29 Jan

Other Musings
Feb Fun 15! From my heart to yours~
Here is your February Fun 15!
Each suggestion will take 15 minutes or less to do.
Think light and fun!
You can also share your experiences in the comments below.
I created these mini-fun sessions in February of 2021. I think you’ll find some joy, helpful reminders and ways to simply have fun! Enjoy!!

February 28, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 27, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 25, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 23, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 21, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 19, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 17, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 15, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 13, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 11, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 9, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 7, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 5, 2021
Read the full post here.

February 3, 2021
Read the full post here.

Welcome to February Fun 15!
Read the full post here.
Here’s our February Fun schedule:
Each suggestion will take 15 minutes or less to do. Think light and fun!

Thank you for inspiring me to get painting again!
I have just recently done this Have Fun It was absolutely amazing Make me experience and appreciate the little things around us everyday that has been created by God so beautifully
I have loved each day
Thank You so much Dreama
I drove over the rocky mountains between Ouray and Durango, passed a total of three cars during the 2 hour drive. There are no city lights, the stars are astounding against that vibrant blue changing to black sky and the crisp snow and mountain tops. I wish I could have taken pictures of all of it. What a feast for the senses. Then, driving toward Sante Fe NM, the moon rose over the mountain back drop, the largest, orangest moon ever seen. No one would believe it if we painted the joy and beauty of real life.
It has been a pure joy to create this Feb Fun 15 AND the joy has been multiplied with the reading of your lovely comments. Thank you so much for sharing and being part of this foray into making FUN a part of each and every day!
Big Hugs!!
I haven’t been totally consistent with each Feb.. Fun 15, but I could not pass up the moon.
No idea why, but the heavens fascinate me.. I took some photos of that Snow Moon.. it was slightly overcast so there is a beautiful halo around it.. on Jan. 2 at 8;12 am, I took a shot of the double planets.. They really could be mistaken for the Christmas star. I was lucky as that was the only time the skies where clear enough to see it here. I posted the photos in Flow.❤️
I have loved getting and sharing each of these fun suggestions. My friend Lois and I often chat across the miles with these as a conversation piece. Thanks!
This has been a very challenging month for me. One of my sisters has been in Home Hospice and my heart is heavy as her three daughters gathered to nurture her on her path. In the last two weeks she seems to be running toward her finish line. We are texting, and emailing often, as it is not possible to be there. I cannot thank you enough for helping me find fun in small ways as I wait from afar. It seems strange not to hold her hand, or hug her daughters. I am so grateful for Hospice and palliative care, and grief counseling. Those are the hugs her daughters are warmed with, and my sister is comforted by. I’ve been watching for text messages all day with my heart in my throat. Yet here I am sharing with you the fun I have had today; reflecting on the bits and bobs of ideas and prompts, and directions Dreama has shared with us. YES I’ve been having fun, between bouts of memories and tears. I have also spent a lot of February enjoying Mother Nature’s paint brush. Snow, ice -14 degrees, grey skies, brilliant sunshine, icicles glittering in 34 degree weather, grass popping through mounds of shoveled snow, squirrels scurrying along white paths, bunnies hopping from home to stash and back again, a moon that shines into my home, and a sun that casts rainbows and shadows on my walls. Without these prompts, I may not have taken time to l look for these precious moments of life around me.. Thank you for adding the color to a grey period of my life. You are deeply appreciated. I am so glad you set your fears aside and carried this inspiration to the world. I will share these prompts with my nieces – to help them through their grief and remind them of the laughter their mother loved to hear. Having fun is a very serious thing and one that I cherish with an elfin grin on my face.
Lorna your post took my breath away. Thank you for sharing this here. Your choice of focus in such an extraordinary time gives strength and hope to others who may be traveling a similar road. I’ve had some hard losses myself in the past few months and can only imagine the loss of a sister–I am so sorry! Hope you can feel the burst of loving energy that I am sending with these words to you!
Dear Dreama
Thank you so much , I really enjoy this “fun 15” .
You are a lovely girl .
Dreama, Thank you for all your ideas, time and energy. It has been uplifting and joyful!
Funny that today’s “fun” was about going out into nature for discovery. In central Illinois it was surprisingly warm enough, 50*, to have our church service outdoors, pandemic style. While sitting in our lawn chairs I noticed that the tiniest weed leaves were beginning to open! No wonder the weeds always win! They were under 2 feet of snow last week!
Thank you so much Dreama, for taking me with you on this wonderful Feb. Fun journey! I appreciate your thoughtfulness, time, inspiration & encouragement. It has been fun and an eye opener for me. You are amazing! Thank you.
