20 Jan

Before the Creative Process
Burano Blue….and Beginning
A little taste of the blues
in Italy
on the island of Burano.
Creation is beginning
Making some thing from no thing
Beginning is first
Not the middle
Not the ending
Creating comes first
Our thoughts
Our words
are our beginning
our way of creating
our moments
our days
our lives
Beginning, creating….in every moment
Our next moment
Middles and ending but follow along
they have no say in the matter
Beginnings are where the magic lies 🙂
What are you beginning today?

“Burano Blue”
9 x 12in oil on museum quality panel

Dreama, You are so Source related. Love the language you speak.
Will be meeting you soon Dreama, long awaited event. Sunny Florida here I come. Can’t wait.
I’m beginning to find my way to my true style….that which comes from my soul and needs to get out!
Yes, yes…. today is a new beginning for me. I say this every day…and it makes my world full of joy and expectations.
What a lovely post for the beginning of my day!!
I’m beginning a new painting!
So very, very true. Beginning is at the heart of everything.
To begin, I try to begin where I am. At this moment.
I try to bloom and blossom where I am planted.
What am I beginning today? A new watercolour still life study, as well as a new day…the first day of the rest of my life.
ps – Burano Blue! What a perfect name for such an amazing and magical place. Ohhhh….how I would love to return to Burano (and Venice) one day.
Can you just picture how incredible a Dreama workshop would be in either the ‘mainland’ that is Venezia, or either bellisimo Burano or marvelloso Murano? 🙂
More Italian inspiration, please. I’m loving this one. Especially on a wet, cold, grey and dreary Irish winter’s day.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.