2 Nov

During the Creative Process
60 Magical Minutes – The Invitation
What to do with 60 magical minutes?
This coming week-end will be the time to fall back—to have a whole extra hour in the day (how many times have you wished you could have decided when that extra hour appeared??). I love the fall for a lot reasons, one of them being that extra 60 minutes that gets tossed our way…which got me to thinking of all things one could do in said extra hour. There are the obvious ones like sleeping in late or taking a nap right in the middle of the day.
This is the tip that Eddie Pierre would give. He’s a cat. A nap always seems like a fine idea to him.
But for creative, amazing you I thought it would be fun to explore all the ways those minutes could be spent adding 60 minutes of JOY to a 25 hour day ?
So here goes…
- making a fall bouquet of found items in your yard
- taking a walk or bicycle ride
- tell a ghost story to your hubby, grandkids or whomever you can corner
- dance to your favorite music, slow and fast
- savor a bottle of wine you’ve been saving back for a special occasion
- pamper your feet with a hot foot soak and a good massage with lotion
- look through old photos (remember the ones we had before digital came along?)
- watercolor remembrances of this Fall in your journal— doing your best to match the magical colors of the leaves—which is impossible but the JOY is in having a go at it!
- draw a single fallen leaf (or trace it) and paint it in your journal
- unplug…the phone, the computer, the tv
- begin a book that’s been tugging at your heart to read
- call someone you love that you haven’t spoken too in awhile
- write a letter to your _____ that has already passed and tell them what you’re up to these days…i”m pretty sure they’re listening:)
- skype or facetime a long distance friend and share a cup of tea together
- watch some old family videos and marvel at how pretty you were then and didn’t even know it:))
- find a swing and swing in it
- head out into the countryside far from the city lights and watch for falling stars
- make some lists of crazy things you’d like to do
- pick one and set a date to do it
- watch a classic movie with home made popcorn
- paint a petite painting
- make a pumpkin pie, then eat two slices with lots of whipped creme. and have a glass of cold milk while you’re at it
- create a playlist of your favorite upbeat, positive message music
- hang children’s art in your studio to remind you of the beauty that exists in all art
- place quotes, letters, photos, and keepsakes in your work area (office and studio) that help you to remember to follow your own North star
- buy an orchid to spend this winter with ?
- take a long bath in scented water with candlelight and spa music
- work on a vision board
- bake chocolate chip cookies
- daydream. like you did when you were a kid.
- watch the sunrise. so simple. so special.
- write a love letter to yourself. take note of the big things, the small things that define who you are. write it from the outside looking in. you are a marvelous work of god.
- plant spring bulbs. come spring, you’ll have new faces bringing color into your world.
- call your mother (or if she’s gone, write her a letter)
- write your significant other a love note.
- mail 5 postcards from your town to faraway family and friends (my sis Rhonda does this to me and I love it—I discover things about where she lives via her postcards)
- visit with your neighbor–share the chocolate chip cookies you baked. This is supposing there are some left to share ?
- meditate in a new place
- get a pedicure with a new color
- eat some gelato (I suggest salted carmel flavor…yummmmm)
- watch Under the Tuscan Sun….again
- do something outside of your comfort zone
- go to a local antique/junk store. look for things that remind you of your childhood….and smile
- browse in your local book store…you never know what goodies are out there. (half price books in my area is one of my favorite haunts)
- go to the zoo or aquarium (if you are lucky enough to have one where you live)
- go to the flea market…you REALLY never know what you will discover, uncover, that you can’t live without
- get your hair done and maybe add some wild color. i’m thinking a streak of purple would be fun ?
- go to the dollar movies. cheap thrills. big screen is always better.
- read the cartoons or a joke book (I have several Scott Adams books, author of the Dilbert cartoons. Pointy Hair Boss and Catbert my fav’s)
- watch a funny movie (share some of yours in the comment section)
- create stations for yourself on Pandora radio. (Spa, Yoga, Pink Martini, John Mayer, Jim Brickman are a few of my fav’s–please share some of yours in the comments below)
- head for the kids section in the library or bookstore. the images and stories are always so delightful!
- buy some colored gel pens and have a field day in your journal
- go to someplace new, a place you have never been before. a park. a cafe. a new (to you) street in an old neighborhood
- meet a friend at an outdoor cafe for coffee and smiles
- spend the hour in quietness
- pick out 10 great digital photos and print them out and post them in places sure to make you smile. your bathroom, refrigerator, taped to your easel, closet—all the unexpected places that you frequent ?
- take photos of yourself making goofy faces and mail them to others with the caption “wish you were here!!” (not that I know anyone who does this….)
- write 60 things you are grateful for
- this one is yours. fill in the blank__________________ *
“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” ~Marthe Troly-Curtin
“Time is a game played beautifully by children.” ~Heraclitus
“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.” ~Lao Tzu
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life….And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition.” ~Steve Jobs
60 Magical Minutes. How will you spend yours?

Thanks for encouraging us to live life more fully! These suggestions are great and we all need to make our own lists. Our unique values, likes, and preferences will shine through and resonate in our life and art! May we all find our purpose through our God-given desire to create art!
I love your colors.
I LOVE your work! I am constantly inspired by you and your work; the light, the energy. I tend to have always been a ‘copier’, which I feel has stifled my creativity and not allowed me to really express my true self the way I would like to as an artist. I hope to learn from your guidance and finally really ‘find myself’ in my art! Thank you, Dreama!
ABSOLUTELY love, love, love your painting and inspirational writings. Thank you!
Love your palette….
Such great ideas!!! Love that I’ve found you.
Love your inspiration!
Just joined and am enjoying your website.
I love your list for that extra fall hour! Thank You
Love your work too, so full of life and color!
Would love to win the apron!!
I will be making a print out of these awesomely wonderful 60 ideas just as soon as I finish commenting! I recently experienced a spike in my blood pressure. I am 68, and this had never happened to me before! They put me on a beta blocker and today I will have a stress test. My bp is low within normal range, without the beta blocker and I have lost 4 pounds since last Friday. I’ve started walking about 2 miles a day. I’m at 176 pounds right now and my best weight, my absolutely goal is 120. I intend to do this! I’ve drastically changed my eating habits. I intend to change my life style and Dreama, you are part of it. Your joy, your smile, these 60 wonderful ideas, and so much more, just bless my heart! Change is in the air and I’m excited! You continually add to my joy!!! THANK YOU!!!
Please enter me in the drawing for the apron.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.