Thank you Dreama. You are the rainbow prism seen in a rain drop. I appreciate all you do. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Seeing your beautiful grandson playing makes me think of how much fun we’ve had and still do with our kids (17 and 19 now). Even in the last day, we’ve had FUN tossing our indoor snowballs at each other …. your can really have some raucous fun with those! And totally forget that your body might not always do what it did as a kid (as you run-reach the top of the stairs throwing yourself around the corner on your stomach to ready for the next attack hurts more than it used too!)
What’s sad is when we try them out on adult friends – too many don’t know what to do?!?!
btw – the snowballs we have are “Snowtime anytime” brand, available in different size canisters – get the largest if you decide your little guy would like them (everybody will!). These are better than the homemade ones I first made out our my daughter’s white tights and stuffing.
Thank you for all your beautiful encouragement and the joy you bring!!!
Thank you Dreama❤️.
This month has been a lot of FUN. Thank you!
I often carried your ideas even further and had more fun.
First ~ Thank you❣️ Your creativity is contagious! You have given me the sparks to light up my life . “Neglect not the gifts that are within you” author ?
I am with my daughters family in Panama City Florida and 3 grandchildren 3 and 6 and 13. Joy in seeing the 2 little ones help steer the dolphin tour boat, watching them in a cage with their father touching lemurs watching them have parakeets land on sticks with birdseed on the end and not only their smiles but mine as I feel like a child again. I love walking in the waves at the beach and picking up seashells. A long time ago, I learned if I have a choice between chores and fun I will drop everything to have fun and make memories. I love watching the stars and the beauty God has created. This week my three year old said I was amazing and made me feel amazing. This has been a fun activity for February
Thank you , It sounds good to follow the full moons and have discovered a Full Moon Meditation that each month has been fulfilling to me … You just listen 20 min or so …
Like to share to look up Anthony William the Medical Medium once you are on FB you can find 5 more
amazing meditation for you that will enhance each person and it is all for free …While you are there you can win big time with many health issues that are healing people worldwide …
Thank you dear Dreama for your sweet ideas that are wonderful to fill our hearts with new ideas ….
Blissful dreams are wished to everyone ,
It’s a full on tonight! Love your blog!
It’s a full moon tonight. You know I’ll be looking up!
We have a skylight on our roof and every once in a while the full moon will be in the right position to shine into our house. Even though it was cloudy last night, it was wonderful to stand under the skylight, watching the clouds move across the sky and see the Snow Moon come out from behind them and shine down on me. When I looked at the floor behind me, I realized I was casting a moon shadow! Magical!
What a great quote! It reminds me of the time we were in Telluride in September maybe 20 years ago. I had heard about a meteor shower that would happen while we were there. It was one of the most amazing sights. I sat at our hotel window and watched the shooting stars until at least 3:00AM. They were constant and would streak across the sky at all angles. I am so thankful for that experience. A glimpse of the City of God, maybe? (My husband only lasted an hour or so!!)
Will attend a beach party tonight to s celebrate the Snow Moon here in Baja.
I had a photo book made on Shutterfly and was very pleased with it. Dreama, this month Feb Fun has been great! Thank you
I’m going to put together a picture book of each fun thing my family has done together for this 2020.
Last week I said to my husband that we were going to do something different – main meal at noon and for our evening meal…a picnic. Kindred Spirits for sure Dreama! Sharing here a photo of our picnic. Loved the video of the ‘Torontonians’. Love Tracy Moore! I also love the idea of shopping for the picnic as described. No planning, no packing, pick up as you go. (for sure after Covid) So simple! You have me thinking. Maybe I will try a winter picnic! Thank you Dreama! 😘 for all the ‘February Fun’
It appears I cannot add my photo
Although I am loving all these posts you are providing in Feb., I am especially stuck on the “ Love me” post. I am practicing it every day and now I have shared the idea with a few friends. It has made such a difference for all of us. So a big thank you goes out to you and now I’m going to go and have some fun !
Hi Dreama!
Your theme of trying something different was perfect for today!
I snowshoed 4 miles with friends, on a section of the North Country Trail in Michigan that I never tried before. I was work tramping up and down the hills, through the woods, but so fun to be out in the fresh air with gal pals.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Leah, what fun it would have been for me if I had read this sooner, I’ll try it tomorrow, but love the way you did you change. Much Love, Diane
02-21-I am loving the fun that is filling my February – my birthday month. I don’t, as a habit, make comments, so today I am. Before I even saw today’s prompt, I woke up peppy and ready for a busy day. Instead of my usual oatmeal and regular coffee, I decided to treat my good mood to a true homemade Sunday brunch – Pumpkin latte, avocado toast, omelette stuffed with sauteed onions & peppers topped with some cheese, and finished with a small bowl of dark cherries and banana slices. I took my time and really enjoyed it. What a lovely way to change things up and prove to myself that I can find my way out of the rut of my daily grind. Thank you for the DIFFERENT perspective and the addition of stripes!
