as all the inspiration and love streaming forth in abundance from all the wonderful people leaving their own inspiring and loving and positive thoughts and comments.
I am grateful to have been born into a huge, loving Southern clan where all creativity was encouraged and supported.
Grateful to have the ability to love others, even when they are hard to love!
I am grateful to still have my 85 year old mom around to continue to give me “advice” on love and life and “see” her smiling face.
I am grateful for life and health and the opportunity to paint in the beautiful sunshine today.
Arleen Turzo
I am grateful for my darling little dog who loves me to bits and snuggles up on my knee.
I am grateful for my little dog that greets me with such enthusiasm and loves me with uncondititional love. He wants to be touching me the whole time I’m home.
Patty Haynes
Intuition stops me on the sidewalk.
‘Wait here just a minute’, she whispers.
Why I wonder? I’m in a hurry.
Stopping to take a few breaths
I watch a taxi scream down the hill,
jump the curb just feet from where I stand,
and it rushes off.
I am grateful that I can read all kinds of books, free, and learn about all that interests me and be delighted by the wonderful world I live in.
Alma Marshall
I’m grateful for my warm and cosy house on this frosty morning 🙂
I’m grateful for my strong connection with & deep love for animals.
Ha,ha, I’m the first to comment! Great post, so insightful, and I’m greatful for it! 😉
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.