Loving these February 15’s, Dreama! Thank you! We have a formal dining room that, in the past, we usually only used for holidays or dinners with extended family. Since Covid, the extended family part isn’t happening, but ever since Christmas, my husband, teen son and I have been eating dinner every night in the dining room. We make sure there are flowers and lit candles on the table just like at a nice restaurant. And, on themed dinner nights (ie Mexican, Italian, German…,) we have music playing to match. (Dreama, your Timeless Tuscany playlist is out favorite for Italian night!) It makes the meal more intimate and special, and less distracting. It’s become a wonderful and special “habit” for us. <3
Instead of putting fresh strawerries on my yogurt – I decided to make fruit jam for my yogurt. Mixed strawberries – frozen blueberries with tiny bit of water and honey – boiled for 5 minutes – put in refrigerator and when the mixture cooled it turned into yummy jam!!!
Today instead of laying in bed watching tv, I got up and took walk out back on our property. The snow had melted and it has warmed up to a balmy 42 degrees with a nice breeze that should have made me put on a coat but I felt a bulky sweater would suffice for a short trek into the back acre.
What a treat I found the ferns were starting to push up their newly curled fronds, the moss growing up the sides of the logs was such a vibrant green it was close to neon. And to my delight the two little fairy houses my husband bought me for my birthday last year had been lovingly uncovered of their winters blanket of maple leaves. It’s as if they too were ready for spring to start. Just by taking time to do something new and different this morning I got to see the magic of nature happening when we think it’s still sleeping in.😀
I spent this week getting a jump on your “change things up” message that came today. It took a week to complete the process.
What did I do? * I ordered a book (you said to read something different). Because my husband and I had radically downsized to an apartment nearly five years ago, I had stopped buying books and went instead to borrowing only from the library.
*I rearranged the furniture in my living room. We have the biggest apartment in this complex, so I can change how it looks. (Did you know I once contracted with a builder to do their interior decorating and sometimes designs?)
*The biggest “change things up” came with the help of the phone app PAINT CAN which I used to scribble all over a photo I had taken of my still life set up. That “almost totally wrecked photo” helped me paint the still life loosely. Really. The change in style was so dramatic it had me laughing.
So now it is a new day and and I am to make another change. I am on it! Today I will not criticize anyone or anything. I need this change badly as with Covid and the past four years of politics, my tongue had leashed some unseemly words.
Thank you Dreama. .
Thank you Dreama, for all the time and energy you put into Feb Fun. It is very much enjoyed and really appreciated!
I read that Patricia Sands book and liked it so much I got another titled, “The Promise of Provence.” It’s the first in her series Love in Provence. The dog in the Provence house exhange house is named Picasso, but they call him Pico for short. This is where I got the name for my adorable toy Maltipoo! And it perfectly fits him. 😉
Thank you for this series of fun fun fun. I have been inspired by them. Today I pulled out a book of poetry from the many on my shelf (which i do not read any longer). I became reacquainted with some lovely thoughts that lifted my spirits. Thank you Dreama for being wonderful you. Linda from Tucson
Brave Companions by David McCullough a rare story teller. “A book of exceptional men and women in our country. McCullough brings us into the times they knew &their uncommon lives.
Reading The Bean Tree, very well written, draws you right into the time and ears.
The Bean Trees was the first Barbara Kingsolver book I ever read. She is a wonderful author!
GRIT by Angela Duckworth. , the power of passion and perseverence. I wish I could have read this book when I was bringing up my kids. The last part is how to develop grit in your children. It is about finishing what you start. Even if it isn’t what you hoped, you stuck with it and learned lessons. It is about having passion for a dream and the grit to get to that dream. Recommend it to everyone.
Dreama, I love to read, also, and have a book “going” at all times. Currently I’m reading, “Appetite for America” by S. Fried; about Fred Harvey, the famous railroadman/restauranteur. Remember the Harvey Girls? Here’s a short list of my recent readings:
“All The Light We Cannot See”, by A. Doerr. A novel.
“Where The Crawdads Sing”, by D. Owens. A novel
“Creating Magic”, by L. Cockerell. A former Disney World executive. Very inspiring.
Everything written by Beatrix Potter, including her journal.
I consider my most important reading to be the Holy Bible. I’ve read it page by page, word by word fourteen (14) times over the past years and continue to do so.
Adele Bower
Hello Dreama,
I sure have enjoyed your Feb. Fun 15! I especially liked the letter suggestions. I want to try it, but because of my time constraints and other factors, I might not write a whole letter, but just a note from all the parties you indicate. I have a little spiral bound index card notebook (from the dollar store) where I try to write something or do a quick draw every day (pefect siince one side has lines and the other side not), and that, for me will be the perfect spot to write my notes. The playlist you sent in the next letter sounds intriguing, and I want to try some of those too, especially the one you wore out from playing (if this were the old vinyl record days!)
Take care, and thanks for the fun,
This morning, I chose to listen to Lauren Daigle, an inspiring Christian singer, whose music and words help my spirit soar. I was doing ‘wobble board’ exercises at the time and yes, I was singing aloud. Music thrills my soul. As a tribute to many loved ones who’ve passed, I choose to learn to play a specific song on the piano. I am not skilled, but every time I play ‘their’ song, they are with me again. Thank-you for your wonderful inspiration Dreama. You are in my prayers.
My mother played the piano and we grew up listening to her play all of George Gershwins music. My playlist has Rod Stewarts Great Amwrican Song Book -Stardust – As time Goes By -Fly Me To the Moon – I,ve Got A Crush On You -You Send Me – and all of the fabulous dance msic of that era! The music is fun and danceable and great to paint by!
P.S. Thank you for the February Fun!
Thank you Dreama…you certainly bring joy into our lives by inspiring us with of all these fun things to do and with your words. I find myself laughing more, especially to Seinfeld and working out to Dance videos. You are awesome!
My husband and I live music., he has a large record collection. When our oldest child was born Deaf we would crank it up and dance around with him. He would be with hands on the speakers to fell the beat. He’s a good dancer.
I listen to opera. Gospel music, Rod Stewart, Josh Groban and Enya and chant! while I paint.
Your email about music sent me down a rabbit hole of listening to songs that remind me of different times in my life, and it. was. awesome. I feel so uplifted, smiling ear to ear. One song in particular, Lionel Richie’s “Hello”, brought me back to backpacking through SE Asia about 10 years ago — so many hilarious adventures. Thank you for this. 🙂
I write letters every week to people who need encouragement, sympathy and love . So many people are lonely without family or friends nearby and without resources – I also do small watercolors pasted on card stock for a card holder for these letters. . I get to share my art work , practice painting techniques and spread cheer. A win win for everyone.
What a special way to spread the love!! Your paintings and letters are a certainly a big win for all who receive them and for you, who gets the ‘glow’ from being love in action.
What a lovely suggestion! It’s on my ‘to do’ list… right near the top! Thank you for the suggestion!
looks like fun
Dreama that is so sweet and loving. I will have to try that. Thank you for being you.
Thank you for these fun things to do. I particularly enjoyed “laugh.” I came up with things to watch on YouTube that made me laugh or smile…from Lucy at the Chocolate Factory to a Baby Elephant seeing the Ocean for the first time. From Victor Borge and the Opera Singer to Robin Williams as the American Flag…Tim Conway as the Dentist to the Friends episode of moving a couch upstairs. I enjoyed watching and laughing so much that I sent them to friends. We all need to laugh more, for sure.
Thanks again!
Sometime you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Dr. seuss.
I am taking more time to appreciate Gods handiwork and that he did it just for me. Thank you Max Lucado.
I had a zoom call today with 4 other really lovely ladies I have been friends with since 1970. We lived on “The Farm” together in Summertown, TN. We were back-to-the-landers and I learned a lot about living in a graceful and meaning filled life along with them. We laughed a lot and I feel elated!
Hi Dreama. I love today’s Feb Fun 15. I’ve always had a soft spot for cartoonists and cartoon characters and have collected “Calvin and Hobbes” books, as well as “Dilbert”, and “Pogo”. I even have a file in my computer of funny sayings, quotes, and cartoons. Thanks for the reminder of the value of laughter. “The joy of the Lord is my strength”. Nehemiah 8:10.
Hi Dreama, I just revisted your email/post on “Dance” to listen to some of the songs, and thought of some of my favorites to look up on Youtube, and found something I have been looking for for quite a while. Great soundtracks and dance/aerobic workouts, which of course makes exercise fun! Here is the link, and this fitness instructor has lots more, just search tanz & fitness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xewf0Ecyrfs. Thanks so much for the encouragement to have fun–very grateful!!
I thought it was interesting that today’s fun activity was to watch a sunrise/sunset because last night’s sunset lifted my spirit on my 35 min drive to choir. It was what I call a watercolor sky – with pinky-red and purple that almost looked neon. It lasted almost my full drive before it faded. I couldn’t help myself from saying out loud, “Thank you.”
I am a night owl and when my dog goes out late at night I stare at the moon or stars or listen to the hooting of an owl and think what a beautiful world this is. I know there is evil out there but I look for the beauty in the stillness of the night or the calls of the wild and know there is hope.
Watched the world light up this AM. Saw a deer hop across the yard the other day. Keep expecting a return surprise.
I had so much fun making little cards with leftover scraps of watercolor paper! I made tiny little paintings and left room to write affirmations, like “You’ve got this!” And “Look up, not down—smile!” I made one with a cactus that said “Prickly pear hasn’t a care—why should you?” I made a whole bunch and sent a set to each of my children for Valentines Day. Can’t wait to hear what they think about them ❤️
Since I am not an early bird, it is usually the Sunset that I see! I have a folder on my iPad with nothing but Sky photos from my beach studio. This week I have been trying to paint them but it is hard to beat God’s handiwork.
Just live to start my day dancing to “Happy” Haven’t done that in ages and it feels great!!! Thanks Dreama. I’m putting on my “Soul”music!!
Here where I am in the BJa the sunsets can be so special the dust in the air will at times cause the sky to have a 180 degee ring all the way around. Colors, pink, lavender, orange changing as the sun sinks lower and lower. First time I’d ever seen a complete circle of color like that.
Good Morning World,
it is just past 4AM and I am joyful. I see the sunrise most days in NM, without cloud cover. I will see it again in a few hours.
Today, Dreama, you told us to find our joy in the sunrise. I do and I will. But today, I already know my greatest joy was in reading your words in my in-box. Your writing is so beautiful. Every time. Always. You lift me. You are my friend.
We are blessed to live out in the country, in Ohio. Because of the expanse of land around us, we get to see the sunrises and sunsets in all of their glorious beauty. We see God’s hand moving across the sky in such brilliance, such explosive color! Every single day is magnanimous! We used to live in a small town, on a postage stamp of land, with tall trees surrounding the perimeter of that land. We could barely see over the tree tops. Now, we see the horizon, miles away from our home. Every day is a surprise! We are thankful, so thankful. Yes, this is certainly a gift.
I loaded dance music, today while out for a mountain walk I may or may not have had some dance moves going on. My rhythm and pace was much better and I had FUN!
Great idea! Love it!😍
This is perfect. Thank you, Dreama . I love your playlist
“ And when you get the chance to sit it out or dance…I hope you dance.”.
I paint to dance music and find it a great way to choose joy over fear. P.S. love your playlist and it has most of my favorite songs to paint by. I just added Justin Timbelakes – Suit and Tie!
Happy, Happy!
Dreama I love to dance since I was about five years old. I try to keep the beat always when I listen to upbeat music. It help you mentally and physically. When my husband and I belonged to a RV club, the club had rally’s twice a year, it was always fun to dance and see the spirit of othes dancing.
This is perfect Dreama! I have to go to Costco today–I think I’ll dance my way in and out of the other shoppers.
I totally agree ….I started “dance walking” to my dance/”move my body for the fun of it” playlist on spotify….. Since I haven’t been doing my daily swim at the gym during the pandemic…this has been the closest I’ve been able to come to replacing my swim practice. My swim practice was about so much more than simply a way to exercise… the dance walking doesn’t replace all those reasons …although I do find that it is about more than simple being a way to get some exercise in. Here’s my spotify dance playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ZqlSKbspVd70xm4yRPUsS?si=AITQaMzhT6SFvkvSsGdotQ
Dancing alone. Dancing with my granddaughters. Dancing with my fur kids. And dancing while I’m painting!
( I started that in 2014:) )
Everything is better with dancing feet🥰
The music just makes my heart SING!
I dance around the house everyday I’m 78 music is so uplifting
Choose Joy
I am the one with the smile.
Thank you so much for sharing your happiness with me. You’re such a good person and I’m grateful to “know” you. I’m indebted to you.
Thanks Dreams for suggesting the fun post its. I do some similar by playing the alphabet game. Starting with a you say something kind about yourself. Example A – I am artistic
B- I am beautiful
C – I am creative
Etc! Have a fun and adventurous day!
I’m reading this is the car. I like this idea, especially adding something to the back door. I have several photos around the thread stand in my studio and around my bathroom mirror. I have a few words. More words = more better. Thank you.
Think happy, be happy, do happy!
Each night, think of something that made you happy that day.. Each morning think of something happening that you look forward to.
Tiptoe, my wonderful shepherd dog and live-in best friend, died shortly before I received your first fun email.
Her passing was unexpected – she was old but still lived life as exuberantly as a pup.
I was torn up and thrown into the dumps.
But I listened to you Dreama and there she was in spirit:
‘Come on mum, oh boy didn’t we have fun! All you have to do now is remember that!”
And I did – she had a great sense of humour and delight in fun of all kinds.
And suddenly I was laughing and dancing with her.
It will take time, I know. But I wrote this and will be guided by it:
The Path back to Happiness
Moments of sadness
Moments of gladness
Step by step
We find our way.
Dreama – you’re an angel.
With thanks from and my spirit dog Tiptoe
Im taking your little suggestion “poem” about fun and substituting each good quality I can think of that I wish to claim for the word “fun”, and think of sharing it, such as love, care, creativity, health, abundance, truth, friendship, freedom, etc. Whatever I want for myself, I give.
I had fun bowling w/my 7and 9 year old grandchildren, my daughter and my husband. Haven’t bowled in 20 years!
My mind wonders everyday but, today I focused…… until I saw a squirrel and then, something shiny. But, somewhere in between the rapid eye movement I saw Italy, sheep and pidohy (the Slovak pierogi(I’m 1/2 Slovak))….. Italy, is important because….. I want my husband to experience it with me…..sheep because that is what I’ve been recently wanting to paint (and Dreama has an upcoming Flow Show (and I feel like I need a series( because I read that she mentioned that once (you see how my brain works))) WHEW!!! and pidohy (im exhausted to type about it!!!!!!!! today, I found the Pierogikitchen! took ,my husband for a drive and spent $100 on food that my Grammy used to cook.OMG!!! We’ve started to look at cruise because, that might be the smartest thing and Im going to paint sheep!!!! Thank you Dreama for encouraging me to be my best! xoxoxoxoxo
So today, as I look out at the incredibly beautiful landscape of sunlight, snow and -43C, I’m imagining the smell of sweet peas. They’re one of my favourite flowers (although, I’d hate to have to choose just one) and I wasn’t able to grow any last year. This year it will be a ‘wall of sweet peas’ to scent the stairs leading to our entry.
…such a ‘delicious’, pampering activity…it does bring a sense of well being
Dearest Dreama,
I couldn’t wait to tell you that I have been practicing this “imagining” that you suggest and it is really powerful!
My husband and I like to make lists of impossible dreams before breakfast. Just like in Alice in Wonderland and the tea party.
When the world seemed bleak in so many ways during the pandemic this was a bright light in my day. The dream of a travel van made me feel so good that I just kept thinking about it.
Then one day I started looking for them on the RV trader. Now we own one!
When my daughters were little we use to go on camping trips and I would love the vistas of all the places we went. One time I asked my former husband if I could have some time to paint, he said no. I decided then, that someday I would have a travel van and stop wherever I wanted to draw and paint.
To see our Mercedes Sprinter parked out front is proof that imagining does make things manifest!
Thank you for sharing this practice with us.
Can’t wait to start!
Wandering through the flower markets in Paris that I have been so lucky to visit in the past!
Looking forward to this month of fun. Thank you Dreama.
Today I dream of a day with my mom. Back in Cozumel MX by the ocean and sharing an amazing meal that neither of us cooked. Drinking a cool beverage and marveling at the ocean and sky! I painted our hands, holding in July 2018 before she traveled to heaven.
Pretend/imagine was always my favorite activity as a child. My father taught me how to see/imagine with only words to guide us. Oh the adventures we had!! It’s an ability that has gotten me through many a trying time, and I’m forever grateful for his wisdom and guidance. He also taught me to see & appreciate nature, and was always so delighted to see my latest creation. He passed away a month ago, and I miss him
Is this where we leave our comments?
For the first, I shower in the evening as I sleep better with the day washed off. I did take more time to appreciate, knees, feet and toes: elbows, hands and finger. I also appreciate that I have warm water with which to shower.. Water…
Imagine…..such a beautiful word!
Someone just gifted me a tube of “Skin so Soft” which I put to good use!
Awesome! I haven’t realized how criticalI I am of my body…taking what it does for me for granted…well, that is stopping right now! Thank you for the wake up! ❤️
I love that Disney’s creative workers were called Imagineers! I want to imagine I can go for a walk in the woods and find pretty wildflowers to sketch and watercolors. That would make me happier than anything on earth right now!
A friend posted a beautiful mansion viewed through a forest in a snowstorm. I toured that home years ago, and started to imagine walking it’s halls again, visiting for high tea, chatting with the folks who happily lived there, who are now smiling with the angels.
Love on me ~
Love my eyes for seeing colors ~ cool colors in snow shadows and the blue flash of bluebirds in flight! Love in my eyes.
I went dancing. The band played great music. I hadn’t been dancing in years, so I was a bit rusty and distracted by the surroundings at first, but the music did its magic. My partner was patient. After a bit I quit just remembering long ago when I used to dance and was a champion ice skater and just let the love and the music flow over me and dance now. Now is the only time we have. Now.
Eating red toffee apples, blowing huge bubbles, walking through the puddles after the rain with the mud squishing through your toes….
Better than imagining it…DO IT!
Went Snow tubing with my granddaughter. So much fun, memories made and felt like a kid again!!!
February 3…. I got in my soaking tub, lit candles and cut the lights off. Just relaxed and thought about all the blessings I have. THEN, when that was over I dried off and used my new jar of Coco Channel body cream!! It’s like butter! I slept so well that night and my husband loved the fragrance he had given me for Christmas!!!
Dreama, I’m often accused of having a vivid imagination. I enjoy imagining a back story to almost every painting or illustration I ever do……whether the story is true or not.
Good Morning 🌄 except it’s snowing here in MICHIGAN…. Imagine what a great word…I’m getting in a rutttt….. being inside so much, so this is a very welcome to today…thank you💕
I love this idea and I’m definitely going to do it this afternoon with a cup of tea!! Where is that boat and castle photo from! I want to pain it!!
Hello Dreama!
When I opened today’s email and read the message my first thought was about making my dream/project to become a Slovenian national come true. To my surprise, the image of the lake is a familiar one… the beautiful church on Lake Bled in Slovenia!
Thank you for your continued inspiration.
Imagination. I started a children’s book. I haven’t finished it and haven’t looked at it in a long time. I guess I would like to imagine finishing it one day when I get motivated to complete it
Holy Smokes! Today I took FULL advantage of the First February fun day! Even as I read Dreama’s task I envisioned Bridgerton episode 3 WHEW! I had to channel my exceptional husband and not the Duke of Hastings ! Well! that was easy! lololoolol. I didn’t get to it until after I showered my husband and his aide arrived but! a mimosa and lovely shower with philosophy amazing grace and moisturizer was awaiting. Even though life give each of us challenges….. I know I am very blessed xoxoxo thank you for being a part of my world
I loved bridgerton and loved your reply. I also share my imagination with my grandchildren. From the book we are going on a bear hunt, my grandchildren and I pretended we were going on a bear hunt .They put on boots and hiked through snow inside the house and many other adventures throughout our pretend adventures They loved it.
Today february 4 i put on my mask and got a pedicure and a manicure. I always try to do something for me. Since I have sensitive skin I use vanicream after my shower. I have a teak bath stool in my shower which my daughter gave me to christmas. I decided to get it before i needed it.
Funtastic❣. Can’t wait to try this. Just home from a pacemaker replacement so all shades of bruising going on. But I’m still ticking 🤗🙏❣. Sending L❣VE 💞🤗
Not only did my tired hands and over tired body needs this, but my soul needed this time to just relax and enjoy being a girlie girl again! Lately I have been putting myself on the back burner and now I going to make that conscious effort to be front and center in my life and my studio! Thank you for this gentle reminder. Looking forward to more!
Good Fun! I took my time for me after my long hot shower and used some wonderful body lotion I already had on the counter. I had a lift in my step going to my studio and was a little surprised that I felt good inside and out. It really worked Dreama! Thanks!😍
I love it! It’s hard to pin down exactly what happens, but it definitely works Lynne:-) And I miss you!! When am I going to get a private performance of La vie en Rose again? With that fabulous costuming you wore?? Tee hee 😉
That was a totally FUN spaghetti dinner!
Miss you😘
It was amazing how you suggest our we keep our body and to appreicate it. I do this most everynight. Also when I do my walk doing the day I thank God for all his love and healing for you, Ron, and all our dreametts. I turned 82 Monday and I thanked God for another day, a week and a year. Take care.
Happy Birthday Diane! Love and appreciate you so much!
Thank you Dreama for this wonderful exercise. I love the simple ordinariness of everyday things that can bring so much joy. I also thank God for these daily joys💕 much love to you and what you do for so many. Michele
Daily joys. I love how you describe this Michele–much love to you as well!!
Feb. 3rd…wonderful start to the “Love on you” memo. I started a Gratitude Journal this year…and this will be perfect to put in for a Gratitude starting today…and everyday. Thank you once more for “keeping us grounded”. You’re the best!
Gratitude journal–love it Joan. Journaling about what you do this month—it should be amazing and reveal so many good things!
Thank you for the lovely February fun. I feel a lot more relaxed after the thanking my body exercise and feel it lowered my blood pressure in the midst of these stressful times. I plan to do daily in some form – perhaps thanking a different body part daily and making it part of my daily gratitude exercise!
I love hearing this Erin. I’ve been doing it most every day. It just seems fitting–I love your idea of focusing on different body parts each day!
2-3 Love on You- I gave this a try. Two memories came flooding back. One summer day my neighbor Lynda had spent the morning at her window watching me do the never ending task of pulling weeds from my garden. That afternoon she told me I had brought her joy, and asked if I realized how fortunate I am that I am able to pull weeds? She said she’d give anything to be able to do that again. Later, Lynda was hospitalized. I visited her in the hospital, and she needed a bedpan. We rang the nurses button, and waited… rang again and waited…. and waited. Lynda asked me if I ever thanked God that I have the ability to use the bathroom independently. I had to admit that I never had- but I do think about it sometimes now. This morning’s exercise was a reminder to me to be grateful for the many things about this body that I take for granted. I am fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:14)
So, so true Betsy. Thank you for sharing this story. It’s so easy to take the body miracle for granted!
Just what I needed to hear today. I have been working on just this! Listening to my body and giving it some much needed love. Thank you!
Oh Dreama!! I haven’t hit the shower yet this morning but what a “fun” journey I’ve been on simply by just reading today’s first “fun” entry! A delightful smile covers my face not only anticipating a “love on myself” moment but enjoying you and your adventurous, creative. child-like spirit that spills out over everyone with each word your write. What fun to play “real life” with you and our fellow dreamettes! Thank you!
Rhema–what a thought–a love on yourself moment! I hope you managed to fit it in today!!
Thank you so much Dreama for this vision for February. I definitely need more self care in my life! ❤️🙏🏼❤️
Thank you so much. It’s been a while since I’ve done this kind of self care, but I know I’ll enjoy it when I am able to later today. It should be very relaxing, and a pure form of meditation.
I have been able to “Add this” opening page to my iPhone screen which will make it much easier for me to access these new daily treasures from you. All I have to do is tap on the little DTP icon I’ve very easily made.
Katie–that’s a great tech idea! Hope your self care time yielded beautiful things!
Thanks for this simple reminder to be thankful. I’ll do this tomorrow. I’m already up and going this morning. We’re driving 80 miles to chat through the window with my husband’s sister, on her birthday. After a fall that broke her hip and shoulder, she’s been in a care facility. She’s recently shown a little interest in doing therapy and getting back to her home. Blessings to you as you learn to live this life without your Mom and niece. Your paintings are so full of life and beautiful color. Thank you.
let the fun begin!!!!
Yes I already opted in for February fun I’ll be looking forward to the first post on February 3rd. I too suffered a hard loss on December 31st so I’m ready for diving into have some fun thank you Dreama!
Thank you, Dreama, for this wonderful opportunity! I feel for you recent loses. I have lost both of my parents over the last few years, and still miss them. My children and husband have been very supportive, and encourage me daily to keep painting. I am looking forward to adding your fun to my days. I have followed you and your painting for the last year, and you have brought me much joy during this difficult time. I sincerely hope you are doing well.
Peace, Carlene.
Hi Dream Team, I was looking for a FUN email today and didn’t get one. Just opted in again in case my first attempt didn’t go through. Thanks for including me!
Hi Ellen! You should have gotten an email when you signed up and the next one is on for Feb 3😊🙌
Please include me in your 15 day fun!
I am ready for some FUN xoxox gloria
Looking forward to this Dreama! I’ve invited some friends to come along for the ride. Let’s have some fun!
Website will be up within the month.
Looking forward to having fun.
Please, lots of homework.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Carol Snyder
My daughter was busy vacuuming and her two year old son was on the sofa talking with big expression. She turned off the vacuumed and said who are you talking to? He said “the lamp.” What is the lamps name? “Marvel” fun moment
Perfect… My birthday is Feb 15😊
I need more fun right now. This pandemic is taking too much time and too many lives. It’s getting harder to think of fun. Lets do this I’m in. Love to fun and Dreama
Dreama, you always have the best ideas and you always make them fun! I can’t wait to share in this time with you in Feb! Happy Birthday to me 😀.
I’m so sorry for your losses. Life is hard but I hope that joy of your memories and the love of God will bring you peace. Hugs!
Sounds like fun and perfect for February!
sounds like fun!
So excited to have another class with you … looking forward to the first fun email.
Take care,
Dreama, I am excited to see what you have in store for us. And since it is fun, I say bring it on!
Oh, I love this. How interesting that on January 1, I wrote, “Joie de Vivre,” and painted a heart with wings on the opening page of my 2021 planner/journal. Big hugs to my kindred spirits out there. We’re all in this together. Thank you, Dreama, and please know that I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Dreama, long time workshop participant and fan here, anyway, I’m a school teacher and during our hallway POW wows this week, , we were talking about what a funk we are in……..so I wanted to thank you for doing this. I will never forget excitedly waking up on Saturday mornings for your very first online workshop……and I am feeling that way again…..so thanks! If this is an assistant, please pass this on to her 😉
Count me in on the fun for February! Great idea to lift our spirits during these trying times.
Thanks, Dreama. I am so looking forward to this.
Would love to join you! I’m so sorry to hear of your great losses, heartbreaking. I send you and your whole family love and hugs and will pray for peace and comfort for you all.
Looks like a fun time! 😃
This will be fun!
Looking forward to having fun with you in Feb. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents on line.
Let the fun begin!
Can’t wait for this special Dreama.
Thanks Dreama,
You are truly and sincerely amazing! A gift!
What a great idea! Thank you for leading this month of fun. I’ve played with the idea for quite a while that people just don’t know how to have fun. I’m sorry to hear about your loss and am happy that you are honoring her by spreading enjoyment to others.
Thank you for a beautiful thing to look forward to, Dreama.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.